Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,621 to 17,640 of 58,960
  1. Knapsack

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 44 and 45 -- Red Cross report

    Witness Ernst Recht is sworn in and questioned by Bar-Or. Recht describes the concentration of the Jews into central locations in Prague and the confiscation of their house keys by authorities prior to their deportation. He describes the documentation and confiscation of the property from their homes to be sent to Germany. Recht refers to this as the "Kramer Operation." Recht describes his appointment to the Council of Elders and the Trusteeship Office in Prague and his contact with Guenther (00:07:26). He says that representatives from Berlin came to inspect confiscated carpets in 1943. Ba...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 69 -- Testimony of A. Beilin (Bialystok and Auschwitz, Yom Kippur 1944)

    Session 69. Witness Dr. Aharon Beilin continues his testimony. He explains that he tried to hide from being rounded up in Bialystok to be deported to Auschwitz. He and his mother were in one bunker and his wife was in another. He talks about the SS doctor who was responsible for his selection - Dr. Rohde. Describes his mother being selected and a few hours later seeing her coat on a truck - realizing she was dead. 00:03:52 Explains what happened to those who were not selected - gymnastics. 00:06:01 He sent a postcard to his wife. The inmates were separated according to profession. Describes...

  4. Blanka Majer-Eisdorfer papers

    The papers consist of two documents issued for Blanka Eisdorfer, formerly of Suskovo, Czechoslovakia (now Ukraine), concerning emigration from her current residence in Bucharest, Romania.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Servatius's closing statement and end of trial

    Session 114. Dr. Servatius talks about the Israeli law concerning Nazis and their collaborators. 00:03:01 Retroactivity of law is discussed. He accuses the London Statute of being created, tailor-made, to condemn the defeated Nazis, and as such, should not apply. 00:06:44 Tape jumps. The President of Court is handed a paper, he looks at it, then thanks Dr. Servatius. Attorney General Hausner is granted time to make a statement considering the written material. He asks for a few days to form his argument. Last minute documents concerning the summing ups of both sides are handed in to the cou...

  6. Pawlowicz family papers

    The Pawlowicz family papers, circa 1920s-1950s, focus on the postwar experiences of Max and Rose Pohl. The papers include their displaced persons identification documents from Zeilsheim, Germany, two marriage certificates, and family photographs which include images of survivors and family members that did not survive the Holocaust. The collection includes identification documents for both Max and Rose Pohl. These documents include a temporary identification for Ruchla Tosk from Bergen-Belsen, 1945 and a A.E.F. D.P. Registration Record issued to Jewish displaced persons Ruchla Pawlowiec, Au...

  7. Rita Hofrichter collection

    Contains 17 black-and-white photographs from the Leipheim and Föhrenwald displaced persons camps and one displaced persons index card for Rita Gliksman (Hofrichter).

  8. Zionist pamphlet

    Contains an illustrated four page booklet published by the first Zionist Congress held after World War II.

  9. Arnold Joseph collection

    The Arnold Joseph collection consists of correspondence to and from defendants at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, which Joseph acquired during his military service as a censor. Incoming correspondence from the general public comes from the so‐called “201 file” of letters not to be delivered to the defendants so as not to upset them. It includes a mixture of praise and good wishes for the defendants as well as insults and invectives, and some correspondence includes prayers, poems, and songs. At least one letter is from a former German soldier, another is from a former political prisoner,...

  10. Babette and Justin Isner letter

    The Babette and Justin Isner letter was written by a Nuremberg couple in Boulogne and describes their unsuccessful attempt to immigrate to Cuba via the MS St. Louis and their plans to find refuge in France.

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 70 -- Witness R. Kagan and E. Goldstein

    Session 70. The tape begins towards the end of questioning. The judge asks Raya Kagan one last question, concerning human relations between inmates. She answers that in Auschwitz, they survived thanks to friendship and some solidarity. 00:02:52 They call a new witness, Esther Goldstein. She is sworn in, and she answers that she was transported from Hungary to Auschwitz along with her family. Goldstein is asked to identify her and those she knew in a series of photographs, most of them from before they were taken to Auschwitz, or shortly after they arrived. 00:08:38 After describing a number...

  12. Yoram Shaaf photograph collection

    The collection consists of a photograph of Mendel Finkelsztajntaken in 1946; a photograph of Mendel Finkelsztajn and his wife, Malka Sztajnberg, taken in Skarżysko-Kamienna, Poland, on September 18, 1938, before their marriage; and a photograph of Malka Finkelsztajn and his son, Jurek Finkelsztajn on February 25, 1946, in Wrocław, Poland.

  13. Bruno Loewenberg papers

    Consists of client restitution case files of attorney Bruno Lowenberg. Case files were found abandoned in a home in California and donated to the Museum.

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 99 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins near the opening of Session 99. Hausner continues with cross examination asking the accused about meeting Heinrich Müller, head of Section IV (Gestapo) of the Reich Main Security Office, after witnessing the Einsatzgruppen units in action and telling him that their method was making them into sadists suggesting that another method for executions had to be found. When Eichmann replies that he is not familiar with the last phrase, Hausner notes that during his interrogation he was shown an excerpt from the LIFE article and did not comment on its contents (00:01:38). An excerpt ...

  15. Neff Fremont papers

    Contains certificates, postcards, and various other documents, some from the International Refugee Organization, relating to Neff Fremont's time in several displaced persons camps in Italy after World War II.

  16. Tatiana Tauba Brustin-Berenstein collection

    The collection documents the pre-war, wartime, and post-war experiences of Tatiana Tauba Brustin-Berenstein, originally of Szczebrzeszyn, Poland. Included are diplomas, certificates, a marriage certificate, a repatriation certificate, and photographs. Also included is script issued in the Łódź ghetto.

  17. Bulgarian Peoples Bank in Dedeagaeh (Fond 1240, Opis 1)

    Contains signatures of supervisors of the Commissariat of Jewish Affairs, correspondence relating to Jewish property, and Jewish declarations of currency and assets held.

  18. Arnold D. Kerr photograph collection

    Contains twelve black and white photographs depicting Arnold Kerr's post-Holocaust experiences in Eschwege and Berlin, Germany.

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Excerpts from session 94 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The camera fades in on the courtroom. Eichmann's attorney, Dr. Robert Servatius, and Attorney General Gideon Hausner sit at their respective tables. Assistant State Attorneys Gavriel Bach and Ya'akov Bar-Or are standing near Hausner conversing. Audio begins at 00:01:31. There are shots of the courtroom from various angles. The camera zooms in on the empty booth (00:01:59). Adolf Eichmann enters the booth carrying documents (00:02:51), which he hands to Servatius via a guard. Servatius examines the documents. All rise as the judges enter the courtroom and Presiding Judge Moshe Landau opens t...

  20. Invasion of Poland

    German troops opening border gate (Polish border)- well-known footage. Troops marching in. Planes taking off. Burning buildings. Tanks crossing a river.