Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,801 to 15,820 of 58,960
  1. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 464) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. LSs of courtroom. As their names are called, defendants stand up in prisoners' dock: Karl Brandt, Zugfried Handloser, Paul Rostock, Oskar Schroeder, Karl Genzken, Karl Gebhardt, Kurt Blome, Rudolf Braunt, Walkheim Mrugowsky, Helmut Poppendick, Wolfgang Sievers, Gerhardt Rose, Ziegfried Ruff, Victor Brack, Hans Wolfgang Romberg, Hermann Becker-Freysing, George A. Weltz, Konrad Schaeffer, Fritz Fischer, Adolf Prokorny, and Herta Oberhauser. The defendants are seated and Brig. Gen. Telford...

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Iran

    Iran: Ancient minarets in Teheran. Russians accepting planes with US insignia. Lend-lease. Natives assemble freight cars. Trains going through mountains, railroad yards. Russian soldiers.

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- Staged scenes of antisemitism

    Some (maybe all) STAGED scenes. Nazi men roughing up two suited men in dry cleaners; soldier seen from INT of store, waits for instructions to start ("Action!"). Soldier seen painting Jude through window. Sign "Deutsche! Wehrt euch! Kauft nicht bei Juden." Pull back, soldier holding sandwich board, women and men walk past, not looking. In workplace two Nazis barge in, wrestle with men, drag them away. Painter in window finishes, leaves; same, as seen from outside, Nazi next to him with flag (staged). In butcher shop, Nazi comes in, grabs butcher and customer. In restaurant/diner, Nazi comes...

  4. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Defendants, defense counselors, and Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson listening to Goering testifying. Goering testifies that he supervised all concentration camps until 1934. Pan from Goering talking to defendants listening intently. LS, interpreters' box with several people speaking into microphones as Goering testifies. Goering talks about very harsh policing measures taken at the time, especially charges that prisoners were beaten and mistreated. The case of Ernst Thaelmann comes up, who complained to Goering personally...

  5. Gisevius testimony at Nuremberg Trial; Streicher sworn in

    (Munich 128) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 26, 1946. Continuation of Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius testifying under questioning by US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson. Pan from prisoners' dock to Jackson and Gisevius. Gisevius talks about the torture and murder of thousands of prisoners and the confiscation of civilian property by the Gestapo. MSs, prisoners' dock showing Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, and Franz von Papen. 19:18:37 LSs, Julius Streicher is sworn in and questioned by his attorney, Dr. Hans Marx. Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence is heard saying to Streiche...

  6. Reunion of Ukrainian child survivors of Auschwitz

    Reunion of child survivors, now adults, of Auschwitz concentration camp (this appears to be taking place during the 1960s). VS, CUs, faces of men and women as they greet each other again for the first time since their time spent together in the concentration camp. VS, scenes of liberation of orphaned children (back in the 1940s). Children on buses, leaving the camps and being sent to new lives after the war. In Kiev, a large group of child survivors process to an eternal flame and place flowers and wreaths around this flame in a public plaza in Kiev (in the 1960s again). The camera pans the...

  7. Henry Brandys collection

    Consists of a postcard, dated 16 June 1942, written by the donor’s maternal grandfather, Hershel Posmantir, in the Sosnowiec ghetto, to his daughter, the donor’s mother Chana Posmantir, who had been imprisoned in the Bernsdorf labor camp, a sub-camp of Gross-Rosen; Kreis Trautenau, since 1941.

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- Ship launching at Swedish harbor; Red Cross ships with POWs

    1021 V (09:06:25): Managing Director Heden in office. Gothenburg ship-building and launchings: Tug attending launching. Bows of ship. LS, stern of ship and harbor. Deck of a newly-built ship, waiting to be put to sea since the outbreak of war. View along the deck. Ship entering floating dock. Ship-building yard showing lower deck plates of ship. Director Heden and his wife ascending stairs prior to launching. Ship's side with flag decorations. Launching platform with ship's bows. View of shipyard. MS, launching platform. Mrs. Heden coming down steps with bouquet. Launching of the ship. Gene...

  9. Arrival of Berlin Youth Theater in Odessa; Solomon Mikhoels

    Title in Ukrainian, translation in English: "Hello to the Western European revolutionary artists! Odessa. Train from Berlin with members of the Berlin Youth Theater." LS, train station, arrival of train in station, passengers disembark. Crowds of civilians are gathered on the platform to greet them. Intertitle translation: "Solomon Mikhoels, director of the Jewish State Theater of Moscow(GOSET) greets them." CU, of a young man smiling for the camera, notes identify him as Veniamin Zuskin, a Jewish actor. CU of Mikhoels speaking. Crowd clapping after Mikhoels finishes speaking.

  10. Feature film about a Russian army officer: military school

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 1: Soldier comes in from rain, talks to roomful of kids at night. At military school. "Old House Father" comes in.

  11. German invasion of Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine

    Kiev [Kyiv] burning. German soldiers in the streets, on foot and on horseback. AVs of Kiev. VS, smoke, fires, destroyed buildings. The narrator notes that this is on Hreschatyk, the main street of Kiev. It is important to note, therefore, that the buildings were destroyed not by the invading Germans, but by the retreating Soviets, who planted explosives in these buildings to be detonated once the Germans had occupied them. 01:17:46 Synagogue(?) in Kiev. Firefighters with water hoses, trying to extinguish the fires. More AVs of burned out buildings, block after block of decimated buildings. ...

  12. Jewish displaced persons

    Film opens with VS of DPs at Camp Feldafing, in the winter of 1946. There is snow on the ground. LS of barracks/sleeping quarters. VMS of DPs, men and women, young men and women, and some children. Walking out of barracks, some smiling. MS of DPs in wooden bunks, some with somber expressions, others smiling, laughing, eating, sitting around tables playing cards, talking, doing laundry, children sit on the floor of barracks playing. Voice over narration says: "These are the people. Our people. Waiting...waiting...waiting..." VCUs and MCUs of mothers and children, couples, talking, posing for...

  13. Hangings; Russian Correspondents at Nuremberg Trial

    Hangings. 10:07:34 (Paris 494) Trip of the Russian Correspondents to Germany, January 12, 1946. Russian correspondents accompanied by American officers walking around factory yards and interviewing foremen and workmen. Cars bearing the group enter gates at Bad Tolz. Party on tour of grounds and buildings. Group interviews a German woman at window of her home. MS, Russian taking notes. LS, group on grounds of Heidelberg University. Party entering Bucholz prison. Group watches military execution by hanging of a German accused of murdering unarmed American prisoners. MS, group getting into thr...

  14. Civilians aid in defense of Ukraine

    VS of a line of horse drawn carts driven by civilians are on the move. Civilians with spades are walking by a river/lake. CUs of civilians digging in the ground to build defense lines (trenches).

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Experimental fighter planes

    Experimental fighter planes, Muroc Air Base, CA.

  16. Hans Aussen collection

    Consists of five photographs depicting the Hans Aussen in school before and during the war and his wedding in 1951; and two identification cards, one false and one authentic, with photographs of the Hans using two different names, issued in 1941, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

  17. Jackson in his office

    (Munich 135) Justice Robert H. Jackson, Nuremberg, Germany, May 2, 1946. US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson seated at desk in his private office talking with Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor. Same setting, Jackson talking with Thomas J. Dodd, assistant prosecutor. CU, Jackson speaking. CU, Dodd. Jackson's secretary Mrs. Douglas handing him some papers. MS, Jackson reviewing and signing the papers.

  18. Raincoat

    Selma Bendremer used the raincoat while working for the Joint Distribution Committee in Germany and France after World War II.