Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,041 to 17,060 of 58,960
  1. Piroska Berki and Gustave Balog family papers

    The Piroska Berki and Gustave Balog family papers contains two memoirs, one written by Gustave and the other by Piroska. Both are written to their grandchildren, and explain their family’s history. The memoirs detail life growing up in Hungary prior to the war, and gives details on the family’s background. Piroska’s memoirs go into great detail about life in Jewish ghettos in Budapest, living undercover as Christians in Kiskunlacháza, and the general discrimination she faced as a Jew living in Hungary. Gustave’s memoirs go into great detail about the family’s historical background. Gustave ...

  2. Oral history interview with Isaac Kraicer

  3. 11th Police Reserve Baubataillon (Fond R-1552/2)

    Includes member lists and requests from an officer to use trains for members.

  4. Lester Klein photograph collection

    Consists of six photographs depicting Lester Klein's family in Hungary before World War II and in the United States after the war.

  5. Family History and World War II Years

    Contains a memoir, 13 page, about Henry Wilde's Holocaust experiences.

  6. Joe Lombardi collection

    Consists of a typed letter dated 16 May 1939, by David Godel who discusses his family and their situation and requests assistance and a family permit. The letter was sent to England to Nicola Curwin's family (donor's wife) who did not know Godel or his family.

  7. Der Greif

    Book, entitled Der Greif (I.Folge 1934) with a brown soft cover and an image of a mythological animal playing the harp and a swastika in black ink. Contains German patriotic songs, including chords; published 1934 in Heidelberg, Germany.

  8. Izba Zdrowia w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie Gesundheitskammer in Generalgouvernement (Sygn.1578)

    Contains medical personnel lists, questionnaires of physicians, dentists, nurses and other medical personnel in General Government, dating from 1939-1945.

  9. Dr. Maxwell O. Johnson papers

    Contains photographs, newspaper clippings and a book entitled "The 'Dora'-Nordhausen War Crimes Trial," likely related to Maxwell Orme Johnson's experiences as a staff member of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. Most photos and some articles are on scrapbook pages.

  10. Konzentrationslager (NS 4)

    This collection contains fragmentary files relating to forced labor and camp administration at Buchenwald; administrative matters and construction files of Flossenbürg; medical experiments at Mauthausen; and inmates’ forced labor at Natzweiler. Also included are a small number of files relating to Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Neuengamme, and the SS-Sonderlager Hinzert.

  11. Moshe Sheps photograph collection

    The Moshe Sheps photograph collection consists of photographs of members of "Hashomer Hadati" in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland; the "Kibbutz Buchenwald" in Gersfeld, Germany and in Italy awaiting immigration to Palestine; four family photographs from Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland; and three photographs of the Gorset family, Moshe Sheps' cousins.

  12. DP children at Christmas party

    American Red Cross Gives Christmas Party in Germany. Man dressed as Santa Claus entering American Red Cross hall, carrying little girl and leading other children, accompanied by US officers and Red Cross workers. Santa and US soldiers feed children. Children getting plates with cookies and ice cream, eating. Soldiers attempting to play with children. US Army band performing for kids. Pan up, Christmas banner with two angels on wall; children and soldiers look down to camera from balcony, singing Christmas carols. Pan up, another Christmas banner above the entrance doorway: "Merry Christmas....

  13. Sanford Sigoloff collection

    Consists of one framed photographic print by Roman Vishniak that depicts a teacher and a student studying Talmud.

  14. Harry Perkal collection

    Collection of black and white photographs of donor's family in the Displaced Person's camp near Kassel, Germany where they lived from 1945 to March 1952, before leaving for the United States.

  15. Rokiskis district police commander in Uzinth (Fond R-708/1)

    Consists of a name list of policemen who received awards for the performance of various duties.

  16. Book

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Sudeten-Deutsche Party; customs

    Can 18, 100 feet. Meeting of the Sudeten-Deutsche party at Eger (Cheb in Czech), frontier town between Germany and Czechoslovakia. This meeting was particularly jubilant because two of the three German minority parties united and agreed to work under the leadership of Konrad Henlein. VS, overflow of the meeting who were unable to get into the hall. Listening to the speakers in the hall by means of loudspeakers outside in the cold. Overflow estimated at 5,000. Can 19. 100 feet. VS, INT of the meeting, showing the audience estimated at 15,000. Chief speaker was Ernst Kundt, leader of the Parl...

  18. United Jewish Appeal campaign

    Part 2. 1963 fundraising campaign. 25th Anniversary of the UJA. Ben Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel appeals to the Jews of the world to continue their financial support of the UJA's resettlement efforts.

  19. Stanisław Maciejewski collection

    Stanisław Maciejewski collection consists of records relating to activities of the Association of Polish Former Political Prisoners of Prisons and Concentration Camps in Germany. These records include prisoner questionnaires containing comprehensive bibliographical information about the prisoners and prospective association members as well as photographs, fingerprints, and Verification Commission notes. The collection also contains correspondence, medical and compensation records, Maciejewski family documents, newspaper clippings, and publications relating to various concentration camp muse...

  20. Episodes of the life of a concentration camp survivor

    Contains a memoir, 17 pages, translated by Kurt F. Neulinger about Honza Sladky's experiences in Theresienstadt.