Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,641 to 17,660 of 58,960
  1. Schema of inmates, soccer, train at Camp Westerbork

    Schema with camps and numbers of inmates. (**This most likely refers to where Jews were deported to from Westerbork. The numbers closely correspond to those in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, p. 1646): EINGANG 103.376; BERGEN BELS 3029; THERESIENSTADT 2470; NACH DEM OSTEN 91.545; INTERNIERURG 350; LAGER VUGHT 897. 03:02:30 Horse-pulled plowing tool, farm animals, preparing soil for seeding. 03:03:12 Slate: ...ALSO JETZT KOMMT...AH...SCHAUN SIE SICH'S MAL AN! Man and woman carrying large wooden board, unfinished barrack in BG. 03:03:35 Soccer match. [VQ deteriorates: jumpy, unstable "doub...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 74, 78, 79, 83, and 80 --- Sassen Document; Yugoslavia

    Session 74. Empty courtroom. Eichmann enters and people begin to enter. He and Dr. Servatius communicate on their private microphone line. We cannot hear what they are saying. Various shots of the crowd and Eichmann. 00:15:38 Judges enter. They open Session 74 and approve the Sassen documents, but none of the additional texts involved with it. It also accepts the testimony involved in the validating of Eichmann's handwriting. 00:18:50 Video image freezes. The audio skips, beginning an unknown amount of time later. Eichmann answers a question about a rejected application to go to another cou...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 100 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of the Session 100. Judge Landau warns the Attorney General that the matter concerning the liquidation of the ghettos is being dealt with a second time. Hausner continues with the cross examination of the accused. Eichmann is asked if he is familiar with "Operation Reinhardt" (00:01:42) and replies in the affirmative that he read that the operation involved the liquidation of Polish Jewry and the confiscation of their property. When asked if he was familiar with the operation in 1942 and 1943, Eichmann testifies that he did not concern himself with the matter be...

  4. Rochelle Weithorn photograph collection

    The collection consists of 28 photographs of David Weithorn, Hella Edelbaum Weithorn, and their children, Rochelle and Victor, in the Gruliasco displaced persons camp in Turin, Italy.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 93 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about his position within RSHA

    The camera opens on Servatius and Bar-Or in conversation. Eichmann, escorted by three guards, enters the booth. There are various shots of the courtroom and the lawyers. All rise as judges Benjamin Halevi, Moshe Landau, and Yitzchak Raveh enter the courtroom. Judge Landau opens the ninety-third session of the trial (00:05:24). Attorney General Gideon Hausner resumes cross-examination of the accused with an affidavit from Dr. Rudolf Mildner, which describes Eichmann as the advisor on all Jewish matters. Eichmann testifies that Mildner was wrong in describing him thus (00:10:26). Eichmann sil...

  6. Laboschiner family papers

    The papers consist of 2 documents issued by "Ministere des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre" in Paris. The first document, along with a second vintage copy of the original, states that Leo Laboschiner [donor's uncle] was arrested in Nice, France, interned in Drancy transit camp, deported August 28, 1942 "in direction of Auschwitz." The second document, also issued by the above-mentioned organization requesting to convey information regarding Leo Laboschiner, was sent to "Madame Oling" [donor's mother], Mr. Laboschiner's sister in New York from Paris.

  7. Records of the Gebietskommissar Kaunas (Fond R-616/1)

    Contains correspondence, name lists, orders, business auditing reports, requests, and various other documents relating to the work of the Gebietskommissar Kaunas in German occupied Lithuania from 1941 to 1944. Includes records of the military occupation administration unit relating to occupation duties, especially pertaining to the plunder of Jewish property.

  8. Medical kit

  9. Edmund Schechter papers

    The Edmund Schechter papers contain correspondence, reports, articles, press releases, clippings, and scrapbooks documenting Schechter’s work in New York, Luxembourg, and Germany, his membership and continued interest in Kadimah, and investigations into his loyalty made by Senator McCarthy’s subcommittee. Subject files document Schechter’s early writing and speaking career in New York on the topic of North Africa; his military and civil service career at the Office of War Information (OWI), the American Broadcasting Service in Europe (ABSIE), Radio Luxembourg, Radio in the American Sector (...

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7, 8 and 9 -- Hausner's opening statement and the first witnesses, R. Bar-Shalom and A. Less

    Sessions 6, 7, 8 and 9. The bulk of this tape is a compilation of points within the prosecution's speech. Attorney General Gideon Hausner's opening statement as he discusses concentration camps, specifically Majdanek: " one day, 18,000 Jews were shot." There is a blip at 00:06:54 and the story skips from examination of Majdanek to Auschwitz: "...this camp was established with the sure knowledge that it was to be a slaughter house." Hausner continues to describe conditions and methods of punishment at Auschwitz. There is another blip at 00:17:14, where the prosecution begins Section X: ...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Examination of the Accused as witness, completed

    The footage begins in the middle of session 88. Dr. Servatius asks Adolf Eichmann whether he knew the people he was responsible for deporting were being killed in the concentration camps. Eichmann replies that he had to carry out his orders and admits that he knew that some of the people were being killed in the camps. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2119 (at 00:06:44). Servatius asks the accused about his feelings of guilt. Eichmann gives a long reply in which he attempts to differentiate between his legal guilt and his ethical guilt (00:02:17). He says that he bears no politi...

  12. Berish and Paula Gurtman photographs

    The collection consists of six photographs depicting Berish and Paula Gurtman and other refugees in Kibbutz Hatikvah in Hofgeismar, Germany, and in a displaced persons camp in Badgastein, Austria, after World War II.

  13. Erich and Margot Leyser photograph collection

    The collection consists of two studio portraits of Erich and Margot Leyser, who were passengers aboard the MS St. Louis. Both photographs have inscriptions written by Margot Leyser. One photograph is inscribed with "Zum Abscheid aus Deutschland 4-Mai-1939" and the other photograph is inscribed "10.Juli 1946" and is stamped .".Optica Ariel..Montevideo" Uruguay.

  14. Medical kit

  15. Ludwig Charatan collection

    Includes letters and clippings illustrating how a Polish Catholic woman saved Ludwig Charatan of Brooklyn and three members of his family from Nazi extermination during the II World War.

  16. Hans Robert Levy papers

    The papers consist of photographs relating to Hans Robert Levy's life in Germany before World War II and after his arrival in the United Kingdom in May 1940. Also included in the collection are Red Cross letters, a Hebrew School certificate, birth certificates, and a document of parental consent granting permission for Hans and his brother to immigrate to the United States.

  17. Partisan warfare maps Bandenlagekarten

    Contains 36 Bandenlagekarten or partisan warfare maps from the National Archives and Records Administration record group 242. Annotations to the maps represent the monitoring of the partisan movement in Eastern Europe and measures taken to suppress it from the side of the German military as well as the SS and the police. Geographic areas covered in the collection include the Soviet Union, Latvia, Yugoslavia, and Belarus. The maps range in date from 1941 to 1944. The bulk of the maps date from 1942.

  18. Rena Berliner papers

    The Rena Berliner papers consist of photographs, programs, and school records documenting Rena Berliner’s time at the Neu Freimann displaced persons camp, musical performances at displaced persons camps, and attendance at the Händel-Konservatorium in Munich. Photographs depict Berliner performing at the Föhrenwald displaced persons camp and a group of ORT UNRRA vocation school students in front of their classroom at Neu Freimann. Programs document Berliner’s performances at displaced persons camps. School records include an identification card, membership card, report card, certificate, and...

  19. Martin Wasserman papers

    Contains twelve photographs, eight legal documents, two copies of newspaper articles, a biographical statement, and a program titled, "Ninth Annual Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Nazi Holocaust. These materials contain information pertaining to Martin Wasserman's experiences in Warsaw, Auschwitz, and Dachau, his employment at St. Ottilien for the World ORT Union DP hospital police department, Martin Wasserman's work for the International Rescue Committee in Munich, Germany, and his later emigration to New Orleans, Louisiana.

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Session 105 -- Examination by Judge Raveh

    Session 105. This is duplicate footage from Tape 2187. Dr. Servatius begins by stating in the Sassen Document, he says things that are both anti-Semitic and the opposite. Eichmann says that he is not anti-Semitic, and was a part of the Nazi Party before it had such policies. He says that he never had a bad personal experience with Jews. 00:07:50 Dr. Servatius is finished with the re-examination of Eichmann. He will now face questions from the Judges. 00:08:22 Eichmann is being asked about when he could not live up to the Categorical Imperative of Emmanuel Kant, in which he believes. With th...