Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,821 to 15,840 of 58,960
  1. Henry Taca collection

    Consists of a Polish citizenship certificate issued on 28 November 1939, to Hersz Taca (donor) by the British Consul in Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania. The certificate bears a handwritten Curacao visa, dated 27 July 1940 and a subsequent, stamped Sugihara transit visa, dated 31 July 1940. Mr. Taca, a student, was trying to get to Palestine, but ended up spending the war in Calcutta, India.

  2. Keitel and Ribbentrop testify at Nuremberg Trial

    04:00:41 (Munich 84) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 3, 1946. MSs, Wilhelm Keitel is sworn in. MLS, visitors in the gallery: Gen. Geoffrey Keyes, former CG, 7th US Army; Gen. Leroy Watson, CG, Nuremberg area; and several Russian officers. Pan from court stenographers to Keitel testifying. Pan from Keitel to his attorney Dr. Otto Nelte at the stand. Nelte interrogates Keitel. The witness provides his family background, telling about his three sons who died serving the German Army. 04:04:46 (Munich 85) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 3, 1946. HAS, spectators rising a...

  3. Film re: medical examinations and cancer

    Lecture to medical school students. Contrasting people who go to fortune tellers against those who go for proper medical examinations. Breast exam by doctor. A biopsy done, slides examined under microscope. Surgery, radiation. Doctor with woman. Meanwhile, man with moustache goes to a quack, sells all his belongings to pay for treatments while getting worse and worse. Evenutually the quack is on trial. Lawyer's statement. Judge in robes with Nazi insignia. Message: "Kampf dem Krebs / Vertrauet den Arzt" [Fight Cancer / Trust the doctor]. "Rechtzeitig erkannt, rechtzeitig bekämpft ist Krebs ...

  4. Autopsies, human skin discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Thomas J. Dodd continues reading Dr. Franz Blaha's signed affidavit which tells of the Gestapo forcing him to work in the autopsy room. Dr. Blaha performed 7000 autopsies during his stay. He filled many requests for human skin that was cured in the sun and used for making saddles, gloves, and ladies' handbags. In his testimony, Dr. Blaha identifies Wilhelm Frick and Alfred Rosenberg, whom he saw touring the Dachau camp.

  5. Leo Parenti collection

    The Leo Parenti collection consists of a black and white photograph of female corpses lying on the ground near the Helmbrechts concentration camp. Helmsbrechts is a sub-camp of Flossenbürg concentration camp. The photograph was taken by a member of the 26th Infantry (Yankee) Division, United States Army immediately after the discovery of the mass grave in 1944. Leo Parenti was present at the discovery of the mass grave and the unidentified photographer gave Parenti the photograph. Inscribed on the reverse of the photograph, in black ink: “Helmsberck [sic] Germany/sick/Polish Girl/Killed Jew...

  6. Documentary re: the Slovak State (part 1)

    Presidential elections for Jozef Tiso. Opening of a German scientific facility in Bratislava. Awards ceremony for soldiers who have returned from Poland, speech of Slovak president Jozef Tiso, military inspection. Inspection of Wehrmacht soldiers on Wenceslaus Square in Prague on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Protectorate. On the grandstand is President E. Hacha, German representatives, and State Secretary K.H. Frank. Celebration of the second anniversary of the Slovak republic in Bratislava, parade of Gardists with flags, military inspection. Vojtech Tuka receiving an honor...

  7. Post war trials of collaborators in Ukraine

    Village (unidentified, in Ukraine). Women are beating a prisoner [the prisoner may be Zvarych: a well-known Ukrainian collaborator, this needs further research and documentation]. Someone behind the camera interviews a man. CUs of an interviewee. Another man is testifying at the Soviet court. CUs of witnesses testifying, CUs court documents, CUs judges. Translation of Russian narration and Ukrainian testimony (Russian is dubbed over Ukrainian, both are heard): As children our parents would frighten us with "Zvarych." "You'll see, the 'red boots' will come." Zvarych was the "red boots." [At ...

  8. "Incurably insane"

    Located in an institution for the incurably insane. Shows the "insane" who must be restrained and artificially fed, unaware of their surroundings, incapable of useful work. 'The sins of the fathers are visited on their children. Innocent themselves, broken in body and spirit, a burden to themselves and others!' Individuals with bizarre, typically disturbed movements are shown. Three children tied to their beds 'for the duration of their lives.' 01:05:12 Title in large letters: "Soll es so weitergehen?" [Should it continue this way?] 01:05:40 "Nein! Nein! Niemals!" [No! No! Never!] Three fur...

  9. Jackson addresses German criminal code at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 16) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 28, 1946. MLS, front view, US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson speaking about organizations within the Nazi government and their members. Jackson deals at length with the German criminal code of 1871.

  10. March of Time -- outtakes

    Experimental planes, demonstration at US air base.

  11. German Newsreel selections

    Hitler and Goering meet Keitel, Doenitz, and others at small, formal military occasions. Long coats, big brass buttons, triumphal music in BG. CU, Hitler in cap, saluting. MCU, all walking in a group. German fighters take off to fight bombers. Shots of submarine, military air base, taking off into the sky. Young women and men interpreting maps on table, lots of air to air shots. Hospital patients are directed to shelters. Everything is "under control." American flyers taken prisoner. American POWs talking to Nazis, being "interviewed" for injuries, head bandaged. American plane "Sunshine" a...

  12. Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv (Austria) records

    Contains records from the Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv in Linz, Austria related to the confiscation and restitution of Jewish property in Austria and Germany. Includes correspondence, questionnaires, financial documents, reports, newspaper clippings, name lists, property lists, and restitution claims from the Finanzlandesdirektion of Upper Austria.

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Speeches by US officials re: defense

    Official Motion Picture Release - Bureau of PR #1593 Washington, DC. Speech by General Jacob L. Devers, Chief of the Army Ground Forces. Annapolis, MD. Address by Admiral Sherman to midshipmen. Washington, DC. Secretery of Defense Louis Johnson speech on five percenters, re: procuring government contracts.

  14. Leonard J. Leader papers

    Contains a description of events written by Leonard J. Leader, a soldier in the U.S. Army (1942-1946), that pertains to the fate of Belgian Jews.

  15. Anti-Jewish propaganda film: migration of Jews

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts. REEL 2 Further scenes shot in Warsaw, Poland, October 1939. More shots of Jewish...

  16. Schellenberg questioned at Nuremberg Trial by Defense Counsel, re. Kaltenbrunner and "the Jewish Question"

    (Paris 476) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 4, 1946. Defense counselors for Baldur von Schirach, Franz von Papen, and Alfred Rosenberg question Walter Schellenberg, the Chief of Security Police and SD (in German). Schellenberg confirms that Kaltenbrunner was his immediate superior from January 1943 until the end of the war. Answering the question of the defense counsel, he says that he never talked to Kaltenbrunner about "the Jewish question" or important issues of Nazi doctrine, so he can only defer Kaltenbrunner's personal views on these from a few personal observations and...

  17. Records of the Ukrainian Extraordinary State Commission

    Contains photocopied records excerpted from the Poltava State Oblast Archive Fonds 1792/6/2; 1876/8/68/81/91/98/104; 3388/1/688, 1601a, 1624; 4085/3/227b. Contains executive commission depositions pertaining to German atrocities committed during the occupation of Poltava (1941-1943); lists of inhabitants shot by the Germans; reports on the execution of Soviet POWs and local populations (including Jews) in Zolontonosha, Kremenchug, Poltava, Khorol, Mirgorod, Kobeliaki, and other cities; and depositions on the treatment of POWs by the Germans.

  18. Pogroms in Ukraine

    Silent film with French intertitles. Synagogue of Demijevka after it has been destroyed. The Torah has been desecrated. VS, all stills, of the INT of the synagogue, Torah scrolls are unspooled on the ground, the Jewish male elders are picking up the pieces, image of the altar turned upside down, etc. "Des juifs tues et assassins" "Des victimes jetees au Dnjepr par les bandits. Meschigorie (Dep. de Kieff)." Various stills of the burned victims' bodies, they are lying in rubble. "Les massacres a' Jitomir." Various stills of the bodies of the massacred victims, laid out in a circle and men sta...

  19. Concentration camps in Norway; Spanish photographer imprisoned in Mauthausen testifies re. Nazi leaders who visited camp at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 531) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 29, 1946. Hans Cappenlen, Norwegian, testifying in English (a court interpreter sits beside him). Cappenlen tells about concentration camps in Norway. 08:20:00 He testifies of Roma sent to Struthof concentration camp. 08:22:00 Cappenlen mentions that Gross Rosen was a "bad camp" and that the worst was the evacuation of Gross Rosen in February. French prosecutor Dubost calls this witness. Justice Lawrence asks the defense counselors if they are able to question the witness. Friedrich Bergold, defense counselor, claims he is not prepa...