Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,781 to 15,800 of 58,960
  1. Soviet partisans; military

    Reprisals against Soviet partisans in village. Military in Smolensk. VS, soldiers in the field. CUs of the faces of soldiers, smiling, talking, etc.

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- UNRRA warehouse; Czech-Polish border

    1150 GG (14:15:55) Prague, Czechoslovakia. UNRRA Warehouse. Mr. Peter Alexeef, director of UNRRA's branch in Czechoslovakia, welcoming Mr. Vaclav Majer, Minister of Food, at UNRRA's warehouse. The Chief of the Press for UNRRA, Mr. Denlinger, is also present. Several shots of the three men arriving at a table where they test sausage from cans sent by UNRRA to feed the Czech people. CU, Alexeef and Majer eating the sausage. MS, CU same. Village of Bela-Pod, the center of UNRRA's supply for agriculture. LS, pile of UNRRA's supplies. The village is in the BG. Heaps of supplies waiting for distr...

  3. May Day; church service

    May Day: Workers and peasants gather in large crowds to hear speeches given by the German occupation. The Kiev-Pechersk Monastery at sunset (the campanile is clearly visible), and the cupolas of what appears to be the Cathedral of Dormition (within the monastery). Night-time exterior shot of Saint Andrew's Church (not at the monastery), followed by interior shots of an Orthodox mass. The choir is singing, and the worshippers stand listening, crowded beneath the iconostasis. Translation of Russian narration: May Day - the German national holiday was also celebrated by all liberated populatio...

  4. Emily Kesser collection

    Consists of: 1) one memory book and one family book, including one birth certificate of Hilde Reifenberg, the donor's mother, issued in Paderborn, Germany on 30 Dec.1938, 2) one address book kept by the donor's mother in New York; 3) a British transit visa issued to Ernst Israel Lewin and his wife Hilde, the donor's parents, on 14 Aug.1939 in Paderborn, Germany; 4) one letter and one family book stating that Ernst Lewin and Hilda Reifenberg were married on 19 Feb.1938,; 5) one memory book for Adolf Lewin, the donor's paternal grandfather, who died on 11 May 1938; and 6) a certificate, dated...

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine; Hitler; Goebbels; Cantor, synagogue; Boycott of Jewish shops; Nazi flag

    Trims. 179 C: Singing in Hebrew, in dining hall (sound). 09:12:44 Factory (without sound). CU, women working in factory. 09:13:20 Man on desert with camera, tripod, camel in BG. 09:13:23 Hitler at podium giving speech (sound). 09:13:31 Pan, aerial landscape, Palestine (without sound). Valley of Israel, map. Tel Aviv, Jerusalem. Desert. Palestine, city streets with people, camels. Letters. Women in factory. 09:15:13 Different shots, newsreel footage of Hitler speaking (sound). 09:15:51 Palestine. Hitler. Palestine. Hitler speech. Camels. Factories, pantyhose. Palestine. 09:17:52 179 D: Herma...

  6. Slovakian newsreel: Slovakian government officials; Hlinka youth

    Slovak Sound Weekly: Marshall Kvaternik on a visit to military residence in the Tatra Mountains. Awards presented to Slovak soldiers in Ruzemberok near the mausoleum of Andrej Hlinka and in the L. Stur barracks, a mobile attack unit. Croatian Ustashe Youth together with Hlinka Youth in the Parnic camp.

  7. Legal Department, Central Jewish Committee in Poland Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP). Wydział Prawny (Sygn. 303/XVI/1-438)

    Contains correspondence, petitions, agreements, and depositions related to legal aspects of the Polish Jews after World War II, 1945-1950. The Data pertain mainly to the legal issue of the Jewish properties, repatriation, Jewish orphans, the search of Holocaust survivors, preservation of Jewish cemeteries, the search for war criminals, and exhumations. The collection includes correspondence of the Legal Department, Central Jewish Committee of Jews in Poland with a variety of world organizations e.g. the World Jewish Congress in Austria and in Great Britain, the American Joint Distribution C...

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- Execution of Dostler; bombing on USS Savannah

    1425 P (14:00:44) Official Motion Picture Release - Bureau of PR #1589. Signal Corps. Aversa, Italy. Execution of German General Anton Dostler. Pan shot of Dostler accompanied by guards, walking down embankment steps to place of execution through early morning mists. HS, group including Chaplain walking to post on execution spot. Close shot and HS of Dostler being tied to post. LS, group of GIs lined up at attention. HS, Dostler being blindfolded at stake. MS, man walking away from blindfolded Dostler. HAS, execution groups with firing squad walking in. Another angle, same with part of squa...

  9. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: people with extreme deformities

    Reel 6 of 8: Toddler without legs or arms, unclothed, close views in bed. Stumps. Disfigured face of child, CU. Man with elephantitis in one leg. Very crooked body in bed. VAR extreme deformities. Female dwarf; crying young person, CU. 00:36:56 Lit for effect, menacing, tough man. VAR CUs for dramatic effect. VCU: sticking out tongue, etc.

  10. Prime Minister's Office: Confidential Correspondence and Papers (PREM 4). Selected records.

    The collection consists of selected correspondence files and reports from the Prime Minister's Office related to the Jewish situation in occupied Europe and the refugee situation in Palestine. Files originate from the record group PREM 4 at the National Archives, United Kingdom.

  11. Fascist racial theory and health

    Roll 3: Change of camera angle. "Unser Ziel sei" [Our goal will be] in 1950 re. diseases. We know so much more now about ways to good health, vitamins, etc. 01:18:49 Closer shot of Conti. If we should achieve victory (and be in the East), we must...[see Protokoll for content]. Krieg ist der...als dies Mal: "Dazu kommen die Fragen der Rassenpflege, die ebenfalls umfangreicher geworden sind denn die Judenfrage Osten...Volkserziehung fest zu begrunden...nicht Mischung mit dem Ost..."

  12. Anti-Jewish propaganda film: rich Jews; "degenerate" art; prominent Weimar Jews

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts. REEL 5 An animated diagram illustrating the population of Germany, with the narr...

  13. Nazi propaganda about Jews living in ghetto and disease

    Antisemitic propaganda film showing living and housing conditions in a Jewish ghetto in Poland (probably the Warsaw ghetto), typhus patients, and measures against the spreading of lice. Reel 2: Ghetto scenes (in Warsaw, according to Bundesarchiv annotation). Workers disinfecting clothes in large cage. 00:27:54 Man shaving heads and beards, clipping pubic hair. Very thin man seated, with glasses. Man in white coat. 00:28:22 Clothes removed from steamer. 00:28:44 Naked men and boys, very thin, in showers. Man (wearing glasses) in shower, soaping. Washing pubic areas. 00:29:20 Pan of children ...

  14. Dachau Concentration Camp

    General coverage of the German prisoner of war concentration camp at Dachau, showing condition of prisoners that are alive, and the heaps of dead bodies; showing also prisoner liberation ceremonies. Slate reads: MACK TT-25 DACHAU. General shots of the prisoners at Dachau concentration camp. MLS, survivors staring at camera, standing around. LS from roof, in between barracks, standing around, survivors looking up into sun and into camera, waving to camera (soft), sitting on ground, steaming cauldrons, sleeping, chipping wood. Corpses lying on ground near railroad cars/platform. A group of Am...

  15. Prosecution explains collection of documents for Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 374) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. LS, prisoners and others in court stand at attention as court is called to order (23:09:48). Pan to Tribunal as it is seated. 23:14:30 MCU, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, and Doenitz listening to prosecutor. MS, rear view of unidentified American civilians, members of the prosecution, as he tells the court how documents and briefs were obtained by special units attached to the advancing military units. 23:11 " the US army advanced into German territory. These were attached to each army and...specialized military personnel...duties ...

  16. Esfira Bramson-Alperniene collection

    Consists of a photograph of members of the Bramson extended family, circa 1900. Many of those identified perished during the Holocaust.

  17. Albert Speer testifies at Nuremberg Trial; Herman Priess testifies

    05:35:24 (Munich 248) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 19, 1946. Albert Speer is sworn in. Pan from Speer to Dr. Hans Flaschner, his lawyer, speaking. Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence corrects Dr. Flaschner on a point. MS, Speer testifying. 05:39:21 (Munich 245) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 18-19, 1946. Former SS general Herman Priess testifying.

  18. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 2)

    Footage of a prewar (?) anti-fascist demonstration. A graphic shows the Star of David badge issuing from a photo of Globke. Adolf Eichmann is named as a close colleague of Globke. Photos and footage (some of it staged) showing the way communists and then Jews were mistreated by the Nazis. The narrator quotes Hitler as saying that it is necessary to have a visible enemy, the Jews. Shots of Goebbels speaking about the lying Jewish/Bolshevist press, exemplifying how the Nazis tied anti-Bolshevism and antisemitism together. Exterior shots of the Karl Liebknecht House, headquarters of the commun...

  19. Romanian military in Odessa; Romanian occupation

    Military actions in Odessa, which was captured by German and Romanian forces in 1941, then occupied by Romania. A plane flies over sections of a city which have been bombed out and lie in ruins. Fire and smoke billow out from buildings, including the Theater Kotovsky (still in Odessa?). Romanian troops in occupied Sevastopol. First days of Romanian occupation.

  20. French awards; Factories destroyed; Indictment of Dachau perpetrators

    02:00:41 (Paris 352) French Awards to Three Army Officers, Bad Tolz, Germany, November 13, 1945. SEQ: At the 3rd US Army HQ, a formation composed of French troops of the 27th Div Infantry Alpine and Co "A", 503rd MP Bn, 3rd US Army, are inspected by Gen. Lucian K. Truscott and French Gen. Marie Emile Bethouart. The French general awards the Legion of Honor and Croix-de-Guerre to Brig. Gen. A F Kingman, CG, 79th Inf Div and Maj. Gen. Frank A. Keating, CG, 102nd Airborne Div. The third officer receiving an award is unidentified. 02:02:59 (Paris 353) Destruction of War Factories, Ebenhausen, G...