Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,661 to 17,680 of 58,960
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 75 and 76 -- Eichmann's testimony

    The video begins in the middle of Session 75, with defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius presenting documents and questioning Eichmann about his attempts to learn Hebrew. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2097 (at 00:47:17). There are shots of the prosecutors listening to Eichmann's testimony and of people in the audience. Another document is presented and Eichmann testifies as to why he perceived the representatives of the World Service (an anti-Semitic news service) at a 1937 congress as "dubious" (00:07:49). Eichmann then talks about his opinions about Zionism (00:13:31). This...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 51 -- Diaries of Yekuel & Klepper; Hungary documents; testimony of Pinhas Freudiger

    Footage begins with a shot of the courtroom in the middle of Session 51. The judges are looking over a set of documents. Judge Landau notes that they have decided to admit into evidence selections from the diary of Advocate Yomtov Yekuel and an affidavit from Advocate Asher Rafael Moissis (00:02:00). State Attorney Yaacov Bar-Or addresses the court with excerpts from Yekuel's diary pertaining to the experience of the Jews in Salonika, Greece. Footage cuts out from 00:07:54 to 00:08:06, but nothing is missing from the proceedings. Shots of Eichmann in the booth looking at documents. Bar-Or s...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 96 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage beings in the middle of session 96. Attorney General Gideon Hausner continues cross examination of the accused with questions regarding whether Theodor Dannecker, Dieter Wisliceny, Alois Brunner, Rolf Günther and Gustav Richter received instructions from Eichmann. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2149 (at 01:01:55). Eichmann concedes that they did receive instructions from him with the exception of those that were involved in missions abroad (00:02:47). This discussion continues and after a long reply by the accused, Judge Landau asks Eichmann to stop repeating general s...

  4. Zygmunt Kaminski memoir

    Contains a memoir, 49 pages, about Zygmunt Kaminski's Holocaust experiences.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 102 -- Cross-examination of the Accused: sterilization, Einsatzgruppen, Sassen

    Session 102. Eichmann talks about his office's role in the taking of property of the displaced, and the scope of the duties of Section IVB4. 00:02:42 Eichmann is asked by Hausner about sterilization, he continuously cuts off Eichmann, insisting on yes or no answers. Eichmann is asked about a meeting called by Heydrich where he was included as an expert, and he claims that he had no real part of the meeting, which Hausner argues. 00:12:28 Hausner begins asking about Eichmann's contact with the Einsatzgruppen. Eichmann claims that the document pertaining to them was not created by his office,...

  6. Shārit ha-plātah Bavaria Register

    List of Jews in displaced persons camps produced under the auspices of Rabbi Abraham J. Klausner, Chaplain, USA.

  7. Judith Hershkovitz photograph collection

    The collection consist of two photographs of a demonstration of refugees at Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp in Germany demanding permission to immigrate to Palestine.

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 90 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about the origins of his antisemitism and his trip to Palestine

    The camera fades in on Attorney General Gideon Hausner seated at the prosecution table looking over documents. Assistant State Attorney Ya'akov Bar-Or enters (00:01:43) and then Assistant State Attorney Gabriel Bach both men are then seated at the prosecution table. Robert Servatius enters with his aid. Adolf Eichmann, escorted by two guards, enters the booth with documents sits down (00:02:56). There are various shots of the audience and the lawyers' desks. All rise as the judges enter and are seated(00:04:51). Judge Moshe Landau opens the ninetieth session (00:05:24). Landau asks Servatiu...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 83 -- Servatius examines Eichmann re: Denmark, Norway, Serbia

    The footage begins in the middle of the session. Judge Raveh questions Eichmann about the reaction of his department to the failure of the attempted deportation of Danish Jews. The judge also asks Eichmann whether he and others in his department attempted to shift the blame for the failure of the operation, and why Eichmann traveled to Denmark. Servatius begins his presentation of documents about Norway (00:05:12). The documents cover the compulsory registration and deportation of Norwegian Jews as well as the transfer of Jews to Sweden. Judge Landau adjourns the session (00:15:45) and all ...

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 78 -- Examination of the Accused re: gassing methods, the Final Solution

    Session 78. Examination of the Accused on: gas trucks and gassing methods and assignment of Special Operations Units, the preparations for the Final Solution of the Jewish Question, on the marking of Jews, on transportations (further), petitions submitted to him, and the Wannsee Conference. Begins with Servatius presenting documents, letters. Commander of Security Police, Eastern District, signed Rauff re. supply of vans. Second document, 2D3, originates in Belgrade and deals with trucks, written by commander of police security in Belgrade. Fourth letter, White Ruthenia. Sixth letter, Belgr...

  11. Dr. E. George Stern papers

    The papers consist of a letter from Ralph Dorn Hetzel, president of Penn State University in State College, Pennsylvania, on behalf of Dr. Bruno Stern's son George E. Stern, that helped Dr. Bruno Stern and his wife, Frida, escape from Nazi Germany to the United States where they joined their three sons. Also included is a photographic portrait of Dr. Bruno Stern.

  12. Selected records from the Legation of the Dominican Republic in Washington

    Contains letters, telegrams, clippings, and various other documents compiled by the Legacion de la República Dominicana in Washington, D.C., in 1940. The letters, addressed to Andres Pastoriza, Dominican Minister Plenipotentiary, are from various sources and written on behalf of Jewish refugees, requesting permission to emigrate to the Dominican Republic from various European countries.

  13. Heute eine neue illustrierte Zeitschrift

    The papers consist of photographs and a magazine relating to the Ruth Rintel's family in the time period of the Holocaust. The magazine, "Heute," - July 15, 1946, has a black and white photograph of Ruth Rintel as a child on the cover with the caption "Judisches Kind in Landsberg."

  14. Kozienice ghetto negative slide collection

    Collections consists of 10 negative slides of portrait images of Jews from the Kozienice ghetto

  15. Weisman family letters

    Contains five letters that were sent to Sadye Weismann from his relatives in Poland.

  16. May Schechter collection

    Consists of two black & white photographs: an image of Union of Artisans members honoring Gershon Kotliar [donor’s uncle and central larger image], 16 Aug.1928, Romania; and an image of Union of Artisans of Soroka, Romania group portrait, honoring Mayer Roitman’s emigration [donor’s father, seated 3rd row, 7th from left], and also present is Melech Kotliar [donor’s uncle seated behind him], 14 Apr.1930.

  17. Nazi propaganda flyer

    Includes a Nazi propaganda flyer.

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Session 111 -- Hausner's closing statement for the Prosecution; Eichmann's involvement in the decision to use gas

    Session 111. Hausner sums up his case (short overlap from Tape 2218). The deportations from Vienna as described by witnesses Kratky and Wisliceny are discussed, as well as the false hope held by Jews told they were only being resettled. 00:05:48 Hausner suggests that the shooting deaths of so many Jews was said by Eichmann to not be elegant enough, and Eichmann was the one who wanted the use of gas. He planned and worked out the entire method of extermination. The details of the selection of gas, the use of gas, the acquisition of gas, and Eichmann's role in all of these are presented. The ...

  19. Raymond Winter Frankmann scrapbook

    Contains a scrapbook that includes photographs, newspaper articles, telegrams, and war emblems which documents the experiences of Raymond Winter Frankmann's service in the United States military.