Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,501 to 17,520 of 58,960
  1. Refugee children in the Middle East

    In Egypt, a tent city with Polish children. Daily activities in the tent city. Children at the beach, engaging in athletic activities, eating bread, playing, studying, working, etc. Field school. Polish soldiers. Refugees in tents. Sign: "TEHERAN 3 KM/WARSAWY 4,371 KM." Sign: "SZKOLA POWSZECHNA NO. 3." Visit by officials, CUs. Stage performance, children and adults performing Polish dances. Detailed cescription with original narration: 01:38:05 Narration begins in Polish: "One key responsibility of the Polish Army in the East is the caretaking of Polish children in exile. Thanks to whom wil...

  2. Records of the Gebietskommissar der Stadt Wilna, Fond R-614/1

    Contains records of the military occupation administration unit relating to occupation duties. Included is information on Jewish property, Gebietskommissar personnel, racial classification, and economic transactions.

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 3 -- Attorney General's reply to preliminary introductions

    Session 3. Recording begins while the court is in recess. There are several camera shots of audience members, court officials, and Adolf Eichmann as he enters the courtroom. As the trial commences, Attorney General Hausner introduces precedents and protocols established by the United Nations and the International Military Tribunal regarding war crimes trials. He cites several documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the proceedings from such conferences as the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Hausner also refers ...

  4. Central Consistory of Jews in Bulgaria (Fond 622)

    Contains reports, minutes, correspondence, and financial records relating to activities of the Central Consistory of the Standing Committee and the Public Cultural and Educational Organization of Jews in the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Includes lists of Jews who left Bulgaria for Israel and lists of Jews living in Sofia, Bulgaria.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 109 -- Rulings on evidence; the completion of evidence

    Session 109. Eichmann and Servatius wait for the Judges to return. The sounds of the courtroom crowd are heard. 00:02:33 Judges return. They explain the goings on from before the break. The Rudolf Vrba affidavit is rejected by the court because he could have appeared in person in court and his statistics would not definitively answer the questions of the court. The book concerning Lidice Children is accepted. The 1935 document concerning communication between Reich departments is not admitted because there was plenty of time to submit it. 00:14:18 All of the evidence has been submitted. Hau...

  6. Singer family papers

    The papers consist of four photographs of Estera Singer [donor], her father, Friedrich, and her sister, Sandra, in the Esslingen, Wasseralfingen, and Feldafing displaced persons samps in Germany as well as two identification cards issued to Friedrich and Estera Singer in Wasseralfingen DP Camp and one affidavit issued on behalf of Friedrich Singer.

  7. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen

    Piece of scrip from Theresienstadt Ghetto, Terezin, Czechoslovakia; in German

  8. Penner family collection

    Contains 26 letters, six legal documents, three Canadian Pacific cards, and one menu from the Canadian Pacific pertaining to the experiences of Ilona Penner and her twin brother, Kurt Penner on a Kindertransport.

  9. Poster

    Poster advertising performance in Displaced Persons camp.

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 48 and 49 -- Testimony of Perla Mark and Dr. T. Lowenstein Lavi; Romanian documents

    Session 48. Testimony from Perla Mark who describes the burning of the main synagogue in Czernowitz and the murder of Jews including her husband, the town's chief rabbi. Mark gives an account of the deportation of her son and brother to Theresienstadt. She states that her brother died in Theresienstadt and that her son was sent to Auschwitz, where he was forced to play cello in the camp orchestra. Begins in the middle of testimony from Theodor Löwenstein. The witness speaks in Hebrew. Löwenstein describes the physical measures against the Jews in Romania including the pogroms in Jassy, Bess...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 113. Attorney General Hausner enumerates the things that Eichmann is accused of. He says that the victims cannot be compensated and can never be the same as they were before the war (duplicate footage from Tape 2225). He says that these actions (crimes against humanity) will never be forgotten. He specifies the different versions of robbery committed by the Nazis and says that they are all bad. 00:12:38 Hausner reads the precedent where a German says that he was only following orders with regard to robbing Jews, and that he was only working within the framework of the government. Ha...

  12. Martin Weinberg collection

    Collection includes immigration documents, identification cards, German passports issued in 1937 and 1938 (Deutsches Reich Reisepass), American naturalization certifications, school and bank notices, official and private correspondence, clippings, handwritten notebook and photographs relating to the Weinberg family. Papers illustrate the Jewish family life before World War II in Germany and in the United States after the immigration, between 1938 to 1991. Mina and Rayner Goldfish sponsored the Weinberg family immigration process.

  13. Antisemitic flyers

    Collection consists of two antisemitic flyers. The first bears an image of the star of David and a caricature of a Jewish man printed in black ink; verso: two columns of text, in Russian. The second flier has an image of man being shot and an image of a man being struck by two men; verso: text printed, image of Nazi eagle with swastika in upper right.

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 104 -- Cross examination of the Accused concluded

    This tape begins near the end of the morning proceedings of Session 104. The footage begins with cross-examination by Gideon Hausner concerning a meeting in March 1944 in which he promised the Jews that nothing would happen to them after deportation. Hausner accuses Eichmann of knowing that they were being sent to Auschwitz. This duplicates footage on Tape 2183 at 13:31:12. Cross-examination by Hausner turns to Eichmann's intent to write and publish a book with Wilhelm Sassen in 1957, in which Eichmann intended to describe what happened to the Jews as being "one of the greatest crimes ever ...

  15. Coat

  16. Halina Hershkowitz papers

    Contains two Bescheinigung, one black and white photograph from Foehrenwald, and one copy of a Ketubah.

  17. William Battaglia collection

    Consists of annotated photograph album pages with photographs taken of the architecture, labor facilities, and survivors of the Mauthausen concentration camp. Includes images of survivors who assisted the 131st Evacuation Field Hospital, a photograph of a portrait of William Batttaglia by survivor Janusz "John" Rybaltowski, a letter to Battaglia from Rybaltowski dated 1946, a copy of the confession of Mauthausen commandant Franz Ziereis, and two newspaper articles about liberation.

  18. Book

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 109 -- Submissions of additional evidence and Vrba's affidavit

    Session 109. Attorney General Hausner discusses the translation of the word 'sonderbehandlung.' Whether or not this affects the testimony of the witness Krumey is discussed. 00:04:42 It becomes apparent that the exhibit has not been submitted by the Defense, and Dr. Servatius argues that parts of it are advantageous and other parts detrimental to the Defense. The Judges discuss this with each other at length. We cannot hear what they are saying. The affidavit concerns Krumey's statement on the Lidice Children. 00:13:58 The Judges ask a question about a Czechoslovak translation, one of the m...