Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,761 to 15,780 of 58,960
  1. Judge Advocate General's Office: War Crimes Case Files, Second World War (WO 235)

    Contains case files relating to individuals tried in British military courts for war crimes committed in Europe during World War II. Included are cases about crimes in Bergen-Belsen, Auschwitz, Neuengamme, Hadamar, and Ravensbrück, Loibl Pass work camp, Gross Rosen concentration camp, and Lefitz Children’s hostel. The files contain daily transcripts of court proceedings, court exhibits, and prosecution and defense summations. Also included is documentary evidence collected by the US Chief Counsel including English translations of German documents. .

  2. Doctor and Gestapo prisoner testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Thomas J. Dodd, US prosecution, introducing witness Dr. Franz Blaha. Dodd reads Dr. Blaha's signed affidavit telling of his career as head of a hospital in Czechoslovakia and his experiences as a Gestapo prisoner. The affidavit reveals that the Germans used healthy prisoners for various medical experiments. If the prisoners did not die in the experiments they were later killed. Additional trial footage missing from NARA original documentation: (Lieutenant Breshnen?) Prosecutor (from behind) reads an affidavit of someone de...

  3. Sutzkever (Yiddish writer) and Szmaglewska (Polish underground member) testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 15) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 27, 1946. MLSs, Abraham Sutzkever, a witness who spent two years in a ghetto and joined the partisans in Lithuania. MSs, Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence and Justice Francis Biddle making notes at the bench. LS, Justice Lawrence questions Sutzkever. MLS, Seweryna Szmaglewska testifying through an interpreter. The witness was active in the Polish underground.

  4. German soldiers; Crimes in Ukraine

    German soldiers, people leaving (unidentified locations). Civilians are lined up and gunned down by German soldiers [This scene seems highly edited - for instance, one cut appears to be German soldiers in a field with a machine gun killing civilians in the middle of a city. It is unclear whether this is real film or anti-German propaganda. It also could have been shot in a Jewish ghetto.] Execution by hanging: nooses are placed around the victims' necks, then the camera cuts to another shot (see Story 4913, Film ID 2910 for longer, better quality version of this hanging). Men of the SS-Gali...

  5. Babi Yar

    VS, rubble and bodies intermingled on ground. VS, wood and corpses stacked together. MCU of charred skeletal remains, smoke rising from the ashes. Pan, piles of bones and fragments of bones. Quick cut to a MLS of the countryside, trees silhouetted against the sky along a dirt road; smoke is rising along the road. Translation of Ukrainian narration: Excerpts from the protocols of the State Commission. Testimonies of Isaac Brodsky, [name not entirely clear], Yakov Koper and other members of the death team #1005. The Nazis brought here [to Babi Yar] granite monuments and iron fences taken from...

  6. Can I hug you? A Holocaust Survivor's Story

    Contains a documentary film about a Holocaust survivor, Bernice Vant who visited North Davidson High School and spoke to some of their classes.

  7. Nazi banner

    Nazi banner claimed to have been brought back from Germany by U.S. soldier after World War II.

  8. Rescue of hidden children in Ukraine

    A village in the countryside during winter. CUs of dilapidated icons, a boot, an abandoned house. MCU, peasant woman with tag around her neck, standing in a clearing with a child. She looks directly at the camera. People sit in what appears to be a movie theater, watching the woman and her child. That is reinforced with a second cut back and forth. A child on a stretcher, being carried out by soldiers - the children are being rescued from a cave. They were hiding in the town of Velikaya Lepetikha, in the Zaporozhie region of the Ukraine. Russian title reads: "Liberated children. Velikaya Le...

  9. Harmonious life in a labor city

    Through the eyes of a slightly naïve German engineer, this feature film depicts the harmonious life in the "Arbeiterstadt" [labor city] - a euphemism used for the harsh reality of a foreign labor camp. The commentary states that a 'forceful fate' drove "Millionen fremdvölkischer Arbeitskräfte" [millions of ethnically non-German laborers] to Germany. Eighteen nations are represented in the work camps, including French, Belgians, Norwegians, Croatians, Serbs, Bulgarians, and Ukrainians. All signs in the camp are in six languages: German, French, Italian, Polish, Serbian, and Ukrainian. A jour...

  10. Never Forget Me Personal expression regarding the Holocaust

    Contains song commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. Cantor Victor Beck composed it in 1991 after visiting the Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, Israel. The lyrics were written by Cantor Beck and his mother Mrs. Phyllis Beck. The piece is sung by the composer with orchestral accompaniment.

  11. The Year 1944

    Reviews events of the past year. Shows Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin at the Teheran Conference in 1943. U.S. troops land and fight on Kwajalein, Eniwetok, Saipan, Guam, and other Pacific islands. Russian troops advance to Romania and capture German soldiers. Ships carrying equipment, supplies, and men are loaded in England and cross the English Channel. Paratroops jump at Caen. Troops land under a naval barrage. Citizens of Rome, Paris, Bucharest, Brussels, Belgrade, and Athens celebrate their liberation. Shows scenes of the Dumbarton Oaks, Quebec, and Yalta Conferences, of the election ...

  12. Slovakian newsreel: Tiso; Fascist youth at camp in Slovakia

    Slovak Sound Weekly: New Year's greetings from German Ambassador Hanns Elard Ludin on behalf of the diplomatic corps to President Jozef Tiso. (Narration and music only; no original sound on film) Ski class for Hlinka Guard Youth camp in Stoli pod Tatrami (mountains in Slovakia).

  13. Doctor's bag

  14. Prosecution at Nuremberg Trial; courtroom

    (Munich 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 30, 1946. Thomas Dodd and Brig Gen Telford Taylor of the American prosecution seated in the courtroom. Taylor speaking to the court. Dodd seated at prosecution table. Pan to Russian prosecution table showing General Rudenko. Taylor speaks of the ruthlessness of the German army, saying "this was not soldiery, this was savagery." MS, French prosecutor AC de Ribes summing up. MS, Russian prosecutor Gen. Rudenko summing up. HAS, lawyers, prosecutors, and others filing out of the courtroom after session.

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Danzig Nazi flags/banners; Hitler and Goering; Nuremberg rally

    Trims. German city of Danzig with swastikas, Nazi flags/banners. Closeup of Danzig election poster 1935. Julien Bryan outtakes from Nuremberg party rally 1937. Quick shots, church, military on guard. Nazi officials exiting building. Goebbels. Long military coats. Hitler Youth at attention. Poster. Hitler speaking. Goering speaking, with hand out (sound). At night (with sound), torches, Hitler, crowds. (without sound) Goering and military review. Hitler in automobile (Julien Bryan outtakes, Nuremberg 1937). Crowds. Hitler speaking.

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- King; Lotta Women's Auxiliary Organization feeding soldiers

    1021 C (09:17:20): Swedish King Gustav V playing tennis. King (with glasses and hat) autographs papers for children. 1021 F (09:20:50): Man at desk, writing, reading. Two men exiting office, walking. Military review, parade. Various shots, soldiers talking, civilians in BG. CUs, tanks. 1021 X (09:24:59): September 25, 1944 (Lavender) Lotta Women's Auxiliary Organization. Several shots of Swedish soldiers in winter uniforms walking to open-air kitchen run by the Lottas in the snow. Soldiers standing around eating. Soldiers at a Lotta field kitchen set up in front of a tent (ground covered wi...

  17. Ministry of the State Treasury. The Office for Nationalized Property Ministarstvo Državne Riznice. Urzed za Podržavljeni Imetak

    These card files relate to the registration, confiscation, and disposition of Jewish property. The files are arranged in alphabetical order by geographic location.

  18. Selected records of the Ministry of Justice (Fond 242)

    This collection contains reports, protocols, correspondence, telegrams, statements, requests, circulars, name lists, annual reports, and maps. Collection consists of correspondence with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Forensic Medicine Institute of Sofia, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Public Education, the Bulgarian National Bank, General Union of Agricultural Economic Cooperative, the Directorate of National Propaganda, Council of Ministries, and Bulgarian cit...

  19. Propaganda; Soviet POWs

    A German propaganda poster depicts a tank with a Nazi flag/swastika banner in the background. It reads, in Russian, "Growing every day." Another propaganda poster depicts a German soldier in the foreground, turning back to face local peasants, who are standing behind him and waving to him. It reads, again in Russian, "The German Army, your protector and friend!" A third propaganda poster shows a farmer tending to his field, and reads: "Now, I work in peace". A fourth poster shows a farmer planting seeds, but the caption is illegible, as the time code was burned in on top of it in a moment o...

  20. Case against Hans Fritzsche, broadcast propaganda at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 519) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 23, 1946. US Capt. Drexel A. Sprecher addressing the Tribunal in the case against Hans Fritzsche. Tribunal and court members leaving the courtroom for adjournment. MCU, Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson and Lt. Gen. Lucian Truscott sitting in the courtroom balcony. (Railing covers their faces.) Rear view of Capt. Sprecher reading a document written by Fritzsche about German broadcast propaganda. MS, court stenographers at work during the trial.