Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,821 to 4,840 of 58,959
  1. The Yiddish Voice

    Abraham Brumberg on "The Yiddish Voice" radio program, primarily in Yiddish. Disc 1: August 8, 2001, Abraham Brumberg talks with Mark David about the new book "Stalin's Secret Pogrom: The Postwar Inquisition of the Jewish Antifascist Committee" (2001), edited by Rubinstein. He also presents the poetry of Soviet writers. Disc 2: August 13, 2008, A program in memory of the late Dr Brumberg, featuring Forverts writer Iosif Lakhman.

  2. Oral history interview with Kalman Russek

  3. Life in DP camps in Germany

    A documentary film about the life of the Jewish people in the DP camps in Germany. Children boarding trains. Supplies. UNRRA. Men kissing. Loading displaced women and luggage onto flatbed trucks. MS, baby lifted onto truck. More shots of DPs boarding truck, loading luggage. CU, boy with guitar and other children, waving goodbye as trucks depart. In Landsberg, women with babies and carriages in the park, children playing. Man speaking to crowd, davening. Religious ceremony. Hebrew memorial sign reading "150,000." Pan, men at meeting, sitting at table. Man delivering speech, reading. Crowd lo...

  4. 700 Years Celebration of Berlin

    Parade of floats. Chimney sweeps. Crowds. Umbrellas. Brandenburg Gate. Children. Berliner Weisse. Old women watch. Some HAS, quick cuts. 01:03:03 "Eröffnung der Wallbergstrasse bei Tegernsee durch Stabschef Lutze" [SA Chief Lutze opens Wallbergstreet near Tegernsee] “Deutsche Arbeit” 01:03:42 Car floats with Nazi themes. One large eagle. "Fest der Pferde." "Pferdezüchter der Bretagne." Horse show. Peasant costumes. 01:05:22 "Verkehrs…" Chemnitz. Traffic signal training. Closeup of traffic signals. Policeman testing cart driver. “Verkehrssünder” [Traffic sinners] 01:07:13 “Slalom im kayak au...

  5. Representations of the Jew in Nazi German Propaganda

    Eight archival film segments compiled for a summer staff seminar in 2008. The production was also created as a possible program related to the Musuem's propaganda initiative. Segments include: Goebbels, February 10, 1933 [01:17] "Kaufmann, nicht Haendler" (1933/1936) [02:40] Goebbels, UFA newsreel 1935 [01.04] "Der Ewige Jude" (1940) [07:25] "Juden, Lause, Wanzen" (1942) [01:25] "Kampf dem Fleckfieber" (1942) [01:30] Warsaw ghetto, unfinished film (1942) [12:20] Propaganda film team in Theresienstadt (1942) [01:00]

  6. Oral history interview with Paula Kempinski

  7. Boder visits family in Latvia before the Holocaust

    David Boder with family in Liepaja, Latvia - pre-war. A man and woman standing on a balcony with decorative iron scrolling. (0:07) Two men dressed in suits step out of a building. A sign in the background says J. Simson. Two couples in a park walk toward the camera and smile. A different man, dressed in a suit, smiles at the camera, then walks down a set of steps. There is a plaque on a stone column next to the steps [plaque is illegible]. A woman walks arm in arm with a man in a uniform, then the same man in uniform walks with two women who are smiling. Two women in front of a statue, like...

  8. Lwow compilation: video finding aid

    Compilation of footage on wartime Lwow, including the Lwow pogrom in 1941. Scenes show Jews being rounded up and beaten. 01:00:05 to 01:04:52 RG-60.3121 Ukrainian Central State Archives of Film, Photos & Sound, 2440 R.1 (1939) 01:04:54 to 01:06:12 RG-60.3122 Ukrainian Central State Archives of Film, Photos & Sound, 2440 R.2 (1939) 01:06:14 to 01:15:04 RG-60.3112 Liberation of Ukrainian and Belorussian land from Polish landlords Ukrainian Central State Archives of Film, Photos and Sound, 539 R.2 (1940) (in 00:14:59 out 00:23:40 of original tape) 01:15:05 to 01:25:15 RG-60.3119 Soviet...

  9. German Order Police; Warsaw in ruins; Germans occupy Polish towns

    Excerpts from the private records of Nazi official, Kurt Kreikenbom, a gendarmerie colonel, including films titled "Polen" and "Einsatz in Russland". In color, two order policemen in uniform on horses, street scenes and panning towards a building with trees in bloom, location unknown. WS, pan, large building. Switches to black and white, pan river, bridge. Polish town square with pedestrians (including an elderly Jew) and horse-drawn carriages, field with small homes. 00:02:08 Warsaw street scenes, pedestrians, traffic, statue, people walk across bridge. LS, pan, bridge across Vistula river...

  10. Dora Camp; opening of railroad bridge

    LIB 6703 Camp Dora Nordhausen, Germany May 16, 1945 A car driving through a lot, airplane hangar in BG. VS, Congressman Everett Dirksen of Illinois and Commander John S Young step out of a car and board a small plane. They disembark and greet two US officers. The officers then bring them on a tour of prison camp Dora. They stand outside a building with a sign that reads, “HEADQUARTERS CAMP DORA.” The visitors question a former prisoner. VS, Congressman Dirksen and Commander Young visit various locations on the grounds, including an underground factory where V-1 and V-2s were manufactured. L...

  11. Conscripts forced to labor in Hungary

    Magyar Híradó 816. Intertitle: “MÁTÉSZALKA. A VIII. közérdekíí munkaszolgálatos zászlóalj út-építési munkálatai. M.F.I.-KISS E.” Forced labor battalions constructing roads. Men dig shovels and pickaxes into the dirt. Others unload materials from wagons alongside a pile of large rocks next to train tracks. WS of the labor battalions working in a field. Some move wheelbarrows full of rocks and others keep digging in the dirt. Others in the battalion work on breaking up the large rocks into smaller ones using sledgehammers. Behind them, officers survey their work. Men kneel down and hammer awa...

  12. Radio Luxembourg Collection

    Contents include propaganda broadcasts transmitted from 1944-1945 by the black propaganda radio station Sender 1212 (Radio 1212) and interviews conducted in 1979 with ex-personnel, Edmund Schechter and Hanuš Burger.

  13. Excerpts from private film collections: American soldiers encounter Nazi atrocities at liberation

    The Nazi concentration camps shocked the battle-hardened young men and women in the US military who encountered them in 1945. American soldiers and nurses shot these amateur films using handheld cameras. Eyewitness Films is now on display at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as part of the special exhibition, American Witnesses. The video is a curated selection of private film footage from the Museum's Spielberg Film Archive, which collects, preserves, and provides access to important eyewitness documentation of World War II and the Holocaust. There is graphic content that may not...

  14. Oral history interview with Julius Blum

  15. Reporters cover the opening of the Barbie Trial

    The opening of the trial against Klaus Barbie on the lunch hour news show "Midi 2," dated May 11 1987. Press were only allowed to film the opening of the trial. Shots include the arrival of Klaus Barbie and the President of the Court (the steward of the trial, Andre Cerdini), the roll call of attorneys and present witnesses, and commentary by Midi 2's reporter on the trial itself. The press are dismissed at the end of the clip, as they aren't allowed to film anything beyond the very start of the session before jurors are selected. As the dismissal takes place, the reporter (Paul Lefevre) de...

  16. Excerpts from private film collections of prewar Jewish life

    A glimpse into the lives of individuals who were soon swept into the destruction of the war. (28:45 minutes) Part One of a three-part video series representing the Holocaust experience with the rich and very personal imagery found in the Museum’s private film collections. Such vivid cultural documents is at once familiar, intimate, and individual, and captures everyday subjects which are quite similar to how people experience life today -- like holidays, birthdays, vacations, or leisure activities. Created solely of amateur films or home movies from over 30 collections, the production conve...

  17. Oral history interview with David Jakubowski

  18. Business travel in Mindanao

    Walter Rauscher travels to Mindanao as the Manila representative for Levy & Blum, Inc.

  19. Prewar life in an Austrian village and tourist views of Prague

    Amateur footage shot in Schruns, Austria (identified by the location of the Hotel Taube, which appears in the film). AUSTRIAN VILLAGE title. Low aerial shots of picturesque village, focusing on a church spire. Children and adults, many dressed very formally and/or in local costume (long dresses, hats, dirndls) walk outdoors near the church. A priest or monk speaks with a group of young boys. Townspeople, men and boys wear top hats and lederhosen or breeches, on the occasion of a Catholic holiday(?). Shop signs advertise film equipment/stock - Agfa and Perutz. 01:59 German flag with a swasti...

  20. Refugees; captured Germans; bombed towns; GIs; marching into Paris

    Civilians with rucksacks walking down street with belongings. Some wheeling bicycles. Refugees. These are twilight shots, autumn leaves in the pictures. Red Cross truck followed by jeep coming down street. More shots of refugees. Some of the men are dressed in suits and ties, roads are wet and muddy. Woman wheeling a pushcart with belongings. Two people embrace. Stevens walks toward camera. Empty wet street. Tank coming through town past Hotel Caspiel Hindenburg. Men running, including cameraman, some men firing mortars, others small light weapons. Members of camera crew visible in frame. P...