Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,461 to 15,480 of 58,960
  1. Russian DPs waiting to return home; Montgomery awards medals

    03:18:51 (LIB 7052) Russian DPs go Home, Grimma, Germany, June 21, 1945. Displaced persons get off trains which are decorated with greenery and huge pictures of Stalin. Short scene, two US soldiers speak with a Russian woman who holds infant in her lap. Russian DPs in field await transportation to homeland. Some relax, other wash clothes in river, a few men and women swim. 03:23:15 (LIB 7054) Award, Wiesbaden, Germany, June 26, 1945. LSs, Field Marshall Sir Bernard L Montgomery presents British awards to US Army personnel. LSs, MLS, Montgomery and Gen Omar N Bradley troop the line of soldie...

  2. Wojciech Zatwarnicki photograph collection

    Consists of a portrait image of Wojciech Zatwarnicki and three photographic images of his Czerniaków area estate, where a group of Jews from the Warsaw ghetto worked from 1940-1942/.

  3. Book

  4. Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg selected records (NS 30)

    Contains selected records from the group NS 30.

  5. Bomb damage in Italy; Italian refugees; British troops; German prisoners

    04:08:10 NR-85 Army Pictorial Service - Film Report (Silent) Effects of Bombing by USAAF in Italy, October 6, 1943. VS, Italian refugee women and children in flight, enter town, carrying their small belongings. CU, sign at improvised bridge: George Washington Bridge. LS, US Army truck moves through bomb-wrecked city passing ruined church and much debris. CU, religious statues in church. AV, town showing Reggio Canal, ruined factories and building; bomb craters in parts of the city along the RR yard and in ancient amphitheatre. LS, ruined railroad yard and demolished bridge. 04:12:59 NR-76 A...

  6. DPs in Germany

    (LIB 4171-4178) Displaced Persons, Anrath, Germany, March 15, 1945. MSs, female displaced persons walk along corridor of former prison. Two girls enter cell. Inside cell, female DPs talk and sing. MCU, two Russian DP women. Two male DPs distribute German language newspapers printed by the US military authorities. LS, DPs in courtyard near entrance to mess hall. DPs unload beef and lard from truck. US soldier supervises unloading. MSs, CUs, DPs ready for transfer to their homelands are loaded on truck.

  7. Kan family: daily life in Amsterdam; at the beach; at home

    Title in Dutch: "Betsy als baby in 1928" Scenes of a baby in a carriage and two women - Jeanne holding baby Marcus?, walking down the street. 01:00:56 On a different day (notice clothing), children with adults in a street. A little girl in white (Betsy?) looks up at the camera. 01:01:51 At the beach, children play in the sand. Man and two women on the beach. 01:02:26 Man and woman may be Frits and Jeanne. CU, girl and boy. 01:02:50 Baby in a bassinet. A woman feeds the baby. Girl in a white coat (Betsy) and hat walks towards camera and places a letter into a mailbox at 01:03:27 aided by an ...

  8. Edith M. Adlam papers

    Consists of an identification card (Carte d’Identite d’Etranger), a census card, (Fiche de Recensement), and a certificate of liberation (Certificat de Libération) issued by the Centre d’Hébergement de Gurs/le Chef de Camp on 10 April 1943. The documents were all issued Estera Margolis.

  9. Verdoner family watches Christmas parade

    EXT, VS, MSs, procession of St. Nicolas on a white horse for the local children. St. Nicolas is accompanied by a man in black face (according to the Dutch tradition of a black dwarf that accompanies St. Nicolas on his rounds.) The children wave to him as he passes by, featured prominently is Yoka Verdoner, in her winter coat, hat and scarf. EXT, LS, Yoka, Francisca and Hilde Verdoner walking along a sidewalk in Hilversum, Holland. Yoka skips towards the camera until she is featured in ECU, Francisca follows her sister, stops and pauses for CU.

  10. FDR speaks

    "Roosevelt Reports to the Nation!" Editor's Note: "What the man on the street thinks of Roosevelt's report." FDR at desk speaking. Shots of Americans and US soldiers listening to radio address. "Man on the street" talks: Mrs. Benjamin Levy (housewife); Mrs. Gustav Denreuther (elderly woman); and Douglas Fairbanks, Esq. (speaking after he leaps over rail of ship).

  11. Nazi Welfare Org'n: 10 year report, community assistance

    Title: "Ein Leistungsbericht zum 10 jährigen bestehen der NSV." [A progress report on 10 years of achievement by the Nazi Welfare Organization]. 1932: Man stamping ID papers, pan, factories with smokestacks. "Eröffnung des Winterhilfswerkes 1933/34". Headlines of Voelkischer Beobachter. Nazi community self-help - Winterhelp work (WHW). Collecting, donating money. Crowds, street entertainment, circus, airplane, marching band in streets, gymnastics, exchanging money, officials meet. CU, "Mutter und Kind" card. Donating supplies of food. Women sewing, children's shoes. "Winterhilf Werk 1933/34...

  12. Steven Gure photograph collection

    The collection of four photographs relating to the Steven Gure's experiences during the Holocaust in Kaunas, Lithuania, and St. Ottilian DP camp in Germany: black and white image of boy (donor at age 2-3) seated with ball and teddy bear, Kaunas, Lithuania; black and white image of boy (donor at age 10-11) and young woman (donor's sister Anne Gure) standing outside, St. Ottilian DP camp, Germany, dated 1946; black and white image of boy (donor at age 11-12) and young woman in HIAS uniform (donor's sister), dated 1946; black and white image of woman with boy (donor c. age 3 and his mother), K...

  13. Time (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    Time magazine, dated February 27, 1989, with a portrait of the Ayatullah Khomeini. Contains article about the censorship of Salman Rushdie's book, "The Satanic Verses" with a photograph on page 2 of the book being burned

  14. Promoting need for war crimes trials; bookburning

    Film promoting the need for war crimes trials in Nuremberg. Narration explains the various trials established to prosecute war criminals. Opening shot, statue of Thomas Jefferson in Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC. Ext CUs, Adolf Hitler addressing German people at Nuremberg rally (translated into English). CU, concentration camp victims; weeping relatives/civilians. Piles of corpses, atrocities. CU, documents. US soldiers shot in back, victims of Nazi persecution. Wagons loaded with corpses moving through streets. Marching with swastikas. 12:10:50 Book burning (all familiar images, good d...

  15. Jackson reads Accusation Act at Nuremberg Trial

    Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, 1945. MCU, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, addresses the court. Rear view, Chief U.S. Prosecutor Robert H Jackson reads the Accusation Act, including names of the defendants, history of the Nazi Party, and the annexation of Austria. MS, Goering and Hess in box. VS, courtroom and lawyers listening to Jackson.

  16. Papers of Vladimir Mateev (Fond 373)

    Contains correspondence with Fink Landau Markov regarding his life in Israel and Bulgaria.

  17. Ilona Foldes papers

    The Ilona Foldes papers consist of English and Hungarian versions of Foldes’ memoir, “The Unknown Destiny,” a postwar photograph of Ilona Foldes, a prewar photograph of her first husband, Arthur Révész, and three prewar and wartime photographs of their son, Paul Révész. The papers also include a clipping about the 1976 Hungarian film “Kísértet Lublón” (“Haunted Lublon” or “The Phantom on Horseback”) based on Mikszáth Kalman’s serial novel. The clipping was found among the photographs, and although its relationship with the photographs is unclear, it is considered part of the collection.

  18. Ring

    Created by Agnes Frankl while doing forced labor in a factory in Lippstadt, Germany. The donor had engraved on this ring, "Dum Spiro, spero" I hope as long as I live, but the engraving has since worn off

  19. Harry Zaslow letter

    Correspondence: Two letters from Harry Zaslow, an American soldier, to his parents, 1944-1945, including his description of having visited an unidentified concentration camp after liberation in May 1945.

  20. Verdoner children playing

    Yoka, Francisca and Otto Verdoner playing on the floor of their home in Hilversum, Holland. Yoka and Francisca play with baby Otto as if he were a life-sized doll. Their mother Hilde picks up Otto to rescue him from his sisters' affections. CU, Hilde and Otto. CUs, Otto attempting to crawl, holding his torso up, etc. Yoka and Francisca try to help Otto. Brief shot of Francisca sitting at a table eating.