Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,361 to 15,380 of 58,960
  1. Charles and Ruth Terner papers

    The Charles and Ruth Terner papers include biographical materials, correspondence, a drawing of Ruth Terner’s middle school, four photographs of the Terners, and several newspaper pages and clippings. The papers document Ruther Terner’s arrival in England on a Kindertransport, Charles Terner’s arrival in England via Switzerland and the establishment of his career, and the emigration efforts of family members remaining in Germany. Biographical materials include documents regarding Ruth Terner’s departure from Berlin on a Kindertransport; Charles Terner’s identity papers, membership cards, mi...

  2. Russian News (1943, No. 73-74)

    Reel 1: Artillery shells Dobronske, White Russia. Tanks and infantry advance. A German observation tower is blown up and its occupants killed. Troops enter the rubbled town and are greeted; they cross the Soje and Dnieper Rivers in boats and on pontoon bridges that are heavily shelled. Titles in Russian.

  3. Szyja Faktor papers

    The Szyja Faktor papers contain photographs and documents concerning Szyja Faktor, a Polish citizen who was displaced as a result of World War II. Included in the collection are letters sent by Szyja while living in the Rivoli, Italy displaced persons camp in 1948 to his cousin Morris Himelsztein in Toronto, Canada. Also included are photographs depicting Szyja, his wife, and his daughter while they were living in the camp in Rivoil.

  4. Beate Czarlinski collection

    Consists of one I.D. certificate from Shanghai, 26 June 1947; one certificate of travel for Benjamin (Siegfried Czarlinsky); one United Nations. letter of registration, 1947; and one class photograph from a Jewish school, Berlin, Germany, 1938.

  5. Regional organization of the Communist Party, Sofia (Fond 18)

    Contains mainly appeals against fascism, antisemitism, and persecution of the Jews in Bulgaria. Includes an appeal from a group of Jews in Sofia, Bulgaria, to destroy fascism, to establish a government of the Fatherland Front, and to welcome the Red Army along with the Bulgarian people.

  6. Underground press Prasa konspiracyjna

    Contains an underground press collection of 12 titles, issued mostly by resistance organizations. Among the publishers are the Armia Krajowa, Stronnictwo Demokratyczne, Delegatura Rzadu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na Kraj, and Polska Partia Socjalistyczna.

  7. Dienststellen Rosenberg-Überwachung der geistigen und weltanschaulichen Schulung der NSDAP selected records (NS 15)

    This collection contains selected German Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv) records from the office of Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR), which concerned itself with the training, political education, and motivation of Nazi Party members. The collection includes staff personnel forms; correspondence from the ERR’s cultural-political archives; and records of the Science Office and the Music Office. Also included is material pertaining to the creation of a “Jews in Music” dictionary.

  8. Kan family vacationing during winter in Switzerland

    "Arosa 1935-6" drawn in the snow. Mountains, trees, and a bridge (possibly shot from inside a train car). Jeanne, Betsy, Robert and a woman sit outside next to a building, pine tree in BG. Robert makes faces at the camera. Jeanne, Betsy, and Robert ice skate. 01:01:43 Waiter delivers champagne glasses on a tray. Robert and Betsy on a sled. CUs, children look at the camera, smile, and sled. Robert wears new goggles. Children feed squirrels in the forest. Snow-covered mountain landscape. 01:03:29 People walk up the mountain. Jeanne with her back to a ski lodge. People walk up a mountain. Land...

  9. DPs in Germany

    (LIB 4171-4178) Displaced Persons, Anrath, Germany, March 15, 1945. MCU, young male child holds large pieced of black bread and eats from large bowl. MCU, two eat from community bowl. In BG, male DPs. MS, CUs, women wash dishes in courtyard. Trucks loaded with male DPs leave center. SEQ: Italian woman crying as husband leaves in truck. Woman faints as truck pulls away. SEQ: US soldiers try to console Italian girl. Other DPs stand in BG as girl weeps. CU, INT, military government office. Officer at desk speaks. (no sound)

  10. Ernest Haar photograph

    Rectangular form with scalloped edges; on recto, black and white image of young man sitting on wooden bench; on verso, handwritten in black ink at center is text that reads "New York/September 1946" and stamped in blue ink is text that reads "B32."

  11. German educational film: domesticating the African elephant

    This short film first depicts the African elephant in its natural habitat, aand then as domesticated elephants being used as work animals for a variety of tasks. All the scenes are EXT scenes. There are some interesting scenes shot at night in the camp, where the elephants can be seen with people riding them, etc. VS, of elephant hunting. There is a long, arduous scene where approximately 10 men try to rope and restrain a wild elephant. They are successful in roping one of his hind legs, but the elephant continues to fight off some of the men with his forelegs and his trunk, this struggle i...

  12. Yugoslavia: plane doctors; repairing engine; supplies and airfield; village; damage

    Reel 2: CUs, traveling plane doctors. Mechanics repairing engine of downed plane, children watching and helping GIs move an engine. Mechanics and Yugoslavian officers working on plane. Planes taxiing on field; sacks of flour; partisan soldiers departing plane, laborers loading flour onto plane. Pan, field with planes; taking off. Street scene in village of Bingula showing damage left by the Germans, man salvaging bricks from his bombed home; other bomb-damaged buildings.

  13. Anton Litwin collection

    Consists of publications, scrapbook pages, photographs, postcards, and reports originally owned by Anton Litwin, who was a member of the War Crimes Branch of the United States Third Army, stationed at Dachau. Includes his identity passes mounted on scrapbook paper; mass-produced postcards; Signal Corps liberation photographs and copies of mass-published liberation photographs; and original photographs taken after the liberation of Mauthausen. Also includes an English copy of the confession of Mauthausen commandant Franz Ziereis; a report of testimony of former Mauthausen prisoners; a May 19...

  14. Berkowicz family newspapers

    Contains 34 issues of "Nasz Przegląd," a Polish-language Zionist daily newspaper published in Warsaw, Poland, dated June-September 1939.

  15. Bulgarian Legation in Moscow (Fond 3180)

    Contains diplomatic notes regarding mass murders committed by Germans in the Soviet Union and correspondence regarding Bulgarian representation of German, Hungarian, and Romanian interests in the Soviet Union.

  16. National Armed Forces. High command Narodowe Siły Zbrojne: Dowództwo (Sygn.1329)

    Contains records of the Narodowe Sily Zbrojne (NSZ), a Polish military organization established in September 1942 as a union of some underground groups including Narodowy Zwiazek Wojskowy (National Military Union) and Zwiazek Jaszczurczy (The Lizard Union). One component of the NSZ joined the Armia Krajowa (Home Army) as a result of an agreement made on March 7, 1944; another component of the so-called Brygada Świętokrzyska (The Holy Cross Brigade) moved to Western Europe with German permission. Some groups of NSZ remained active after the war, fighting against the new Communist regime.

  17. Goebbels at book exhibition in Weimar

    Book fair in Weimar. Banner hanging at fairgrounds, "Die Zeit lebt im Buch" CUs books, Goebbels looking at books/various exhibits, speaking: "The German book is in the hand of all Germans." Sequence of shots of people and children reading on park benches, in library, at open air bookstalls, etc. Narration promotes reading and education.

  18. Nazi leaders, other fascist leaders

    REEL 2: The rise of fascist dictatorships. Some of the Nazi leaders: Hess, Goering, Goebbels, etc. collecting money for charity outside a theater, and cheerfully chatting with the theater-goers. Giant Nazi rally. Hitler speaking to huge crowd who sit listening while being snowed upon. Italian politician Balbo visits Goering's Karinhall, shooting party includes Ernst Udet. Series of CUs of different fascist types making speeches. Various scenes of Germany showing popularity of Nazis and the whole Nazi ideal. One group includes Gen. Rommel. 01:46:38 Mussolini as farmer, helping with the thres...

  19. Book

    Hard cover copy of the book, One World, by Wendell L. Willkie published 1943. In August 1942, former Republican presidential nominee Wendell Willkie began a 31,000-mile journey in a Liberator bomber to see what he could of the world at war, its battlefronts, its leaders and its people. One World, an accounting of the journey, made a case for a strong United Nations

  20. Yugoslavia: riverside; propaganda; church; bridges; street scenes; memorial

    Reel 4: Pan across city of Belgrade across Sava River; Zemun Bridge. Placards displayed throughout the city of Belgrade. From steeple of Saborna Serbian Orthodox Church to people entering and leaving. Vehicles, horse-drawn carts and people crossing Zemun Bridge; main street in Belgrade, Terazyje Square, Albaivua building; Balkan Hotel, trolley cars and people. Russian grave in Knesev Spomenak Square, National Opera Theater in BG; inscription on gravestone, star on top.