Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,761 to 17,780 of 58,960
  1. John Stanley Grauel papers

    The John Stanley Grauel papers consist of correspondence, photographs, printed materials, and subject files documenting Grauel's experiences as a crew member on the Exodus 1947, his support for the creation of the State of Israel, and his lifelong career speaking about the Exodus and fighting anti‐ Semitism. Correspondence includes a handful of postcards, letters, and telegrams from around the time of the Exodus 1947’s journey, later correspondence remembering the voyage, correspondence about related book projects, advocacy correspondence, and letters of thanks for presentations made by Gra...

  2. Records of the Stadtverwaltung Wilna, Fond R-643/3–5

    Contains records of the Vilnius city administration. It includes information on Jewish matters, German decrees, punishments for Jewish rescue, and economic and property issues.

  3. Rose Silberberg Skier papers

    The Rose Silberberg Skier papers include a diary, photographs, and materials related to Silberberg’s time at the Convent of the Gray Sisters in Neisse and at the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp documenting the Silberberg family in Jaworzno, Poland, Silberberg’s wartime experiences in hiding, and her post‐war experiences at Zeilsheim. The diary records Silberberg’s wartime memories and her daily life in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp. The photographs include copy prints of Rose Silberberg with her family and acquaintances before and during the war and original prints and copy prints o...

  4. Mel Lichtig papers

    The Mel Lichtig papers primarily consist of correspondence from Lichtig’s aunt, Hanke Lichtig, to her sister, Pearl Lichtig, in New York. The letters and postcards are addressed from Mielec during the war and Krakow and Stockholm after the war. Hanke’s letters and postcards relay greetings and wishes for good health and are occasionally joined by messages from Maks and Jozefina Lichtig. Some of the correspondence was forwarded to New York via family friends of the Lichtigs in Antwerp named Kartagener. The papers also include a document describing adjustments to Lichtig family property in Mi...

  5. COHASCO collection

    Contains six documents that include a letter of "representation of Polish Jews," regarding Dr. Emil Reich of Oświęcim, a Hapoel Hamizrahi rescue letter for a Czech Jewess refugee in Hungary, a small broadside to donate funds to 150 rabbinic refugee families who escaped from Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia, a letter to a committee for Polish affairs from a Polish war invalid in Israel, an International Red Cross letter regarding a missing mother and aunt, and a UJA-JNF tree card with a portrait of Theodore Herzl.

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 96 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 96 during cross examination of the accused by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Eichmann is questioned about regret he expressed in 1957 that Jews managed to survive in Hungary which he denies having stated (00:00:49). Hausner points out that this fact has already been accepted by the court and goes on to note that in 1957 the accused stated that it was Hermann Krumey and Dieter Wisliceny's fault "that the Magyar people were exposed to the terror of a Jewish secret police" (00:01:15). Eichmann replies that he can not remember saying that but does recal...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 66 and 67 -- Evidence on Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno

    Session 66: Witness Simon Srebnik. Speaks about dismantling the camp of Chelmno. He was shot, he shows his wound to court and describes how he pretended to be dead in order to escape. 00:04:02 Describes the Russians arriving and being liberated. 00:05:30 Asked about his mother. 00:06:34 Cuts out. Witness Ya'akov Wiernik. Discussing photograph, sketch and a model of Treblinka. 00:07:49 Using pointer he explains what the photograph of the model shows - the geography of the camps. 00:09:46 Discusses where the men and women went. 00:11:26 Shows where the gas chambers were. 00:12:43 Cuts out. Wi...

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Cross examination of the Accused

    Camera fades in and zooms out on empty booth. People are heard talking in the background. Hausner is seen in the FG. Adolf Eichmann enters (00:01:35) carrying documents and sits placing headphones on the table and arranging the documents. MS, the prosecution desk (00:02:19) with Attorney General Gideon Hausner and Assistant State Attorneys Ya'akov Bar-Or, and Gabriel Bach seated examining documents. The camera zooms in on Eichmann. There is an overhead shot from the rear of the courtroom of the defense table with Servatius seated (00:04:24). All rise as the judges enter (00:06:42). Judge Mo...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 98 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 98. Attorney General Gideon Hausner cross examines Eichmann about sending Jews from the Reich to Litzmannstadt/Łódź. There is a commotion in the courtroom and Judge Landau tells the guards to remove a man from the audience because he is shouting (00:01:42). The camera cuts to a man in the audience being taken out of the courtroom (00:01:50). The English translator is heard saying that the man pointed to a concentration camp number on his arm and shouted "you dog, you dog." The camera turns back to the proceeding. There are shots of Hausner and Eichman...

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 90 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about forced emigration

    The footage begins near the opening of the session. Attorney General Gideon Hausner asks Adolf Eichmann if, when he joined the Nazi Party, he knew of the slogans "Awake, Germany Judea, Perish" and "When Jewish blood spurts from the knife." Eichmann states that he did not know these "songs" and that he joined the party not because of its program against the Jews but because of its stand against the Treaty of Versailles. This duplicates footage found on Tape 2129 (at 00:06:20). Hausner then asks Eichmann whether he knew that Hitler's aim was to destroy the Jews (00:03:56). Hausner questions E...

  11. Moisey Kipervas photograph collection

    The collection consists of two black and white photographs. One photograph shows two men in uniform standing in front of a tractor with other men standing behind and on vehicle; the other photograph shows Moisey Kipervas and his wife, Dora Kipervas, seated with a candle between them and other people behind them.

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 39 and 40 -- Whether Musmanno can testify; other leaders implicate Eichmann

    Sessions 39 and 40. Attorney General Hausner, citing that a certain witness could not make it for that day, breaks the current narrative to call Justice Michael Musmanno, a judge at the Nuremberg trials who was responsible for interrogating Nazi leaders, as a witness. Dr. Servatius objects and argues that he has already made judgments and would only present hearsay evidence to the case. 00:08:51 Tape jumps. Hausner is arguing that the cases of Musmanno do not affect this case. He says that since none of Eichmann's superiors are around, nor anybody directly related to this case, he must obta...

  13. Ida Ney letters

    Contains correspondence sent by Ida Ney from Brno, Czechoslovakia, to her son Paul Ney, who was able to travel through Dublin and Rio de Janeiro before ultimately emigrating to the United States. The bulk of the correspondence describes Ida Ney's failed efforts to obtain a visa first to the United States and then to Cuba.

  14. Polish refugee children

    Title: "P.I.C. Films, Inc. Presents: Children in Refuge" "A film dedicated to children who suffer because of war" American children in classroom. Ruins in Warsaw (Julien Bryan footage from "Siege" of Warsaw in 1939). Relief packages for Polish children. National War Fund. Polish War Relief. American children reading thank you letters from Polish children. Scenes from refugee camps in Iran, Palestine, South Africa, Kenya, military school in Scotland. Unique shots include footage of emaciated boys in tattered clothing (at 01:11:13 and 01:11:27). These are Polish children deported to the Sovie...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 83 -- The Defense submits documents re: Croatia and Greece

    Session 83. Dr. Servatius reads a statement by Rademacher saying that the Jews are not expected to resist after a number of hostages are shot. "In my view, with the necessary firmness and decisiveness, it ought to be possible to keep the Jews in camps also in Serbia. If the Jews there continue to stir up unrest, more stringent martial law must be imposed on them. I cannot imagine that the Jews will continue to conspire, once a considerable number of hostages have been shot." He reads about transferring the Serbian Jews to concentration camps. He then reads a memorandum for a meeting with th...

  16. Marianna Kohl document

    Contains the Red Cross document issued on February 2, 1941, for Marianna Kohl from London , with the information sent to her daughter, Elsa Mangold from Vienna (received on March 4, 1941).

  17. Ellen Fletcher papers

    The collection consist of six report cards issued by the Mädchenvolksschule der jüdischen Gemeinde and one report card issued by the Joseph Lehmann-Schule in Berlin, Germany, to Ellen Auster.

  18. Pin

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 110 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 110. Repeats part of Tape 2212, where Hausner gives examples from Nuremberg where people were exonerated, and he shows that this is not similar to those instances. 00:02:21 Court takes a 20 minute recess. Various shots of people milling about the courtroom. Fade to slate. 00:04:15 Eichmann in his booth and Hausner organizing papers. Various shots of the crowd. 00:10:33 Judges return. 00:10:45 Tape jumps, Hausner is speaking, citing decisions from Ulm that decided that duress is not an excuse for murder. He also cites that bodily harm in the case of refusing to cooperate is also not ...

  20. Phyllis Milstein collection

    The Phyllis Milstein collection consists of five photographs and an affidavit relating to Phyllis Frankiel Milstein and her family's experiences in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp. The typed document in English served as an affidavit for the birth of Oskar Frankiel.