Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,721 to 15,740 of 58,960
  1. War Criminals Hunt

    (LIB 7228-7229) War Criminals Hunt, Norway, June-July 1945. SEQ: US, British, and Nilorg (Norwegian Underground) troops entering German POW camp in the early morning and routing the prisoners from their sleep. The Germans are lined up outside of barracks and informers pass along the lines in an attempt to identify former Gestapo men. MLSs, MSs, German prisoners rush from their barracks in all manner of dress. In many instances the Norwegian troops boot the prisoners to hurry them along. MSs, informers pass along a line of women who had worked for the German government and are presently inte...

  2. Milch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 41) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 11, 1946. LSs, rear views, courtroom as German attorney questions Erhard Milch (in German). Milch confirms that the German Luftwaffe had not been prepared in 1939, no cooperation or agreements (ROE, command structure) existed with other parts of the Wehrmacht, at least he did not know of any and he should have been informed. Cooperation within the different departments of the Luftwaffe was "loose," the technical department and human resources worked independently. He defines and explains the "Generalstab" as "Fuehrergehilfen" [young o...

  3. Military Historical Archives in Prague records

    Collection consists of historical documents related to the Holocaust. Records contain the following fonds: The SS-Nachrichtenstelle "Nordwest" Den Haag, Sbʹirka Koncentračni tʹabory, Kʹaznice a vězenice, Kommandostab RFSS, Police regiment center, Organization Todt, Einsatzgruppe VII, SS-Totenkopf Standarten, SS-Wachbatl. 2 Prag, SS-Pz. Div, "Totenkopf", SS- Wachbatl." Böhmen und Mäheren", SS-Freiw. Pz. Gren. Div. "Horst Wessel", SS-Varia, and Německʹe soudy vojenskʹe, policejnʹi a civilnʹi.

  4. Yonia Fain drawing

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Hitler on KdF ship, Robert Ley; Hitler in Prague and Berlin

    Trims. Hitler on boat with Robert Ley and relaxed German civilians (probably the maiden voyage of the "Kraft durch Freude" (KdF) ship Robert Ley, spring 1938. Harbor building with large letters: Hitler and group walking, friendly greetings with citizens of Heligoland. German submarine seen alongside from ship. Hitler reviews sailors on board boat; Hitler and babies; German planes in air over Prague, Czechoslovakia; Hitler on reviewing stand with Henlein and Syrovy in Prague; INT of the Reichstag where Hitler answered Roosevelt's cable, various shots. Hitler in car through Prague streets. Tr...

  6. Raizman and Suzkever testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 15) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 27, 1946. MLSs, MSs, Samuel Raizman is sworn in as a witness. Raizman was an inmate at the Treblinka death camp and took active part in the camp's revolt. The witness is sworn in by Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence and begins his testimony in Russian. (Raizman stands during questioning.) LS, Tribunal as Suzkever testifies.

  7. Affidavit re: Schacht presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Lt. Bryson, US prosecutor, presents charges against Hjalmar Schacht. Prosecutor (from behind) reads an affidavit of someone defending Schacht. During the speech are shots of Joachim von Ribbentrop whispering to Rudolf Hess in prisoners' box and MSs of Hans Frick, Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hjalmar Schacht, Constantin von Neurath, and Hans Frank. He quotes from a document saying that Schacht warned both British and Americans about the Nazis, and disapproved with basically everything the Nazis were doing. Prosecutor quo...

  8. Legacy of Babi Yar

    Babi Yar (?). Visitors to mass graves. The ground is covered with a light dusting of snow. Exhumation of bodies. Pan down ravine. Wide angle shot of bodies in a ditch, CU of a skull, propped on top of clothing, the skull still has hair, menacing placement of the skull staring at the camera. Translation of Ukrainian narration: [Abrupt] Babi Yars all over Ukraine: in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kerch, Lviv. Criminals were forced to look at what they had done. [A woman's voice behind the camera. Abrupt.] "The only thing I want to say: all this horror that happened..."

  9. Presidency of Council of Ministers-Military Cabinet Presedintia Consiliul de Miniştri-Cabinet Militar (Fond 764)

    Records of the military cabinet of Ion Antonescu. Topics covered include the persecution and deportation of Jews, confiscation of Jewish properties, and military actions against partisans. There are also secret police records relating to the Romanian withdrawal from Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina in 1940, as the USSR occupied these regions. Microfilms accreted in 2013 contain various correspondence of Antonescu with Hitler, Maniu, Horia Sima, as well as reports on Iron Guard and communist activities, SSI reports, decision of Antonescu relating to the "Jewish problem," decision of Antonesc...

  10. Robert Haguenauer papers

    Contains letters and cards from Raymond Haguenauer written to his wife Marthe from Camp Drancy (1942); family genealogical information including Red Cross tracings of family members; and Robert Haguenauer's personal memoirs (approximately 25 pages).

  11. Soviet Lviv, Ukraine

    Narration identifies Lvov (Lwow, Poland, Lviv, Ukraine). City views. There are shots of extravagant mansions juxtaposed with shots of run-down shacks, as well as small houses of higher quality. Workers move into new apartments; one pastes a poster of Stalin to his wall. Trams, many driven, as noted by the narrator, by women. One passes a monument to Adam Mickiewicz, the great Polish poet. Candy factory. Moving (panning and tracking) shots through market streets, high angles, extensive coverage. Shots of monuments, church and monks (appears to be a monastery), police officers. 00:45:01 Woman...

  12. Foreign Office: General Correspondence, FO 371

    Contains correspondence relating to persecution and atrocities against Jews; refugees from Germany and Austria; disturbances in Palestine; the formation of a Jewish fighting force; immigration issues; German war criminals, and files on the conditions for Jews in occupied Europe including, Germany, Slovakia, Italy, Hungary, Iraq, and Poland.

  13. 1936 Olympics: pistol shooting; track

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 5: Capt. Ludwig Stubbendorf of Germany wins the combination cross country equestrian event, Van Oven of Germany wins rapid fire pistol shooting event and Ullmann of Sweden wins precision pistol shooting event; garlands of victory are placed on brow of winners of the track events.

  14. Dodd questions von Schirach re. Hitler Youth song, at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 187) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 24, 1946. US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd questions Baldur von Schirach about a song for the Hitler Youth that he allegedly published. Dodd reads from a document. Dr. Fritz Sauter and US officer speaking to von Schirach after his testimony. Dr. Sauter examining his client von Schirach.

  15. Goering questioned by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 53) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 18, 1946. LS, people in courtroom rise as Tribunal enters, then seat themselves and trial begins. Rear views, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson questions Hermann Goering who in part of his testimony affirms his fealty to Hitler and says that until almost the very last he thought German victory possible. Goering says that probably in the beginning none of the defendants were really against Hitler ("trying to obstruct him"), but he clarifies that one has to distinguish different time periods, they were talking about almost 25 years ...

  16. Molotov visits US; Sec. Hull; FDR at White House; women war workers

    Part 1, Soviet Commissar Molotov boards a plane at the Washington, DC airport (his secret visit to the US) Shows Secretary of State Hull. Part 2, Sec. Hull and Ambassador Litvinov sign a lend-lease agreement. Part 3, Grand Coulee dam is opened. Part 4, President and Mrs. Roosevelt greet King George II of Greece at the White House. Part 5, women war workers leave their children in nursery schools. Shows scenes at the schools and in industry. Part 6, U.S. bombers are ferried to Canada. Part 7, shows tin cans saved in scrap metal drives. Includes shots of aluminum being processed. Part 8, alli...

  17. Katherine Keenum collection

    Consists of a black and white image of two survivors, wearing prisoners’ uniforms, in front of a barrack in one of the liberated Dachau sub-camps; the caption on the back: “Prisoners at concentration camp near Landsberg, Germany."