Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,681 to 17,700 of 58,960
  1. Medical kit

  2. Congregation Hakafa letters

    Contains English translations of letters from individual survivors describing the ordeals that they experienced in the Minsk ghetto or as partisans hiding in the forest during the Holocaus.

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 99 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Session 99. Cross-examination of the Accused on methods of extermination (continued), his visits to concentration camps, his visit to the Warsaw Ghetto and concerning persons involved in the extermination of Polish Jewry.

  4. Abraham Atsmon papers

    The Abraham Atsmon papers consist of identification papers, biographies, correspondence, reports, narratives, photographs, newspapers, protocols, and minutes documenting Atsmon’s family and pre-war life in Poland, his participation in a partisan brigade in the areas of Słonim and Brest during the war, his organization and leadership of a Holocaust survivor group (Sh'erit ha-Pletah) in the American occupation zone of Germany after the war, his support for the state of Israel, his emigration to Israel in 1948, and his subsequent efforts to record the Jewish resistance during the Holocaust. Bi...

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 30 and 31 -- Submission of documents

    Sessions 30 and 31. The Court is not in session. Presiding Judge Moshe Landau opens Session 30, and asks Attorney General Gideon Hausner to present the Prosecution's position on the evidence of Hoettl and Huppenkothen. Hausner explains that the Prosecution does not consider either man to be a war criminal; therefore, both witnesses are allowed to enter Israel without threat of arrest. A blip at 00:05:18. Exhibit T/384 is submitted, and Hausner concludes with his evidence for Poland and the Eastern countries. State Attorney Gabriel Bach will present the witnesses and evidence for the Western...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 75 -- Eichmann's testimony

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 75 with the defense's submission of documents. The first document concerns Eichmann's dismissal from the Austrian Vacuum Oil Company. The defense attempts to show that he was released not because of his membership in the NSDAP but because of his marital status. Eichmann is questioned by defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius about another document recognizing him as a "specialist." Eichmann states that this designation referred to his experience in the field of emigration (00:06:16). The footage cuts out from 00:06:46 to 00:06:57 then resumes with ...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 106 -- Examination by Judges

    Session 106. Eichmann's empty booth, he enters nearly a minute later. Various shots of Eichmann and the crowd as the court awaits the Judges. 00:06:51 The Judges enter and open the 106th Session of the trial, reminding Eichmann that he is still under oath. The Prosecution and Defense inform the Judges that they have come to an agreement to submit into evidence a handwritten document of Eichmann's. 00:11:37 Eichmann says that he gave numeric estimates to Reinhard Heydrich for the Wannsee Conference getting his information from Jewish Yearbooks, local information, and questions to specific pl...

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Preliminary objections by Defense Counsel

    Session 1. Begins as the court debates the relevance of the Eichmann letter. Dr. Servatius claims the letter is important to his case whereas Mr. Hausner asserts that the letter is irrelevant to the trial. The Judges discuss this matter amongst themselves. After much deliberation, the Judges make the first court decision: "We accept letter T/2 as an exhibit without expressing an opinion as to its value as proof." Hausner continues his speech by responding to Servatius's complaint regarding the lack of witnesses for the defense. Servatius previously stated that his case is hindered by the tr...

  9. Bluma Krzepicka papers

    The Bluma Krzepicka papers consist of two postwar identification cards documenting Bluma Krzepicka and her husband, Hersz Mendel Krzepicki, and 18 photographs documenting Krzepicka and her family in Poland before the Holocaust and Krzepicka with fellow survivors in Sweden after the Holocaust.

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 98 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 98 during cross examination of the accused by Attorney General Gideon Hausner concerning the death of deportees during transport. Eichmann denies being involved in round-ups and, in particular, the Stettin Affair. When asked by Hausner who did carry out the deportations from Stettin, Eichmann states that it was the local authorities (00:01:28). A document is cited noting that at a meeting in January 1940 it was decided that section IVD4 would deal with deportations (00:03:19) and Eichmann maintains that their job was only to draw up timetables. Hausne...

  11. Records of the Estonian State Archive, Tallinn

    Contains selected records that include personal prison files of Estonian Jews who were later transported out of Estonia; records of the Estonian Sicherheitspolizei und der SD in Tallinn (Reval) and in the towns of Paide, Haapsalu, Parnu (Pernau), Valga, Narva, Tartu (Dorpat), Viljandi, and Petseri; records of der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Estland; court decisions of the town of Viljandi; and information about Parnu jail, Baltische-Öl Gesellschaft, and the Polizeikommissar of Türi station.

  12. Paul Levy photographs

    The collection consists of three photographs of Paul Levy (Pinchos Lewaszewski) and other Holocaust survivors taken at Lager Wegscheid in Linz, Austria. Two photographs depict Paul Levy, his cousin, Sidney Habel, and other members of Kibbutz Dror gathered around a memorial to victims of the Holocaust in Linz.

  13. Robert Barton photograph collection

    The collection consists of three photographs depicting life in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, after World War II.

  14. Friedler family papers

    The Friedler family papers include JDC and HIAS records, biographical materials, correspondence, photographs, writings, and drawings documenting Moritz and Trude Friedler, his parents’ deaths during the Holocaust, her mother’s survival, both families’ efforts to escape Austria before the war, Moritz Friedlers’ work for the JDC and HIAS after the war, and their immigration to the United States. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society materials consist of correspondence, name lists, and reports documenting Moritz Friedler’s postwar work for the JDC in Aus...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 16 and 17 -- Documents admitted as evidence; witnesses M. Fleischmann and F. Meyer testify

    Sessions 16 and 17. Attorney General Gideon Hausner reads excerpts from Dieter Wisliceny's statement: "The Final Solution of the Jewish Question was Eichmann's life mission" After a blip at 00:03:40, Hausner continues to read from Wisliceny's statement about Eichmann's interactions with the Grand Mufti. Wisliceny mentions a Jewish child transport from Poland to the Theresienstadt camp to exchange for civilian prisoners. The Grand Mufti objected: "...he protested vigorously to Himmler, using the argument that these Jewish children would, within a few years become adults and would strengthen ...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up and courtroom

    Session 113. Attorney General Hausner argues to the Judges that the precedents set prior to the Eichmann Trial can be used to indict Eichmann without charges of conspiracy, and rather his actions should be seen as corroboration with conspiracy (duplicate footage from Tape 2226). 00:07:11 Session 113 is adjourned, the Judges leave. Various shots of the crowd leaving the courtroom.

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 97 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The camera fades in onto Hausner, Bar-Or, and Assistant to the State attorney Ya'akov Robinson seated at the prosecution desk during a recess for Session 97. All three appear to be examining documents. The camera cuts and zooms onto a shot of Eichmann's empty booth (00:01:51). There is another cut and the camera pulls back onto a long shot of the courtroom. Servatius can be seen sitting at the defense table on the left. Adolf Eichmann enters the booth (00:02:52) escorted by three guards. Another shot of the attorney's desks shows Servatius seated to the left and Hausner and Bach seated on t...

  18. Ralph Ransenberg collection

    Consists of three items, all shot from German mortars during the occupation of the beach head in Anzio, Italy:.1) Document: "Not Guilty!"; written by John Lewis, anti-communist article; dated November 1944; 2) document: "To them it's a JOKE!"; antisemitic article with drawing verso of two men filming a battle scene, dated November 1944; and 3) political cartoon: "Are you shedding your blood to fatten him?"; anti-Communist; picture of pig with Stalin's face on a map of Europe and Asia; verso: quotes from G.B. Shaw, Sumner Wells, Mackenzie King, General Smuts, and Churchill; not dated.

  19. New Year card

    The Rosh Hashana card depicts Dora and Israel Iwler holding their young daughter, Jeanne, between them; an image of a flower is in the upper right corner; Hebrew text reads: "L,Shana Tova Tikatevum" ("Happy New Year"); was created in Rome, Italy.

  20. Solomon Manischewitz photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs taken in Zeilsheim displaced persons camp, near Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Most of the photographs depict the students and staff of the Henrieta Szold Hebrew School in Zeilsheim where Solomon Manischewitz taught and the Zeilsheim High School. The collection also includes images of festivities held at Zeilsheim on May 15, 1948, when Israel was proclaimed an independent state.