Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,781 to 4,800 of 58,959
  1. Theatrical revue staged by Illich family and friends

    Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. Several elaborate revue scenes. Ivan performs for the camera. Micha and Sascha sing and dance together. 02:19:29 One dresses as the Mayor of Split. Marion Stein (daughter of Erwin Stein, a very important colleague of Mahler, Bartok, Weber) dances for the camera. Several scenes of the children, including Marion, performing with an accordion.

  2. Belsen: Loading women's corpses onto truck

    Germans/Nazis heaving women's brittle flattened bodies on back of flatbed truck. (GRAPHIC FOOTAGE)

  3. Prewar Jewish life in Alsace-Lorraine; tourist views

    June 8-15, 1927 in Ingwiller (the family stayed at the Hotel de la Gare in Alsace-Lorraine). Stone house in Ingwiller, France where August Levy grew up. Emilie and Robert play. Street life in the village - cow pulling a wagon with passengers moves along the town's main road passing "Epicerie et Mercerie" shop. 01:03:07 CUs of Levy relatives: Lucy Levy; Rachel Meis, half-sister of Henry Meis (who brought August Levy to Cincinnati in 1892), and August; Henry Meis (1857-) with Lucy Levy; another relative (woman) with Clara Levy; Henry Meis with Lucy Levy again, followed by Rachel Meis; Clara L...

  4. Oral history interview with Ruth Meyerowitz

  5. Vienna tourist sites

    UFA logo. Official film of buildings in Vienna, introduced with German titles (this was not filmed by Maexie). Includes shots of St. Stephens Church, Ringstrasse, bustling street scenes, Rathaus, Burgtheater, pedestrians/street scenes, State Opera, traffic, Stadtpark, art/statues, tram, fountains, amusements, and crowds. Ende.

  6. Comic monologues

    Comic monologues (circa 1933) performed by famed Warsaw cabaret artist Bolesław Norski-Nożyca (1911-ca. 1943). Side A: Bridge Text: Antoni Słonimski Recitation: Bolesław Norski-Nożyca Syrena-Electro 3942 23136 (1933) Side B: Psiakrew! [Dammit!] Text: Julian Tuwim Recitation: Bolesław Norski-Nożyca Syrena-Electro 3942 23137 (1933)

  7. 257th German Infantry in Galicia region

    Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. In the region of Galicja (near the border of Poland and the Ukraine), German officers from the 257th Infantry round Jewish civilians wearing white armbands into forced labor divisions in the town center. Galicja had a large Jewish population (about 800,000) living relatively peacefully amongst the larger Ukrainian and Polish populations in the 1930s. The women of Galicja buy and sell vegetables and other goods in the market. HAS of the crowded marketplace. Jewi...

  8. USHMM Tribute to Liberators

    AV production honoring the role of liberators during the Holocaust shown at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in May 2004 during the opening of the national World War II Memorial in Washington, DC.

  9. Illich family visits Salzburg

    The three Illich boys stand outside a car with their luggage. Boarding a Lufthansa bus. A Nazi plane ("TACA D-AJAT" and swastika) takes off from an airfield. On the river, large buildings, taking photographs at a bridge, swastika banners. City street scenes, INT of café. Salzburg train station. Shots of the countryside from a train. The twins walk through a field. Taking a boat tour of the lake, photographs, rowboat with all three boys. A large group of tourists walk through the village - swastika, Konditerei, small streets, marching band, boat. Shots from inside a cave. Mountains in the di...

  10. US soldiers resting at campsite

    Underexposed sequence of men with mess kits, standing around waiting. Cleaning mess kits, various CUs. Campsite activity continues. Lieutenant passing out lifesavers, cigarettes, opening mail, etc. Men digging hole or trench, clowning around. Jeep has sign that reads: "Messenger - do not delay." Hands something to people in tent and drives off. Various shots of camp. Moffat and others cooking on fire and eating. Shot from INT of truck and reverse angle of men loading in. VS of men walking around and eating from mess kits. VS of muddy ground. Dark haired GI with round, steel-rimmed glasses. ...

  11. Oral history interview with Dina Abelson

  12. Hinzert camp; convoy

    Collection du Film Scolaire no. 100101 Hinzert. Includes French titles. Soldiers gather for repatriation of Luxembourgers who died in Hinzert. Official ceremony takes place on March 9, 1946. Military trucks. INTs chapel, ceremony for those who died, coffins, men in striped uniforms. 00:01:40 "Grand Duche de Luxembourg Education Nationale Film Scolaire" title. "Les ceremonies qui ont eu lieu lors du transfert de nos heros vers le sol natal les 9 et 10 Mars 1946" "Dans la brume du 9 Mars 1946, a 8 heures, un convoi compose de 12 camions part pour Hinzert" Snowy, windy field. Sign: "Hinzert 2....

  13. Kriegsberichterstattung: Judenherrschaft in Sovj. Russland

    War coverage in French addressing the Jew in the Soviet Union to illustrate that the war is about the Jews or was fomented by Jews. Bertrand Nicole, the war reporter/correspondent, speaking in French with a German accent, talks to a Russian woman who escaped the Soviet Union with her daughter with just the clothes on their backs, finding refuge in a camp run by the Waffen-SS. The Russian woman barely speaks any French (the interviewer finishes her sentences). The conversation is meant to demonstrate that the Jews are responsible for all of the ills that befall Russian citizens. For example,...

  14. Destruction; German prisoners of war

    Scenes of destruction in Volkmarsen, Germany. Murray stands in front of the river. A castle on a hill. Street scenes in Kassel, Germany. The soldiers cross another river. German prisoners at Heiligenstadt. Panoramic views of the countryside. Former German army barracks in Naumberg, Germany, with slogan in German. It is now April of 1945.

  15. Oral history interview with Benedetto Amat

  16. War destruction in Belgium

    Jeep Toluca struggling through muddy road. Shots of vapor trails in the sky. A low contrast scene, seems to be corpses, there is a sign that reads: "Bastogne, Houffalize, N23, N27, information." Bombed out building in BG, Stevens in winter coat and helmet.

  17. SS Sonderlager Hinzert in 1946

    Collection du Film Scolaire no. 204 SS Sonderlager Hinsert Sign: "SS-Sonderlager-Hinzert." LS camp, barbed wire, snowy grounds, destroyed camp buildings, debris. Some dark shots and interior shots of graffiti on walls. Gravesite 164 in forest, pan. 00:02:58 Cart with corpses. Int, barracks with bodies.

  18. Riding ferry to Russian harbor

    People aboard ferry, VAR shots, sailors, signs in Russian, pan. Shots of city at riverside seen from the boat as it travels.

  19. Silent film star marries in synagogue

    Magyar Híradó 62. Gitta Alpár and her fiancee stand in front of a synagogue, with crowds of people to the right and left. Gitta clutches a white coat around her and dons a crown-like headpiece. They walk down the stairs, and Gitta shakes a few people’s hands. Her husband tips his hat. Behind them is a young flower girl, carrying a bouquet. A man to Gitta’s right hands her a bouquet of flowers. CU of the newly married couple. Gita in a carriage, smiling. Her husband joins her, and the carriage pulls away. Another man and woman dressed in furs and sitting in a carriage, likely members of the ...

  20. Terezin recital

    "Terezin Recital" EP. Supraphon. In German and Czech. Side A: C2306. Ilse Weber (comp); Ich Wandere durch Theresienstadt; Wiegenlied. Side B: C2307. Pavel Hass (sic), Song to Old Chinese Text; Gideon Klein, Sonata for Piano Solo; Joseph Chaloupka, Bread.