Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,721 to 17,740 of 58,960
  1. Paul Flesch collection

    Contains two letters, a telegram, an envelope, and a black and white photograph from Paul Flesch's parents in Hungary.

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 63 -- Submission of documents; testimony of Y. Gutman

    Session 63. Attorney General talks about correspondence between Hajj Amin (Mufti of Jerusalem) and Bulgarian Foreign Ministry and Minister of Romania [T/1264] in relation to Oliver Stanley allowing Palestinian immigration permits for 4000 Jewish children. He is against their immigration to Palestine - they could side with the enemy, go into other Middle Eastern countries, threaten Arab persons. Wants them to go somewhere else under "strict guard", i.e. Poland. 00:07:30 [T/1266] Letter from Hajj Amin and Rashid 'Ali Kilani to Ribbentrop asking for union of Germany with Arab nations, and to d...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 11 -- Israeli police interrogation of Eichmann

    Session 11. Court is not in session. Camera focuses on the prosecution as they discuss among themselves. The Judges enter and there is a blip at 00:04:13. An audio reel of Eichmann's pre-trial interrogation (in German) is being played. Following a blip at 00:06:43, the court translates the recording into Hebrew/English which discusses child deportation in 1942. During the interrogation, witness Avner Less presents Eichmann with a document concerning child transports. Eichmann's reponse is choppy, and he claims a faulty memory. District Attorney Gideon Hausner requests the tape be played fro...

  4. Rywa Scwarcberg Zeidlitz papers

    The papers consist of two notebooks belonging to Rywa Scwarcberg Zeidlitz. It is probable that Rywa obtained the notebooks while in a convalescence home in Sweden, where she was located after liberation. Included in her writings are poems about her experience in Auschwitz and her longing for family members who perished in the Holocaust. Rywa also recounts her family’s experiences in the Łódź ghetto.

  5. Medical kit

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 91 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of the session with cross-examination of the accused by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Hausner questions Eichmann about the September 21, 1939 meeting in Heydrich's office. At this meeting Reinhard Heydrich met with Adolf Eichmann and other Einsatzgruppen commanders to discuss Hitler's approval of a plan to concentrate Polish Jews in cities and later deport them eastward. Eichmann maintains that he was not present at this meeting and refers to the testimony of Dr. Alfred Six, noting that the witness would have stated that Eichmann had been at the meeting. Haus...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 107 -- Affidavits of Merten and Krumey

    Session 107. Evidence of Defense witnesses taken abroad. The official translator reads long segments from a document that records the Attorney General's selections from the testimony of Witness Alfred Six, a defense witness. The testimony of Dr. Six is marked VII by the court. 00:02:10 Dr. Servatius chooses the next affidavit from Max Merten. The testimony was given at the Tiegarten Court in Berlin, Germany on May 29-31, 1961. Merten comments that he could not comment on Eichmann before his trial because his Defense attorney told him not to discuss any high ranking officials. Merten admits ...

  8. Litman Altman identification card

    The identification booklet was issued to Litman Altman (Leon Slucki) [donor's husband] with handwritten and printed entries and a black and white photograph.

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 95 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about seizure of property, deportations, gassings

    The camera fades in on the courtroom. Adolf Eichmann sits in the booth and cleans his glasses. The camera pulls out to a wide shot of the courtroom. Various shots of Eichmann and Servatius. A shot of the defense and the prosecuting attorneys. Eichmann is shown sitting in the booth. He turns to his right and looks over his shoulder (00:04:33). All stand as the judges enter the courtroom and Judge Landau opens the ninety-fifth session of the trial (00:05:45). Servatius makes a statement about the Dutch witness van Taalingen (00:06:10). Hausner questions Eichmann about the issuing of orders an...

  10. Histoire de l'arrestation et de la dispartion de la Famille Suganas du Mans

    Contains a memoir about the Holocaust experiences of Claude Audinot's family friends, the Suganas family.

  11. Faye Ben-Saull papers

    Contains travel documents, identification documents, and photographs related to donor (born Fella Flamberg) and her mother, passengers on the MS St. Louis, who disembarked in Belgium. Includes photographs taken aboard the ship, registration documents from Belgium, and false identification card issued in the name "Berte Delhaye."

  12. Jack Dygola collection

    The collection consists of seven loose photographs of Jack Dygola with other children at the Landsberg displaced person camp in Germany.

  13. Balan family papers

    Balan family papers pertaining to the family's Holocaust experiences from 1904-1999. Contains two booklets entitled, "The Frankl Family: How It All Began," and "The Braun Family," seventeen legal documents, one letter. and two photographs pertaining to the Braun family's Holocaust expereinces.

  14. Centro di documentazione ebraica contemporanea records

    Legislative documents, police decrees, publications, propaganda, statistics, lists, declarations, maps, and legal documents related to Fascist ideology, Italian Jews, foreign affairs, resistance, deportations, massacres, survivors, relief, the Roman Catholic Church, Zionism, and other matters.

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 29 -- Testimonies of A. Aviel and H. Behrendt

    Session 29. Court is adjourned. There are shots of the audience, frontals of the courtroom, and a conversation between Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius and Adolf Eichmann. Following a blip at 00:05:21, excerpts from Tape 2040 with witness Avraham Aviel are repeated. He discusses the liquidation of the Radun ghetto, and his escape to the group of Jewish men being used for labor. After joining the second group, Aviel recounts the death of his mother and younger brother: "Only afterward did I learn that I had been the only one who somehow managed to escape from that situation." Aviel disc...

  16. Reichssicherheitshauptamt selected records (R 58)

    Contains files relating to the surveillance and persecution of leftist political parties and their organs, and labor unions; the control of the press and literature; the combat against and the destruction of anti-Nazi organizations in the occupied and annexed territories and the treatment of prisoners of war and foreign laborers; and the persecution of Jews. Also includes documents of organizational orders and decrees relating to the Sicherheitspolizei, opinion and situation reports of the SD from 1938 to 1944, activity reports for the USSR from 1941 to 1942, and SD reports on the political...

  17. Map of the voyage of the MS St Louis annotated by the ocean liner's captain

    Map of the voyage of the MS St Louis created by Gustav Schroeder, the ship's captain and given to Elisabeth Haas, A passenger, in June 1939.

  18. Sutin family footage

    DP walking in street of DP camp Neu-Freimann. Piles of logs. VAR scenes with the Sutin family. CUs of Rochelle Sutin and daughter Cecilia. On Lulligerstr., Jack Sutin and his father Julius smoking pipes. Rochelle inside house, cooking. More shots of the Sutin family and friends.

  19. Ann Benjamin Goldberg papers

    The collection consists of a health card, certificate issued in Bremen, Germany, and photographs depicting Ann Benjamin Goldberg's family in Dyatlovo, Poland (Dzi︠a︡tlava, Belarus) before the Holocaust, her time as a student in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, and her stay and work as a nurse in Zeilsheim displaced persons camp in Germany after World War II. Additional photographs depict visits to the Föhrenwald and Eschwege displaced persons camps.