Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,781 to 17,800 of 58,960
  1. Greenfield family papers

    The collection contains 118 black-and-white photographs relating to the experiences of Joseph Greenfield, his wife, Rachel Bunis, and his son, David S. Greenfield, after liberation in several displaced persons camps in Austria, including Braunau am Inn, Ebelsberg, Ranshofen, Bindermichl, and Münichholz, from 1945 to 1949. Among the photographs in the collection there are scenes of Joseph Greenfield and his friends from the 331st and 222nd Infantry Division and the 42nd Tank Battalion of the United States Army working in Steyr, Austria, and vicinity after liberation; the wedding of Joseph a...

  2. Albert Neuwirt collection

    Consists of seven photographs, identification cards, and vaccination cards relating to Albert Neuwirt and his experiences as a refugee in the displaced persons camp in Landsberg am Lech, Germany.

  3. Siege of Warsaw, reel 3 - trims and outs

    German footage with Portuguese commentary. German Labor Corps marching through streets. Sign: "ADOLF HITLER IST DEUTCHLAND." Band, officers. Ceremony- turning square into "ADOLF HITLER PLATZ". AV, shot from plane of bombed out areas. Polish conscripts, Polish POWs along road marching in a long line, they march pass peasants. VS, city and country scenes, small tank, truck passing by.

  4. Simon Drucker memoir

    The Simon Drucker memoir consist of a single typed page relating Drucker’s arrest during the Velodrome d’Hiver roundup; his internment, escape, and re-internment in nearly a dozen prisons and concentration camps in France, Poland, and Germany; liberation; fighting in the first Arab-Israeli war; and beginning his life again in Paris.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 69 -- Testimony of A. Beilin and Y. Bakon

    Session 69. Court room. 00:00:59 Witness Dr. Aharon Beilin is asked about whether he saw Jewish boys who had had experiments carried out upon them. He describes seeing 40 Greek Jews who had burns on their genitals from x-rays - tests performed by Dr. Schumann. 00:02:10 Describes giving them treatment - ointments. Mengele would come and look at the wounds, one day he took them away - disappeared. Also describes a case of castration. 00:03:35 Describes Schillinger as committing the worst atrocities in Birkenau. Schillinger was murdered by a woman in transport [Note: accounts of his death vary...

  6. Ziggy and Delores Hudes papers

    The papers consist of photographs relating to Ziggy Hudes, his family, and the Catholic priest who helped to hide him during the Holocaust in Belgium. Also included is an identification card for Hanna Ginter, Ziggy’s mother, and order to go to a labor camp issued to Salomon Hudes, Ziggy’s father, and a marriage certificate for Salomon and Hanna.

  7. Harold Gilman photographs

    The Harold Gilman photographs consist of photographs Harold Gilman took at the newly liberated Mauthausen concentration camp and Gusen sub-camp in May 1945. The photographs depict liberated prisoners, former guards, American soldiers, Austrian civilians, and buildings at Gusen and Mauthausen. The photographs show emaciated survivors, corpses, and scenes of summary punishment of former SS guards by their former prisoners and of American soldiers forcing Austrian civilians to dig mass graves for Holocaust victims. Most of the photographs are annotated by Gilman on the verso.

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 79 -- Eichmann's testimony re: Wannsee Conference, sterilization, "Lidice Children", and evacuation

    The tape begins in the middle of Session 79. Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius questions Eichmann about his feelings of satisfaction at the end of the Wannsee Conference, as indicated by the Sassen document. Willem Sassen, a Dutch fascist, conducted an interview with Eichmann in Argentina in 1956. This interview was used heavily in Eichmann's trial. Servatius' next question is missing and the footage continues with Eichmann testifying about how a particular memo regarding the final solution came to be written and circulated. Eichmann maintains that the letter, written as a consequence o...

  9. Ministry of the State Treasury, Office for Nationalized Property, Jewish section Ministarstvo Državne Riznice, Ured za Podržavljeni Imetak, Židovski Odjel

    Records relate to the Aryanization and disposition of Jewish property. Included are biographical, business, and property-related forms.

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 109 -- Submitting more evidence

    Session 109. Eichmann plays with his pen (mute). Servatius argues for an unidentified piece of evidence. The Judges decide that it is not directly related to Eichmann and should not be dealt with in this case. Hausner begins discussing a document involving communications between offices of the Reich. 00:10:08 Servatius objects to the submission of another document after a break in the recording. Hausner requests to submit a book about Lidice children from Puszykowko titled "The Children Before the Death Gates of Chelmno." He summarizes the parts of the book he would like to submit. 00:19:59...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    A slate indicates the date and the session time. The opening shots show the courtroom before the trial starts, focusing on people in the courtroom. Attorney General Gideon Hausner with his assistants at the prosecution table appear in the opening shot. The defense lawyer, Robert Servatius, enters the courtroom and sits at the desk closest to Eichmann's booth. Adolf Eichmann, carrying a stack of documents, is escorted by two security officers into the bulletproof booth. The people in the courtroom rise as the judges enter (00:05:29) and announce the opening of the 103rd session. Cross-examin...

  12. Bulgarian Peoples Bank in Kavala (Fond 1226)

    Contains dossiers on Jewish accounts from the bank in Kavala.

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 61 and 62 -- Testimonies of A. Breslauer, A. Fleischmann, L. Gordon

    Session 61 (beginning). State Attorney Bach describes two statements by Eichmann admitting his plan to deport all Jews from Budapest. Coughing and sneezing from interpreter. 00:07:17 Cuts out. Witness Arye Zvi Breszlauer describes leaving Hungary. What he saw at Hegyeshalom - thousand of Jews locked in a courtyard and barn having been forced to march 220 km; to be handed over to the Germans. 00:15:35 describes people he saw on his way back to Budapest, on arrival told his passport had expired. 00:17:12 Cuts out. Witness Aviva Fleischmann from Budapest. Describes being rounded up and taken t...

  14. Josef Fišera Archive Archiv Josef Fišera

    The collection primarily consists of documents related to Josef Fišera, a Czech national, and his involvement as a volunteer in the Spanish Civil War and with the French Resistance during the Second World War.

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 111 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 111. The Attorney General Hausner continues summing up the case of the Prosecution. He lists the criterions for guilt from another case and applies them to Eichmann. He says that Eichmann deported people without authorization, showing that he acted on his own. 00:11:30 Hausner reads various reasons why the General Government had no control over any of the camps, nor could they even know what they were for, thus showing that the camps could only fall under the auspices of the SS and Eichmann. He says that Eichmann's claims of having no part are based on lies. 00:23:22 Eichmann's role...

  16. Records of the Chef der Zivilverwaltung in Luxembourg

    Contains records relating to the purchases of Gauleiters, the finances of Marzell Nopperey, the plundering of Jewish assets and property, Jewish financial administration, Jewish leases, the foreign policy of Luxembourg prior to German occupation, the Reichssicherheitshauptamt in Berlin, and the press in Luxembourg.

  17. Robert Treuer family papers

    The Robert Treuer family papers consist of emigration and immigration records, identification papers, memoirs, and subject files documenting the Treuer family’s life in Vienna, their escape to England and Ireland following the Anschluss, and their immigration to the United States. Emigration and immigration records include documents demonstrating that the Treuers had paid the requisite taxes and fees permitting them to leave Austria, letters of recommendations for Fritz and Marie Treuer, correspondence regarding affidavits and other requirements for American immigration, and a copy of the T...

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Session 71-- Witness Vera Alexander

    The camera fades in on empty chairs by the prosecution and defense tables followed by a fade out and cuts to an overhead shot of the same empty chairs. The camera zooms out to show the whole courtroom. People are heard talking in the background from the audience seating. (00:02:10). Adolf Eichmann enters the booth with documents in his arms. Attorney General Gideon Hausner enters. All rise as the judges enter and Judge Landau announces the opening of Session 71 (00:06:14). Hausner calls the witness Vera Alexander to the stand. Judge Landau asks for quiet in the court and the witness is swor...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 5 -- Excerpts of Attorney General's reply

    Session 5. Begins while the courtroom is empty. The attorneys enter, and the camera focuses on Attorney General Hausner and Defense Attorney Servatius as they exchange pleasantries. The judges enter the courtroom and Judge Moshe Landau declares Session 5 open. Hausner discusses the Nuremberg Trials and its influence on the establishment of international laws and principles. He then quotes from the International Military Tribunal. The judge questions the relevancy of the documents being presented by the prosecution. To answer Landau's question, Hausner refers to the "Nazi Punishment Law," an...

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Courtroom and closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. Dr. Servatius sits. The Judges are not in the courtroom. 00:05:19 Judges enter and tell Dr. Servatius to continue. 00:06:03 Tape jumps. Dr. Servatius talks about the skeletons that Eichmann gave, saying that the entire request is peculiar. He refutes the accusations of Einsatzgruppen shootings with affidavits, as well as the cooperation of Eichmann with the Einsatzgruppen in the Baltics and the Soviet Union. 00:11:03 Dr. Servatius admits that Eichmann was in charge of deportations and relocations of Jews, but had no idea that death was the fate of these Jews. They were shot by ...