Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,321 to 17,340 of 58,960
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Selections from sessions 93 and 94 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 93. Judges Landau, Halevi, and Raveh are seated at the bench. Assistant State Attorneys Bach and Bar-Or are seated at the prosecution table. Robert Servatius is seated at the defense table. Cross-examination of Adolf Eichmann by Attorney General Gideon Hausner continues. Eichmann is asked if the testimonies from Rudolf Hoess, Karl Heinz Hoffmann, Dieter Wisliceny, Rudolf Mildner, and Alfred Six submitted in his defense were truthful or whether these men gave false testimony. A small portion of the session is missing and footage resumes with Hausne...

  2. A Journey From Germany The Memoirs of Curt Nussbaum, From Birth, Through the Holocaust, To America (1912-1946)

    Contains a memoir about Curt Nussbaum's Holocaust experiences.

  3. German invasion of Poland

    Warsaw under bombardment, burning. AV of devastated landscape. Polish surrender. German troops entering Warsaw, past wrecked trams. German soldier taking eagle sign from a building. Paderewski speaks in Paris. Polish Navy submarine "OZEL".

  4. Main Administration of Broadcasting records (Fond 178, Opis 5)

    Contains a broadcast script about life in the labor camps in Germany for Ostarbeiter. The date of the script is unknown.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Answer to indictment reading of 15 counts

    Session 1. The end of Film ID 2001 is repeated here with Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius requesting permission to voice two objections to the court before his client enters a plea. Judge Moshe Landau agrees, and Servatius asks for a change of venue and/or a case dismissal on the basis that the panel of Judges lack sufficient objectivity. Secondly, the defense suggests that the court is incompetent because it ignored international law by allowing and justifying the seizure of Adolf Eichmann. Furthermore, Servatius accuses the court of proceeding with trial despite Israel's lack of poli...

  6. Medical kit

  7. Photograph of schoolgirls in Germany

    Group portrait of German girls posing outside their school in front of a Nazi flag. Among those pictured is Lilli Eckstein six months before she was expelled from the school for being Jewish. Inscription in blue ink on verso:"1935- Lilli Eskster?- 1/2 year later we were expelled from school- Heldenbergen, Germany."

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. Dr. Servatius speaking in German. 00:01:04 Tape is interrupted, time code resets. 00:00:27 Tape begins again in the same place. 00:01:11 Tape is interrupted, and restarts with Counts 1-4. Servatius addresses Count 4, preventing the births of Jews. He says that this implicates Eichmann in the actual sterilization of people, when he had no knowledge of these activities (duplicate footage from Tape 2231). Servatius raises evidence that shows that Eichmann did not give the orders for gassing, and that nothing shows that he gave the order for sterilizations. 00:08:49 Count 3, the bo...

  9. Fundraising newsreel for postwar rehabilitation in the Netherlands

    Volkshertsel Amsterdam, 1945. Dutch newsreel containing retrospective footage from throughout WWII, aimed at inciting the Dutch public to give money to support government postwar rehabilitation programs. Narration of the misery of war, accompanied by scenes of people pushing their belongings in the street, soldiers scrambling, burned out buildings, and blindfolded corpses. A train arriving, followed by men walking out of the station under a Dutch flag, changes the tone to the present, and scenes outline various government programs ("Joodische Ontvangst Commissie"-- "Jewish Reception Committ...

  10. Bernath Sauber collection

    The collection includes two folders made by the Judenrat listing Jews in the Tîrgu Mureş ghetto in Romania, a list of about 4,598 Jews deported from Tîrgu Mureş, and an inventory of belongings of the Gersh Matias family from Praid, Romania.

  11. Westerbork Deportation

    WS, train entering station. Rows of people with armbands "FK" [Fliegende Kolonne]. One of the women with the "FK" is Lenie Nijstad Cohen. Well-dressed Jews with Star of David on their coats on the platform, some getting bundles off the train. Soldiers checking documents. Guards with dogs. Another train (goods wagons) pulls into the station from which men wearing clogs get out, caps on their shaven heads. These are Jewish prisoners from Vught concentration camp being sent to Westerbork on punishment. LS, prisoners on platform. INTs, men with shaved heads (light on left), sharing bread. Men b...

  12. Holocaust

    Contains the Holocaust memoir, written by Mayer Skrzypek, a Holocaust survivor. The memoir concerns the experiences of the Skrzypek family in Poland, Russia and the United States (circa 1920 - 1998). The manuscript contains author's opinions on Catholic-Jewish relation with reference to the Nazi prosecution.Incudes also copy of photographs of Skrzypek family members.

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    This tape begins in the middle of Session 103 and the first few minutes are a duplication of the last part of the footage on Tape 2179 in which Eichmann gives a lengthy description of his duties in Hungary, followed by questions and explanations as to how often he met with Lazi Endre, the chief of the Hungarian gendarmerie. Endre is identified as the organizer of the deportations from the Hungarian side. Attorney General Gideon Hausner questions Eichmann about a meeting on 25 May 1944 with Baky (whom Eichmann describes as a Hungarian secretary of state) and the discussion and organization o...

  14. Heniek Bein collection

    Contains thirty black and white photographs, one copy of Bamidbar, a photocopy of excerpts from "Fohrenwald: Das Lager fuer Heimatslos," and "Fohrenwald: The Last Jewish DP camp in Germany, 1951-1957."

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 55 and 56 -- Testimony of Dr. G. Gilbert, J. Brand

    Session 55. Repeats Tape 2067 with Professor Gustave M. Gilbert, Professor of Psychology at Long Island University, USA. He served as the chief psychologist at the jail in Nuremberg where many SS officers were interned and in that capacity spoke to many of the prisoners while they were awaiting trial. He also published his diary which describes his experiences. Testimony stops and starts, jumps from scene to scene. 00:06:06 Höss' statement about transportation, extermination, and figures. 00:08:59 Cuts out. Talks about what else Höss said to Gilbert about Eichmann, referred to him as "chief...

  16. Buchenwald prisoner registration card

    Consists of a prisoner registration card issued in the Buchenwald concentration camp.

  17. Recording of Sarah Saaroni's manuscript, "Life Goes on Regardless,"

    Contains five sound cassettes of an oral history with Sarah Saaroni.

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Session 12 and 13 -- Testimonies of A. Less and S. Baron

    Sessions 12 and 13. The courtroom is out of session. Eichmann enters the glass booth and exchanges papers with his attorneys. The tape skips at 00:01:43 from a shot of Eichmann to a shot of the audience during the trial. Presiding Judge Moshe Landau asks witness Avner Pakad Less (Israeli police Captain who conducted the pretrial interrogation of Eichmann in 1960) to present his evidence to the court. Court officials organize documents with serial number 1491. There is a blip at 00:04:01 and the story moves to Attorney General Gideon Hausner asking Less about the questions he asked Eichmann ...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 99 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 99 with the continuation of cross examination by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Eichmann is questioned about the Economic-Administrative Main Office's recognition of two categories of Jews 1) transport Jews who arrived based on instructions from Eichmann's section and 2) custody Jews, who arrived on instruction from Department IVC2 (00:00:34). Hausner goes on to question the accused about instances in which Jews who couldn't be included in transports were ensured, by Eichmann, to be sent to Auschwitz as inmates in "protective custody" (00:01:30). Th...

  20. Eta Chinkes photograph collection

    The collection consists of four black and white portrait photographs. The photographs depict Wolf Szczekacz; his wife, Bala Sczcekacz; and their daughters, Pola and Dosia Szczekacz.