Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,381 to 15,400 of 58,960
  1. Nuremberg Trial : Verdict

    World in Film. Issue no. 71 (July 1947) "Nuernberger Prozess: Das Urteil" [Nuremberg Trial: The Verdict] Intertitle in German: "Vor dem internationalen militaergerichtshof in Nuernberg ging der groesste Prozess der geschichte zu ende. Er begann am 20 Nov 1945 und um fasste 403 oeffentliche sitzungen des Tribunals. Am 1 Okt 1946 erfolgte der urteilsspruch ging die 22 Angeklagten. Hier sind die aufnahmen der historischen schluss -" Pan EXT, Palace of Justice. VS, military police on guard in vicinity. Civilian and military personnel enter courthouse. Pan, defendants and court audience standing...

  2. Ginette Kalish photographs

    Contains photographs of Ginette Kalish [donor] and other children in Canet Plage, France, who were part of a group of seventy other orphaned children from Barcelona, Spain, who had escaped Franco and were assisted by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. This group of children were later moved to a chateau in La Vercantiere that included a school and church until their liberation in 1945. Also includes a collection of prewar and wartime photographic prints and a photographic postcard documenting the Druker family, friends from Canet Plage and the Château de Masgelier children's home in Francet.

  3. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 4: Prosecutor reading (incomplete). Commission, defense listening; courtroom views; Strasser testifying (mismatched track; picture goes black). Prosecutor questioning Strasser; pan between defense, prosecution. Pusch testifying (sound is mi...

  4. HG Wells in Moscow

    "H.G. Wells Welcomed," Moscow. Air liner lands at Moscow airport. Mr HG Wells alights and is greeted. Close shot of him with others speaking into microphone.

  5. Captured German film; Stimson; report

    04:32:45 "The Hitler Gang Holds on!" Title: "Captured Nazi films - which were showing in Germany only a few weeks ago - tell today's story of the Hitler gang, and of the fanatical foe we face." Goering. Ceremony at memorial. German soldiers. Hitler visits hospital. Military review, parade. 04:34:51 "Western Front." German soldiers, tanks, weapons. Goebbels. Nazi officials. 04:37:34 Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson: seated at his desk in Washington (mute). 04:38:41 Brig Gen Lauris B Norstadt gives report on 20th AF: detailing information in regard to the eight day period of the bombing of T...

  6. Kurt Gutfreund papers

    The Kurt Gutfreund papers include biographical materials, Theresienstadt postcards and receipts, photographs, and a clipping. The Theresienstadt material documents Kurt Gutfreund’s imprisonment in the Theresienstadt concentration camp from 1943-1945 with his mother Hildegard. Postcards and receipts primarily document packages Hildegard’s sister sent them in Theresienstadt. Some of the postcards include coded messages from Hildegard in the addressee field requesting specific foods in the next package (for example “Dear Onion” to indicate she wanted onions). Additional postcards from the Gutf...

  7. Rosenfeld family displaced persons camp papers

    Consists of: an identification card, issued to Ignatzy Rosenfeld by the Jewish Committee in Munich, Germany, dated July 1948; two “ration” cards for “mann” and “kind” [man and child], issued by the Supply Office of the Jewish Committee in Munich; and a translation of a document, issued by the Registrar Office at Wolfratshausen Displaced Persons Camp, dated 26 Nov.1946, stating that Ignaz [sic] Rosenfeld is giving his wife’s child (the donor) his name.

  8. Verdoner family walking in Hilversum and playing

    EXT, MCUs Francisca and Yoka Verdoner with their brother Otto in a stroller. Their mother Hilde walks along with them. The family walks through the streets of Hilversum, other people are seen on foot and on bicycle. INT, Otto, now with a full head of hair. VS, CUs of Otto, now walking on his own. The children play with a toy, a dancing, wind up monkey. CU of the monkey toy dancing. CUs, bare-bottomed Otto playing with the monkey, his mother Hilde is undressing him. VS, Otto crawling and walking about the room naked.

  9. Archives of the service for war victims Archives du service des victims de la guerre : Series R

    Contains records relating to the fate of Jewish and non-Jewish Belgians throughout Europe during the period of 1933 to 1948. Includes name lists from a wide variety of sources such as concentration and prisoner of war camps, relief and charity organizations, hospitals, prisons, and similar institutions. See also Parts A, Mi, and P ( RG-65.001M; Rg- RG-65.002M and Rg-65.003M).

  10. Kan family life in US, postwar

    Color. EXT, row of houses along a street. "B.H. Sanders" on the side of a mailbox. INT, Betsy? holding baby. Front of a house, women and baby exit the house. MS of Betsy? holding baby. Baby in the stroller, Betsy? and her mother-in-law walk down the street (similar to 01:04:01 on Film ID 2478). INT and EXT shots of the baby and Betsy? with the baby sitting in a chair, the two outside, and the baby in a crib. There appears to be a Donald Duck toy in the baby's crib. 01:11:28 A man (Betsy's husband?) carrying the baby out of the house. MSs, father holds the baby. Betsy and her husband exit th...

  11. Interrogation of pilots; paraders in Rome

    05:00:06 Interrogation of fighter pilots, somewhere in England, June 6, 1944. (English) 05:05:53 Rome, June 6, 1944. (silent) Stationary and pan shots, Scotch bagpipers play and parade in Piazza Venezia. Crowds of Italian civilians throng paraders. MLS, Piazza as US and British soldiers in convoy move through crowd. VS, throngs in Piazza listen to announcement by OWI proclaiming the beginning of the invasion of France.

  12. Ida Cohen correspondence

    Contains letters written from Suwalki, Poland to Ida Cohen in San Antonio, Texas, 1945: two letters from Kazimierz Wawrzyn, a friend of Ms. Cohen's and a resident of Krasnopol; one letter from Jadzi Bak in Krasnopol, dated November 1945; one letter from Father Jan Florek in Krasnopol, dated November 13, 1945.

  13. Nazi propaganda: people with physical disabilities

    Propaganda film with German intertitles (some transcribed below). "Krüppel sind infolge eines angeborenen oder erworbenen Knochen=, Nerven= oder Gelenk= leidens in dem Gebrauch ihres Rumpfes oder ihrer Gliedmassen dauernd behinderte Kranke. Krüppel geraten ohne recht= zeitige und umsichtige Füersorge in Not und soziales Elend. 1) wegen unzweckmässiger Lebensweise, mangelnder ärztlicher Behandlung und Beobachtung. 2) wegen der Unfähigkeit, eine Schule zu besuchen. 3) wegen der Unfähigkeit, sich fuer eine Erwerbstätigkeit auszubilden." 03:09:16 Title: "I. Die nicht heimbeduerftigen Krüppel ko...

  14. Arthur Szyk drawing

  15. Communist demonstration in Amsterdam

    Communist demonstration in the streets of Amsterdam and the police response. "Stadtwertel Jordaan" on tank. Unusual shaped tank rolls through town. Police and Army come in on trucks, guns at the ready. People watch from the windows.

  16. Doll vest

    Julia Schor played with the doll vest while in hiding during the Holocaust.

  17. Edward Haven collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Edward Haven (born Edward Rechtszafen), who survived the Holocaust as a hidden child in Warsaw and Krakow, Poland. Included are pre-war and wartime photographs of the donor’s family; postcards depicting images of Warsaw, circa 1956; the donor’s 6th grade school notebook, 1946; correspondence between the donor and his father, who was in Los Angeles, CA, 1946; and correspondence, 1946, including with the Machaczeks, who had hidden the donor during the war, relating to arranging for Edward to immigrate travel to the United States in ord...

  18. Sentencing Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MS, Rudolf Hess, ill in dock. Joachim von Ribbentrop sympathizes. HS, Hess leaves dock. HS, MS, von Ribbentrop speaking to the other defendants after announcement of his guilt. HS, MSs, Justice Francis Biddle reviewing the case of von Ribbentrop (as latter listens.) Biddle enumerates Ribbentrop's actions and participation in important decision-makings, states what he claims in his defense, but in conclusion, states that the court finds Ribbentrop guilty under all 4 counts. Justice Henri de Vabres reading the verdict ...

  19. FDR at New York World's Fair, 1938

    President at New York World's Fair. General view, President arrives. Car passes camera. Speakers stand, photographers, radio broadcasters. CU, corner stone. President holding trowel. President laying stone. General shot of crowd, monument in BG. CU, Eleanor Roosevelt introduces her husband. Presidential address to the National Education Association, FDR at microphone: "Freedom to learn is the first necessity of guaranteeing that man himself shall be self-reliant enough to be free. Such things did not need as much emphasis a generation ago....The torch of free thought and free learning still...

  20. Fall of Metz: telephone; German prisoners

    Group of GIs review papers, at rail station, gun, group shot. Switchboards in back of truck. Photographer. Tents. GI makies announcement. Cameraman. Wounded soldier. Tank. Phone picked up by GI. Captured German soldiers marched through town as prisoners. African American GI picks up a French girl. Civilians. LS, field across to Metz. Group of GIs. German prisoners in camp. Civilians and GIs. Prisoners exit camp, march in street in column. Group of military officers. GI picks up telephone. Railroad tracks.