Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,881 to 15,900 of 58,960
  1. Newsreel Soviet Ukraine

    PRAVO. Right to Education, Dnipropetrovsk. Sign: In Yiddish and Ukrainian. Classroom: Blackboard with Yiddish writing. College age students, female and male. Translation: [Soviet propaganda newsreel] Opens with the title "Right to education." The tablet on the wall reads: "Dnipropetrovsk Jewish Metal Manufacturing Technical College," (Jewish technical college in Dnipropetrovsk). "Would it have been possible just to dream about such a thing for Jewish youth in capitalistic tsarist Russia? Only in the Soviet country did Stalin's constitution provide every nationality with a right to education."

  2. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 9)

    Portrait of Bernhard Loesener, who was in charge of the Jewish Affairs office until 1943. His portrait is replaced by that of Globke. Scenes of Wannsee as the narrator describes the Wannsee conference. Excerpt from "Der Ewige Jude" showing rats. Quick succession of well-known still photographs showing the persecution of Jews, followed by a discussion of the similarities between Globke and Adolf Eichmann. Footage of a German confiscating personal property from Jews. A document is used to prove that as early as 1933 Globke profited from the persecution of the Jews. Footage of Jews at forced l...

  3. Defendants talk in dock at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 425) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 7, 1945. Prisoners enter courtroom in groups, take their places, greet each other and talk. The prisoners enter in the following order: Hermann Goering, Karl Doenitz, Rudolf Hess, Erich Raeder, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Baldur von Schirach, Wilhelm Keitel, Fritz Sauckel, Hjalmar Schacht, Hans Fritzsche, Walther Funk, Constantin von Neurath, Julius Streicher, Albert Speer, Wilhelm Frick, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Hans Frank, Franz von Papen, Alfred Rosenberg, Alfred Jodl (similar to scene in Story 2799, Film ID 2341).

  4. Priest of Leningrad testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 15) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 27, 1946. MS, Russian prosecutor questions witness (who is not visible). MLSs, MSs, Nicholas Lonarin, Priest of Leningrad and Director of the Ecclesiastical Priest Courses in Leningrad, testifies in Russian. MS, pan of stenographers at work. Pan to witness. LS, showing spectators in a section of courtroom. Pan from courtroom audience to priest testifying.

  5. Ilia Ehrenbourg speaks.

    Ilya Ehrenbourg, the great Soviet poet and writer, speaks. He and several men, are seated around a large table having a discussion before he begins to speak to the camera. Intertitle in Ukrainian: "Ilya Ehrenbourg visits Kiev." Translation: Honored writer Ilya Ehrenbourg is visiting Kiev. In a writers' circle, he reads from his poem "March 18th", which speaks about the occupation of Paris, France

  6. Funk at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 146) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 4, 1946. Dr. Fritz Sauter questions his client Dr. Walter Funk. MS, Dr. Funk testifying. (Munich 147) Scenes are same as above. The soundtrack is of translator's voice giving questions and answers in English.

  7. Defense counselor Marx and Gisevius testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 129) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 27, 1946. HAS, Tribunal. LS, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence addressing some remarks to defense counselor Dr. Hans Marx. HAS, Dr. Marx at stand as Julius Streicher is heard. HAS, MS, US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson questioning Gisevius. (Gisevius is not visible). 19:28:22 MS, CUs Hermann Goering and Rudolf Hess listening to Gisevius' testimony. 19:28:51 Pan to Jackson continuing his questioning.

  8. Survivors at Majdanek

    [The title is misleading - there is actually no trial footage in this story.] VS, CU, malnourished baby in diaper, CU, needle and syringe and hand, person is wearing a white lab coat. CUs of survivors, lying emaciated on the ground and in wooden beds. INT, still of room where bodies were decapitated. MCU, bushel of heads in a wooden fruit basket, resting next to a line of decapitated corpses in a wooden rack. Various CUs of the heads. Montage of familiar camp images: ovens, piles of metal, hair, and shoes. Translation of Ukrainian narration: A giant death industry was being created. More th...

  9. Humboldt University Archives records

    Contains documents, mostly from the 1930s, deriving from various bodies and faculties of Humboldt University, concerning the status of Jewish professors and students. Includes financial and administrative files pertaining to antisemitic activities at the Humboldt University.

  10. Milch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 41) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 11, 1946. MLSs, witness and prosecutor. Erhard Milch, General Field Marshal and Secretary, Permanent Deputy of the Ministry of the Reich Luftwaffe, is cross-examined by Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson. Milch held positions of Quartermaster General of the Air Force and IG for the same branch, was a member of the Armament Council, and directed air operations against Norway in 1940. Jackson questions the witness in English; Milch answers in German. Jackson attempts to establish that Germany was prepared for war by questions leading...

  11. Propaganda posters

    A German propaganda poster depicts a tank with a Nazi swastika banner in the BG. It reads, in Russian, "Growing every day." Another propaganda poster depicts a German soldier in the FG, turning back to face local peasants, who are standing behind him and waving to him. It reads, again in Russian, "The German Army, your protector and friend!" A third propaganda poster shows a farmer tending to his field, and reads: "Now, I work in peace". A fourth poster shows a farmer planting seeds, but the caption is illegible, as the time code was burned in on top of it in a moment of dazzling brilliance...

  12. War Crimes Trials: RuSHA Case; Justice Case Sentencing

    02:08:05 (Munich 646) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 8 (RuSHA Case), Nuremberg, Germany, October 30, 1947. MSs, 18 year old witness Marie Dolezalova, who lived in Lidice, Czechoslovakia, tells how she was taken and treated by the Germans after the town was destroyed. She claims she was told to only speak German and to be for Germany. Pan from RuSHA chart to Ms. Dolezalova. Rear view of prosecutor as he questions. CU, Judge Daniel O'Connell, Tribunal #1, listening to the proceedings. The 16 year old witness Ryzenz Petrakova takes the stand. She is sworn in and tells o...

  13. Soviet POWs work in factory

    VS, CU, MCU, MS of Soviet POWs who are put to work in a German factory receiving suits and shoes. VS, POWs being fitted for suits, smiling. VS, POWs sitting on a bench trying on shoes, continue to smile for the camera. Walking in front of shop window and bowing. Translation of Russian narration: Many Russians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, and other Eastern Europeans who were forced to mobilization by the Bolsheviks and later on taken as prisoners of the war, have been freed for their good behavior and are now making their path to start their usual work. Right now we can see a group of former ...

  14. First Allied Court: trial of Wehrmacht captain

    (LIB 7175) First Allied Court, Lillehammer, Norway, July 10, 1945. SEQ: Trial of Wehrmacht captain who killed a Russian ex-prisoner of war. Witness gives evidence. The court principals are British and American officers. A German general who commanded the occupation of Norway is among the spectators. Shots of the building where trial is held. MLS, US captain and officers visit the place where the crime was committed. The accused enter the building for the trial.

  15. Jüdische Gemeinde Leipzig records

    Contains documents pertaining to Jews leaving and joining the community in Leipzig, Germany, Jewish-owned property and foundations, census figures, publications of laws, personal papers, questionnaires filled out by Jews seeking to emigrate, deportation lists, and lists of deaths and weddings. Contains records relating to the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland, real estate documentation, captured documents of the Saxony Gauleitung, and missing person reports. Also contains deportation lists, general correspondence of the community, questionnaires for survivors, and documents pertain...

  16. Maps of aggression presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 27, 1945. MLS, Sydney Alderman of the US prosecution staff speaks of German aggression in Europe between 1938 and 1939, refers to maps which are posted in the court. MCUs, four charts outlining territorial aggression of Germany during 1938 to 1939. MS, Alderman addresses Tribunal. MS, some of the defendants' attorneys seated in front of the prisoners' dock. Rear views, Alderman reading an English transcription of Hitler's condemnation of the Versailles Treaty.

  17. Klaus Barbie trial

    Contains original court transcripts from the trial against Klaus Barbie for war crimes. On May 11th, 1987, after 4 years of pre-trial investigation in Lyon, France, Klaus Barbie's trial opened. It was the first case for crimes against humanity tried in France. Pierre Truche was the chief prosecutor, and Jacques Vergès was the defense attorney. The collection includes over 37 court sessions (approximately 185 hour trials) held in Lyon form May 11 to July 3, 1987. Barbie had to answer several charges: the liquidation of the Lyon committee of the L'Union générale des israélites de France (UGI...

  18. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 4)

    Close-up of the Nuremberg Laws, as published in the Volkischer Beobachter. Aerial shots of rows and rows of tents at the Reich Party Day are followed by aerial shots of rows and rows of barracks at Auschwitz. Staged scene of a Nazi judge sentencing to death a Jew who violated the Nuremberg Laws. Biographical information on Wilhelm Stuckart, a Wannsee conference participant and his connection to Globke: they co-authored a commentary on the racial laws. Quick shots of Nazi judge Roland Freisler presiding at the trial of the 20th of July plotters. Bookburning scenes and post-liberation scenes ...

  19. Translators at work at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 211 and 222) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 1946. CU, Wac? wearing earphones seated in visitors' gallery. LS, translation section during court session. MS, British officer and two women of the translation section in courtroom. CU, women translators giving answers of witness in English. MS, girl translator giving answers in French. CU, male interpreter speaking in French. MS, group of women; one is translating in Russian. CU, another Russian woman translator speaking into microphone. CU, German translator's section at work.

  20. Burgenländisches Landesarchiv records

    Contains records from the Burgenländisches Landesarchiv in Eisenstadt, Austria, related to the Aryanization of Jewish property in Austria. Includes variety of correspondence; files on the individual cases of Anna Fould, Valerie Lederer, Charlotte Stutzer, Sigmund and Stephanie Weiler, Karl Meyer, Hugo Feigelstock, Paul Steiner, Jacob Blau, Adolf Gerstl, and Helene Adalbert Kohn; and name lists.