Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,801 to 4,820 of 58,959
  1. Kriegsberichterstattung: Tiger nach vorn Teil I

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Joachim Manzinoki, SS Standarte Kurt Eggers, 3. Kriegsberichter-Kompagnie. "Tigers to the Front" Part 1. Report on the drum and a short radio extract.

  2. Members of the Israel Bond Planning Commission visit Israel to see projects funded by Israel bonds.

    Main title reads "A Visit to Israel by the Israel Bond Planning Commission." Members of the commission pose in front of a passenger jet. Henry Montor appears on the far left as you look at the screen. A banner reading "Shalom International Bond Leaders" adorns the entryway to the airport. Title card: "Tel Aviv, Israel's largest city and center of many industries." An Israel Bond Planning Commission bus passes by beach, factory, and residential property. The streets are thronging with cars, pedestrians and bicyclists. Members of the commission exit the bus and tour the Amcor appliance (?) fa...

  3. German scientists and V-2

    German Scientists and V-2. November 21, 1946. LS of rocket in testing derrick. MS of men around rocket in derrick. Group of German scientists who are working on the V-2. CU of Jurt Linder and Mr Heuter, testing derrick. MS Mr Zeiler, famous mountain climber, looking at the Organ Mountains in BG. LS rocket being fired. Rocket leaving the ground going through the air. LS of hangar where rockets are assembled. Col Turner with some of the scientists. Dr Wernher von Braun, inventor of the V-2, leads members of the press past one of the rockets. CU of von Braun. Von Braun and his assistant examin...

  4. "The story of two sisters"

    Describes the experiences of the author's twin sisters, Hela and Rela Markovitz, before World War II; the German invasion of Poland; the confiscation of Jewish property; the establishment of the ghetto in Kraków, Poland; the death of the author's parents; the twins' deportation to and experiences in the ghetto in Tarnów, Poland, and the camps of Płaszów, Skarżysko-Kamienna, and Hasag-Leipzig; Aktionen; the sanitary conditions and distribution of food; sexual favors being sold by female inmates for food; the twins' survival of a death march; their liberation and reunion with surviving fa...

  5. Resele | Ayara Boeret

    Yiddish recordings. Words and melody (both sides) by Mordecai Gebirtig. Hebrew translations by Levinson. Performers: Sara Yaari (voice); Shmuel Fershko (piano). Tslil 262, 265. Recorded late 1940s. Side A - Resele. Side B - Ayara Boeret - the Hebrew version of "Undzer shtetl brent" also known as "Es brent".

  6. Levy family on SS Rotterdam returning to US

    "SS Rotterdam" ship at sea. The travelers took this boat back to New York (July 20-29, 1927). The family boards the boat. Emilie Jane in her father's arms. Robert and Sally, August and Hartman, and Robert and Carl play shuffleboard. Emilie Jane plays with a small sandbox on the ship deck. Robert, August, and Dora Hartman lounge in deck chairs. Emilie plays. Robert plays shuffleboard. Clara Levy reads a book. August converses with another passenger. Robert hugs his little sister, Emilie. Lou and Dora Hartman. CU, Sally Hartman reading. Passengers on deck. Emilie Jane poses inside the life pr...

  7. Kim Fellner Collection

    Photographs and documents related to donor's parents, Rudi Fellner and Anita Heufeld Fellner. Includes photographs of the SS Pentcho, and documents related to the Fellner family in Ferramonti internment camp and Windemere children's home.

  8. Funeral; Rabbis; Jewish Cemetery

    Magyar Híradó 473. An intertitle reads, “A Magyar úszósport nagy vesztesége. Általános részvét kisér-te utolsó útjára a magyar úszósport vilásikereinek leeks megteremtójét, Komjádi Bélát. M.F.J.” The funeral crowd outside a large building with two dead trees in front. Men in black carry the coffin amongst a sea of other funeral attendees. Photographers stand on the side. Two men carry pillows presenting the medals of the deceased. A man speaks to the crowd above the place where the coffin has been laid down. Includes shots of rabbis and the Jewish cemetery.

  9. Driving tour of Berlin, Frankfurt, and Wiesbaden in ruins

    Road framed by trees. Berlin in ruins. The damaged Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church with a large empty circle that was once the rose window. Buildings to the left and right of the church have also been badly damaged in the air raids. Side of a building: “Burgfeller.” Only the exterior walls of these buildings remain. People walk along the sidewalk. Repeat shots of the church and the surrounding buildings. 01:04:29 Two women and a man by a statue in a garden. The blonde woman and man in front of a large estate, calm lake. They look at a statue and climb to the palace entrance. Shot of trees fr...

  10. Oral history interviews by Vivian Tucker

  11. Jewish orphans leave Prague for England after WWII

    Scenes showing a group of Jewish orphans leaving Prague for England under a British Home Office plan to transport one thousand orphaned concentration camp survivors to recuperate in Britain before their resettlement. This footage shows some of the 300 children, mostly boys, who were liberated from Theresienstadt and flown from Prague to England on August 14, 1945. They were initially settled at a hostel in Windermere where they received medical care. Boys board a Stirling aircraft on a grassy field at the Ruzyne airfield in Prague. One boy boards carrying a flag. Interior shots of the boys ...

  12. JDC aids DPs

    The clip begins, with a JDC spokesperson speaking at a podium: "...of the 80,000 Jews who have survived in Poland today, at least 70,000 require assistance." Then, voice over narration begins with music in the background and montage of shots described below: "...though the number is tragically small the need is greater than ever, for them JDC alone halts the hand of death..." DPs eating (including children). Medical exam - children. DPs receive clothing from JDC. Orphans from Buchenwald enroute to Marseilles, France and then on to Palestine: Children board train - US army personnel look on....

  13. DP camps compilation

    Compilaton containing footage of displaced persons camps from the SSFVA produced as research for the Museum's special exhibition on displaced persons called "Life Reborn: Jewish Displaced Persons 1945-1951" on display from December 8, 1999 to May 21, 2000.

  14. Speeches at the 1933 harvest festival in Bueckeberg (Part 2)

    Title: "Deutscher Erntedanktag 1933 auf dem Bückeberg bei Hameln” “II. Teil.” Nazi flags, officers. “Auf dem Bückeberg.” An enormous crowd gathered on the hill to observe parade of military. Nazi flags on tall poles. Band waiting to march. Soldiers lounge in the grass. Cavalrymen approach their horses. 01:02:32 Intertitle: “Ankunft der Diplomaten.” Train carrying German diplomats. The side of the train reads, “MITROPA.” The diplomats, dressed in fine clothing, walk away from the train. 01:03:53 Intertitle: “Die Ehrengäste und Ab-ordnungen der Bauern-schaft begeben sich zur Festtribüne.” Gue...

  15. Ponar Yizkor

    A personal-poetic statement by the Holocaust survivor Meïr Shapiro with (commercially recorded) background music.

  16. Oral history interview with Dora Russek

  17. Illich family visits Bad Gastein, 1936

    More scenes of life and the family visit to Bad Gastein, beginning with a farmer and his boys shoveling hay into a wagon. The family eats at an outside restaurant. The boys walk along a path in the mountains with their grandfather Fritz (and a nanny/host?). Waterfall. The boys enjoy another meal outdoors. The family takes a carriage ride through the city, and into the mountains. The boys pick flowers and rocks for their grandfather, who rests on a boulder, and then they thank him with hugs. Countryside. Cows meander about on a country road, near village homes. The boys ride horses and walk ...

  18. Julien Bryan Collection compilation

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a presentation given by Raye Farr, Regina Longo, Russ Suniewick, and Sam Bryan for the Orphan 5 Film Symposium at the University of South Carolina in March 2006.

  19. Julien Bryan Collection compilation

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a Museum public program on April 16, 2004. Scenes include: -Georgia, Caucasus Mountains, 1933 -Russia, 1936 -Krakow, old market square & Jewish quarter, Kazimierz, 1936 -Krakow, old market square & Jewish quarter, Kazimierz, 1936 -Warsaw, city center & Jewish quarter, 1936/37; Krakow, main market square, 1936/37 -Katowice (main city of Upper Silesia), Poland, 1936/37; Gdynia, Poland, 1936/37; Danzig, 1936/37; Warsaw, Poland 1936/37 -Polish countrysi...

  20. Military vehicles; Christmas; devastated town

    EXT. Sign: "Maastricht Centrum 2.1, Tongeren 20." There is light snow on the ground. Vehicles passing jeep Toluca. CU of Stevens, smiles, points. Guard checking passing truck. Rooftops with vapor trails of planes in the BG. Street scene, a check point with a GI and a civilian. Christmas sequence. CU boxes of 105mm Howitzer shells, pan to Stevens sitting on jeep. He writes "Merry Christmas" with his finger in snow on the jeep. Stevens, bareheaded, crewcut, opening Christmas present. Shows package with card: "To Dad from _____and George." Opens package, it is a shaving kit. Shaving kit is fil...