Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,101 to 17,120 of 58,960
  1. Jewish Displaced Persons, JDC efforts 1946

    Warburg speaking intercut with: Various JDC headquarters NYC and Paris (Leavitt and Schwartz). JDC supply trucks and warehouses in Europe. Memorial ceremonies: Rome, Munich. Shots of DPs eating various places. Liberation footage. UN meeting. Warsaw: Ghetto ruins, TOZ hospital, nursery (pre-war?), JDC warehouse, TB sanatorium, orphanage. Bricha: DPs get onto trains, along road, into Czechoslovakia, into buses, trucks, Bratislava camp and trains. Prague: Service (JDC supplied torah). JDC meeting, children's home. Loan co-op office, small businesses. Budapest: Clothing warehouse. Canteen. Germ...

  2. Liber family collection

    Consists of a photographic postcard of the Liber family, from left: Shaindl Liber, donor’s mother; Ishmael Shultz, Shaindl’s brother-in-law and Sana Lber, donor’s father holding Esther, donor’s sister; dated: c. 1926; location: Grojec, Poland; and a photographic postcard;of the donor’s siblings: from right: Itzhak, the only survivor., Raphael, Tishel and Sheva, dated: c. 1926; location: Grojec, Poland.

  3. Waffen-SS ladle

    The ladle belonged to the donor's father, who was liberated at Dachau

  4. Golda Meir; Israeli truce; Mid East peace

    Part Two of the event. Meir addresses an assembly in New York. This address was simultaneously broadcast in 19 other US cities via closed circuit TV. The main focus of Meir's speech is the need for the existence of an independent Jewish state and peace in the Middle East. The following people give their closing remarks: Sam Rothberg Abraham Feinberg Story ends abruptly.

  5. Prayer book

    One prayer book, printed in black ink in Hebrew and English, abridged for Jews in the Armed Forces of the United States.

  6. Panel: Eyewitnesses to the Holocaust

    Contains interviews with prisoners and liberators, Mrs. Olga Murphy, Mr. John Regnier, and Mr. Mel Bloom.

  7. Immigration to Israel

    Notes from NCJF documentation: A group of people await the arrival of relatives and friends at the dock in Haifa. While they wait they share their stories. They represent the many different groups who came to Israel and the various and difficult adjustment problems they all faced, from those shared by the Yemenite Jews to those who came from Europe. The film is introduced by blowing the shofar, marking the beginning of the year 5721. "THEODORE HERZL" ship docks in Haifa, Israel. Immigrants getting off ship with nothing but "a lump in their throat and hope in their heart." People waiting for...

  8. Sipo und SD Kommandant Kaunas (Fond R-1399/1)

    Contains reports, instructions, correspondence, clippings, underground publications, registration cards, notes, name indexes, office documents, photographs, administrative maps, and investigation files. The documents pertain to the activities of partisans and persons suspected of being Communists or Soviet paratroopers.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- The Russian Front

    The Russian Front. Russian Newsreel. Shots of artillery firing, shells exploding. Russian bombers (squadron) in flight. Russian tanks advancing. CU, observer in tank. INT, tank driver. Line of Russian soldiers advancing. Dead German soldiers. Road signs in German. German prisoners under Russian Guard. Slave laborers behind barbed wire. Russian peasants helping children (mostly girls) out of dugout. INT, slave labor camp. Russian soldier carrying children out of camp, into truck.

  10. Scrapbook

    Contains a scrapbook titled "Deutschlands Zukunft," and assembled by an admirer of Nazi Germany's military exploits. Contains clippings from newspapers and magazines from 1938 (headed "Die grosse Ereignis am 13.Maerz 1938," in reference to the annexation of Austria) to 1940, with clippings about the Blitzkrieg in Western Europe (invasions of Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France).

  11. Pin issued to members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans for service during World War II

  12. JDC: Relief efforts for Jewish DPs

    Notes from NCJF documentation: "This is the story of 2,500,000 Jews in Europe and Moslem lands on the road to survival." "Against the background of authentic footage showing rescue missions from Europe, Cyprus, Aden, the film shows the importance of aid to the new immigrants. The dramatic effect of the poor living conditions in contrast with the hopefulness of their new life in Israel serves as a powerful message to the audience." Trains with Jewish DPs leaving Germany for Israel (reference to trains leading to concentration camps). People saying goodbye (but many are still left behind afte...

  13. Jewish Community in Morocco

    From the opening titles of the film: "This film was made on the eve of the dissolution of one of the oldest Jewish communities in the Diaspora - the Jewish community of Morocco. Within a short time, ancient and established communities were rooted out: inhabitants of the mellah in the large cities, the kasbahs in the desert of the south, and the remote villages of the Atlast mountains. Via the camera we have attempted to perpetuate a way of life, the customs and mores of a splendid community seen in their Moroccan context, before the community moved on to its new-ancient homeland." From NCJF...

  14. Gaus Mirgaulis collection

    The collection consists of pen-pal letters written by Gaus Mirgaulis in Dresden, Germany to Jeanne D. Boeing in the United States. The letters were written between January and June 1939 and also include photographs and a postcard. In several of the letters Gaus discusses his experiences with the Hitler Jugend.

  15. Nazi propaganda film about Theresienstadt / Terezin

    This version includes scenes from the children's production of "Brundibar." Excerpts of well-known propaganda film made by the Nazis to show the International Red Cross and others that they were not mistreating Jews in the "ghettos." Documentary footage depicts the life of Jews in the ghetto of Theresienstadt [Terezin] in Czechoslovakia as harmonious and joyful. They wear yellow stars on their civilian clothing but are euphemistically called residents ["Bewohner"] instead of inmates. They look well-dressed and well-fed and keep smiling. No SS guards or other armed Germans are shown. With En...

  16. Book

  17. Photograph of Raisa Brunman

    Contains a photograph of Raisa Brunman [donor] standing outside with her hands inside a muff.

  18. Warren Vogelstein papers

    Contains transcripts of Warren Vogelstein, chief interrogator and translator of Hermann Goering.

  19. Harriet Postman correspondence

    The Harriet Postman correspondence documents Postman's unsuccessful efforts to assist Flora Hochsinger's immigration to the United States from Vienna. Letters include correspondence between Flora Hochsinger and Harriet Postman as well as between Postman and relatives, friends, and aid agencies Postman contacted for help, such as the Boston Committee for Refugees, B'nai Brith, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

  20. Itta Shvartsur photograph

    Black and white image of a woman, man and child standing together outside; verso, black ink inscription, "Itta Shvartsur/1959."