Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,541 to 17,560 of 58,960
  1. Morris Gastfreund papers

    The Morris Gastfreund papers consist of a certificate issued by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) in the displaced persons camp in Landsberg am Lech, Germany, identifying Moszek Gastfreund (Morris) as a Polish Jew; a photograph of a protest rally in Landsberg am Lech, 1947; a photograph of Abram Gastfreund and co-workers in the Community Office of the Landsberg am Lech displaced persons camp (DC camp), 1948; and a photograph of Abram Gastfreund, his wife, Sally, and his son, Irving, in Landsberg am Lech DP camp in 1948.

  2. The Life Story of Harry Schuster My Experience in the Ghetto

    Contains a memoir written by Harry Schuster about his Holocaust experiences.

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 20 -- Testimony of H. Kratky

    Session 20. Court is not in session. The Judges enter and present Decision 11: the Hoettle, Huppenkothen, and von Thadden affidavits are permitted as evidence; the Defense has permission to cross-examine all three witnesses at a foreign court in the witness' resident country. Presiding Judge Moshe Landau directs the interpreter to have a translation ready during the day, and asks Attorney General Gideon Hausner how long it will take him to grant entry visas for foreign witnesses. Hausner responds to Landau's reprimand for reading too much and extending the length of the trial on behalf of A...

  4. Leaflet

  5. Photograph of Charles Radoszycki and his brother

    The image depicts two boys outside in garden, one seated in wheelbarrow and the other standing on the left. The boy standing is the donor, Charles Radoszycki, and the boy in the wheelbarrow is his brother, Maximilien. The photograph was likely taken in Bailleul, Belgium.

  6. Medical kit

  7. Viktor Ullmann papers

    Contains twelve compositions written by Viktor Ullmann. These compositions include: "Slavische Rhapsodie," "Sechs Lieder: Nach Gedichten von Albert Steffen für Sopran und Klavier," "Six Sonnets de Louïze Labé pour Chant et Piano," "Liederbuch des Hafis Nachdichtung von Bethge," "Variationen und Doppelfuge für ein Thema von Arnold Schönberg für Klavier Op. 3a," "Der Zerbrochene Krug: Oper Nach Kleist," "Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke, 12 Stc̈ke aus der Dichtung Rilkes für Sprecher und Orchester oder Klavier, - Theresienstadt Juli 1944," "Kaiser von Atlantis," ...

  8. Records of the Oberfeldkommandantur

    Includes orders, instructions, announcements, reports, and correspondence of the military unit relating to occupation duties.

  9. Pushed to the Limit

    Contains a memoir, 77 pages, about George J. Duffree's experiences as a British soldier imprisoned in Auschwitz during World War II.

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 97 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins at an early point in Session 97. Hausner continues cross examination by asking Eichmann about his rank and command as an Obersturmbannfueher. The accused is also questioned about his meetings with Heinrich Müller, head of Section IV (Gestapo) within the Reich Main Security Office including how many times a week they met (00:03:15), how long the meetings ,were (00:04:34), and what was discussed (00:04:53). The beginning footage to this point is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2153 (from 00:45:50 to 00:50:57). The footage on Tape 2153 is more complete. Footage cuts (00:06:...

  11. Ruth G. Weitzenkorn papers

    The Ruth G. Weitzenkorn papers consist of a letter written by Joseph Kaufherr, who had been a passenger on the MS St. Louis, in Brussels, Belgium, dated February 27, 1940; an account statement ("Abrechnung Lifft G.K. 131"); and two authorizations ("Vollmacht"), one written by Joseph Kaufherr in Brussels (dated February 27, 1940) and one written by Max Strauss (dated March 29, 1940).

  12. Identification tag worn in Warsaw

    Identification medal worn by Charles Milgrim in the Warsaw Ghetto.

  13. Medical kit

  14. Ministry of the State Treasury, Office for Nationalized Property. Register of debt claims from Jewish firms Ministarstvo Državne Riznice, Ured za Podržavljeni imetak. Reg Potraživanja od Židovskih Tvrtki

    Records relate to the Aryanization and disposition of Jewish property. Collection deals with the outstanding credits and debts of confiscated Jewish-owned businesses. The name and address of the business is listed together with the name and address of the non-Jewish creditor/debtor, the date when the credit/debt was incurred, and the total debt owed.

  15. Persönlicher Stab Reichsführer-SS (NS 19)

    This collection contains files relating to the functions of Heinrich Himmler’s personal staff, who served as his chancellery, adjutant’s office, and transmitters of orders to the SS, Waffen-SS, and police forces. The subjects covered in this fragmentary collection include Himmler’s personal interests such as Das Ahnenerbe and the Lebensborn association, as well as population transfer issues and economic and legal/court matters. Himmler’s functions and interests in the state and military sectors are underrepresented here.

  16. Helen Greenspun papers

    The papers consist of a doctor's certificate issued in Berchtesgaden, Germany, attesting that Josef Greenspun in 30% disabled as a result of being shot under the arm and a receipt issued in 1949 in Boston, Mass., to Hanka Garfinkel [donor] who arrived on the "US General W. Haan."

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 32, 38 and 39 -- Transport of French children; how other leaders saw Eichmann

    Session 32. George Wellers is testifying for the Prosecution. He is discussing the transport of 1000 French children, in four transports from Beaune-la-Rolande and Pithiviers transit camps (from these transit camps Jews were then transported to the killing centers in occupied Poland). The children were accompanied by 200 adults. They arrived at the camp by bus. Wellers discussing the transport beginning at 5am. He describes the children, scared and often crying, as they were forced onto railcars and sent to Auschwitz. He says he never saw these children at Auschwitz. 00:04:04 Session 38. Mo...

  18. Book

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Preliminary objections by Defense Counsel

    Session 1. Begins during a recess called by Judge Landau. There are court officials and audience members moving around the courtroom, talking and organizing paperwork. The Judges enter and the trial commences. Dr. Servatius opens the proceedings with comments about the document Eichmann signed directly after his capture in Buenos Aires, May 1960; the document states that Eichmann is aware of his transgressions and is prepared to stand trial for his crimes. Furthermore, Eichmann promises to recount his involvement in the Holocaust as truthfully as possible. The defense claims that the docume...

  20. Josef Kaufmann papers

    The papers consist of correspondence between Josef Kaufmann in Cairo, Egypt, and his paternal aunt, Thekla Kaufmann, who was interned in Camp de Gurs in France; an employment book ("Arbeitsbuch") issued to Thekla Kaufmann in 1937; and a vaccination certificate issued to Thekla Kaufmann in Camp de Gurs.