Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,581 to 4,600 of 58,959
  1. Jewish family vacations in southern France

    The Dutch-Jewish Bed family (Meijer, Kaatje, Elly (Jetje) and John) enjoys their vacation in a beach resort town in southern France, probably Juan les Pins. Beachgoers on the sand, under rows of sun umbrellas, and in the water. Jetje and John row a paddleboard/boat. Sand sculpture in the shape of a reclining woman. Sunbathers perform gymnastics. 03:43 Sign that says Hollywood in the BG. Kaatje (in plaid swim dress) walks into the surf while smiling at the camera. Meijer wades in the water. Kaatje rides a bike then sits at an outdoor bar (blurry). WS of a hilltop town. Waterfalls and a strea...

  2. Trims of Russian scenes: bucolic mountains; city street scenes

    TRIMS depicting a variety of activities in daily life throughout Russia. HS, boats on lake in mountains, bucolic atmosphere. 01:10:02 Pedestrians walking in city, street scene.

  3. Oral history interview with Antonia Paulavicius

  4. Oral history interview with Edith Lande

  5. Postwar destruction; German occupation in Bulgaria

    Reel 1 Bulgarian intertitles. Contemporary footage of a man singing a song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar (the song is performed other times over the duration of the film). Footage of postwar Sofia and Nazi atrocities - ovens, corpses, children showing their tattoos after the liberation of Auschwitz. Denmark, bicycles. CUs memorials, tombstones. Train. Hitler in mountains, meeting with Bulgarian official. Star of David patch. Antisemitic propaganda leaflets. CUs, newspapers. Nazis marching, flags with swastikas. CUs, documents and telegrams. Still photographs of Jews, synagogue. Contem...

  6. Private co-educational H. Epsztejn Humanistic Gymnasium in Vilnius Koedukacyjne Humanistyczne Gimnazjum Żydowskie z językiem wykładowym polskim w Wilnie (Fond 199)

    The collection contains minutes of the gymnasium’s examination committee, high school and primary school students' behavior and progress report cards, primary school students' registration book, student applications for admission to high school and primary school, students' personal files, academic certificates and other related documentation. Personal files, applications for admission to school, and educational certificate files arranged according to the surnames of students in alphabetical order. Most of the student’s personal files also include photos of students.

  7. Oral history interview with Julia Field

  8. Einsatzgruppen shooting of Jews, Latvia

    An Einsatzgruppe execution between late July and mid-August 1941. Jewish men being shot by Germans, in dugout pit. Two brief shots of German Kriegsmarine standing along the bank near the bushes (screen left) washing himself. Footage includes executions of three groups of men. Soldiers and others, including Kriegsmarine personnel and civilians, stand around. Also visible are many people watching from an embankment above. Jews jump out of open truck and are herded, running, towards open pit. They wear "yellow badges" on their chests and backs. SS men, local Latvian militia, and German police ...

  9. GIs visit pyramids; ships

    Trucks carrying supplies up hilly road. Soldier with green, white and orange flag. Stevens wearing pith helmet, another officer and three Egyptian men in uniform. The pyramids, Stevens, Capt. William C. Mellor (?) and local in front of pyramids. (Shot is partially obstructed by something in front of lens.) Other shots including Stevens arm in arm with man in native garb in front of pyramids. More shots of dock area, cranes and equipment, tires being loaded on the dock. Egyptian feluccas with sails on the sea and other large wooden sailing ships. About 30 Egyptians in summer uniforms carryin...

  10. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin List of concentration camps and sub-camps, 1977

    Contains a copy of an alphabetical list of concentration camps and sub-camps published in the "Bundesgesetzblatt" in Sep 1977.

  11. Stevens & Moffat at Elbe River

    Stevens walking in front of destroyed metal bridge. GI (probably Moffat) going down to river's edge and returning from river's edge. Army Engineers sign reads: "In memoriam to our comrades who fell with the bridge?" then list of names. Shots of destroyed bridge and river. Stevens walking into tunnel. Boys walking along railroad track, river's edge, bombed out buildings. Stevens and Moffat talking. They walk along barbed wire pathway. Stevens in jeep Toluca and weapons carrier behind crossing pontoon bridge and driving past anti-aircraft gun, along riverside and past fortifications. Stevens,...

  12. American Responses to the Holocaust interactive monitors

    Interactive audiovisual monitors shown on the fourth and second floors in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust". This version is clean, with no titles and no menu button. 4.35a&b - American Responses 1933-1939 01:00:21 Persecution Begins (1933-1939) 01:06:58 Bookburnings 01:10:27 1936 Olympics 01:15:41 November Pogroms: "Kristallnacht" 01:21:31 Search for Refuge 2.16 - American Responses 1939-1945 01:29:41 First News of Extermination 01:35:36 War Against the Jews 01:41:47 American Jewish Responses 01:47:28 Attempts at Rescue 01:53:01 E...

  13. USHMM compilation for AMIA Screening Night 2002

    Compilation of Museum's archival footage screened at the Association of Moving Image Archivists Annual Conference in Boston, MA in 2002. The film was presented by Raye Farr and shows segments from the Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive, including the Greenland expedition [Zabin Collection] and Goering footage [Bechtler Collection].

  14. Ruins in Germany, probably in spring 1945

    Germany, just inside the border from Belgium, probably in fall 1944 or spring 1945 [1944 Kodak stock]. Sign, "Lammersdorf". German village with civilians and soldiers walking along the road, RR tracks. Sign with arrows for "Kesternich" and "Simmerath". Church in town. Pan of countryside and pyramid tank traps demarcating the Siegfried Line. Abandoned tank on side of road. Cyclists. "Schmidt" sign. Severely destroyed buildings in a village. Filming through military vehicle windshield. More ruins and locals. Pan of ruins in countryside and concrete defenses or factory. 01:04:00 Pan, very larg...

  15. Oral history interview with Josef Krauze

  16. Oral history interview with Paul Reutlinger

  17. Oral history interview with Hanne Pick

  18. Hitler Youth torchlight parade on skis; Germans advance on Russia; Bulge offensive; V-1 rocket; POWs

    No. 2. Part 1, Hitler Youth members hold a torch-light parade on skis. Alpine troops train on a snow-covered mountain. Part 2, Figure skaters perform in Berlin's Sportspalast. Part 3, Fighting on the Russian front. German planes dive bomb and smash advancing Russian tanks, shells burst, buildings burn, and artillery fires. Views of wrecked Russian tanks and of Germans in trenches. A German Col. who destroyed 475 Russian tanks. Part 4, The German "Bulge" offensive of Dec. 16, 1944. V-1 bomb in the air, a rocket barrage, artillery firing, and U.S. POWs and dead. German tanks and infantry are ...

  19. Oral history interview with Leo Weil

  20. Hitler Youth and SS; German ski and paratroops

    Part 1, Arthur Axmann and Adm. Doenitz address and decorate Hitler Youth members and SS men. Part 2, blood donors line up; whole blood is prepared in a laboratory. Part 3, a leader addresses a youth conference in Prague. Part 4, Italian troops guard the colors on the Russian front. Part 5, Himmler decorates SS men in Naples. Part 6, telephone men splice cables. Part 7, German ski troops train in the French Alps. Part 8, German troops are decorated in Italy. Part 9, German paratroops battle the enemy in a burning villages artillery fires.