Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,561 to 17,580 of 58,960
  1. Elvin Smith collection

    Contains two sound cassettes entitled, "Corrie ten Boom telling of saving lives of Jews, Rose Price concentration camp survivor" and "Diet Eman: saving Jewish lives during World War II."

  2. Walter and Frieda Dlouhy collection

    Contains 107 Deutsches Reich postage stamps, one Reichsbanknote, one black-and-white picture of Adolf Hitler, six newspaper clippings, and 39 black-and-white and color picture postcards.

  3. Okumenische Gedenkveranstaltung anlasslich des 60. Jahrestages der Reichspogrom-Nacht 1938 am 09.11.1998 im Historischen Rathaus Mutterstadt

    Contains a booklet about the Mutterstadt Commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Kristallnacht.

  4. Kate Mendels Herzberg memoir

    Contains one memoir, 59 pages, about Kate Mendels' Holocaust experiences.

  5. Medical kit

  6. KL Auschwitz-Birkenau Abteilung IV - Verwaltung

    Contains records from Auschwitz-Birkenau relating to the Office IV Department of Administration. Includes personnel paperwork, lists of the transfers of SS officers and of SS property, SS use of the tailor and cobbler services, driving permits, and the order and distribution of supplies, such as clothing, office supplies, and other miscellaneous goods. Includes lists of materials confiscated by prisoners and of the ordering of coal for the crematoria. Most of the paperwork includes the name of the member of the SS making the request.

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 96 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins late in Session 96 during the translation into English of Attorney General Gideon Hausner's inquiries into the use of badges to identify the Jews. The accused, in footage not shown on this tape, was asked a series of questions about the purpose of the badges. Footage continues with Eichmann being asked whether Theodor Dannecker, Rolf Günther, Dieter Wisliceny and other participants were aware of the fate of the Jews (00:02:03). Eichmann testifies that he did not discuss it with them (00:02:34). When asked if they simply did not know what happened to the deported Jews, Eichman...

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 106 -- Eichmann's personal feelings

    Session 106. Tape starts midsentence with some duplicate material from Film ID 2192. Judge cites that Eichmann ordered the release of a group of Jews from the ghettos in eastern Hungary. Eichmann says that this, along with other examples, were ordered by his superiors, and he explains how and why this was. Generally, he says that he was ordered to do such things, never could he do something like that on his own, and he never questioned the motives behind his orders. 00:11:14 The Judge questions the decision to transfer Jews to the Eastern front instead of the Western front, accusing Eichman...

  9. Janina Prot papers

    The papers consist of 68 photographs relating to Janina Prot's family before, during, and after World War II and 6 photographs relating to Janina's maternal aunt, Jadwiga Deiches Beres, and her son, Krzysztof Beres. The collection also includes a Kennkarte, an Ausweis, a certificate, an Ausweis that belonged to Janina's cousin, a document cover and a praying card.

  10. Photograph of a group of Holocaust survivors from Radzyń Podlaski, Poland

    The photographic postcard depicts a group of ten men and one woman seated at a table with lit candles, a Yizkor sign, and a banner with Hebrew characters on the wall behind them. Caption on the verso: "Radzyń Podlaski Poland / This was taken in / Germany D.P. Kamp sic."

  11. Joseph Beer collection

    Contains three original photographs of Joseph Beer, nine copy prints of Joseph Beer, five copies of his operetta "Polnische Hochzeit," a poster entitled "Stadttheater Zurich," and a copy of "Stradella."

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 21, 59 and 61 -- Excerpts of five witnesses

    Sessions 21, 59 and 61. (Sessions and individual witnesses to be verified.) Attorney General Hausner asks the Judges about the upcoming afternoon session. He says that delays should be expected considering that the submission of evidence includes witness testimonies. 00:02:00 Court adjourns until the afternoon session. People leaving the courtroom. 00:02:49 Tape jumps. Document 212 is submitted by the Prosecution, concerning Eichmann's dealings with the new Hungarian government, where the Minister of the Interior acquires a one-time transfer of Jews for the Jaegar (or fighter plane) program...

  13. German invasion of Poland

    This story consists of a montage of various shots of life in Poland depicting a prosperous, hard working Polish people engaged in everything from forging steel to threshing wheat. The tone shifts as the story shifts to the German invasion of Poland. Slate: "Why? Answering Humanity's Question." Produced and directed by A.E. Caraco. 1919, Polish Independence. Ruins. Mining, textile industry. Railways, city of Gdynia and its harbor. Polish navy. Submarine ORZEL. Nazi rise in city of Danzig. Danzig port (harbor). "JUDE" written on house walls. Danzig synagogue, voice over narration speaks of th...

  14. Selected records from the archives of the kingdom of Belgium

    Contains records created and collected by the central and regional groups of the Association of Jews in Belgium (Association des juifs de Belgique), formed on November 25, 1941, at the order of the German occupation authorities, to serve as a national Judenrat. The materials consist mostly of registration forms containing personal data completed by all Jews in Belgium and registration forms containing data about Jewish-owned businesses and other properties. Additionally, there are files of change of address forms, organizations offering aid to refugees, immigration applications and processe...

  15. Fishman family papers

    Contains eight black and white photoprints of displaced persons in Landsberg displaced persons camp, one copyprint of a newspaper clipping concerning the Fishman family, and one one memoir written by Max Fishman.

  16. Das Ziel

    Magazine; “Das Ziel”; cover image of bride seated at table; article about Jewish DP wedding on pages 14-16; dated June 1948; in German

  17. Rena F. Finder collection

    Contains twenty-seven black and white photographs of Rena Ferber Finder, her husband, Marcel (Mark) Finder, her mother, Rozia Windisch Ferber, and other displaced persons living in Bindermichl displaced persons camp in Austria. The photographs depict scenes of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) staff in Bindermichl; an ORT cosmetology training class; memorial and Yom ha-Sho'ah observances held in Bindermichl and nearby Gunskirchen one year after liberation; American Joint Distribution Committee staff in Bindermichl; and wedding day photographs of Rena and Mark F...

  18. Cesare Lombroso letter

    Contains one letter written by Cesare Lombroso stating that there was "a criminal type."

  19. Margaret Klein Goetz family correspondence

    The Margaret Klein Goetz family correspondence consists primarily of letters, telegrams, and postcards to Margaret Klein from her parents and sister in Heidelberg and then Gurs, Les Milles, Nexon, and Masseube. The correspondence documents the family’s efforts to immigrate to the United States, money and parcels received by the family members in the camps through Quaker and Swiss relief agencies and an uncle in Switzerland, daily camp life, and news of family members and friends. Additional letters and postcards are addressed from Heinrich Klein in Masseube, Gurs, Noé, and le Vernet to Dr. ...

  20. Photograph of Fanya Martynova as a child

    The formal studio portrait was photographed in Kiev, Ukraine, and depicts Fanya Martynova as a child wearing a sailor suit dress and holding a doll. Caption in Russian on the verso.