Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,341 to 15,360 of 58,960
  1. Sonya Lishansky collection

    Consists of one photographic print showing a group of eleven boys and girls seated together in two rows for a class picture, Gomel', Belarus.

  2. Silver medallion with Mary enthroned holding Jesus given to a Jewish girl living in hiding

    Catholic medallion given to 17 year old Roza Kwar in 1944 by a Polish Catholic teenager admirer when she was living under a false identity as a Catholic. He had made a pilgrimage to Czectochowa to see the Black Madonna and bought it there. After Nazi Germany occupied Lvov, Poland (L'viv, Ukraine) in June 1941, Roza and her parents, Benzion and Tinka, were moved to the Jewish ghetto and assigned to forced labor. In August 1942, Benzion purchased false papers for her. She escaped and went to live with Krystyna Moskalik, a Polish schoolteacher, in Sieciechiowice. That area was liberated by the...

  3. Hostages Case (or Southeast Case): sentencing of German Generals active in S.E. Europe

    (Munich 676) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings - Hostages Trial #7, Nuremberg, Germany, February 1948. Sentencing Southeast Generals. HAS, tribunal as Judge Charles F. Wennerstrum announces that sentencing will now be imposed. First two generals - List and Kuntze - are given lifetime imprisonment. Former Generals Rendulic, Dehner, Speidel, Leyser, Felmy, Lanz are identified by name and sentenced; Foertsch and Geitner are freed. This case is also known as the "Southeast Case" because the defendants were all German generals leading troops in southeastern Europe during the Balka...

  4. Registry book of the military court in Zagreb

    This collection contains documentation including material on war criminals and war crimes trials for the following military courts: Osijek (Slavenia province), Croatia; Celje, Slovenia; Ljubljani, Slovenia; Zagreb, Croatia; Bjelovar, Croatia; and Postojni, Slovenia (bordering Croatia). It also includes materials from the military courts of the Second and Fourth Armies. Contains names of indicted war criminals, reportedly 11,000 names.

  5. Kan family vacationing during summer in Switzerland

    In 2002, siblings Robert F. Kan and Betsy Klein donated this and other films (see more below) that capture vacations, daily activities, and other moments in their Dutch Jewish family's prewar life. They and their parents, Frits Kan and Jeanne (Bloch) Kan, escaped the Nazis by immigrating to the United States in May 1940. Robert's wife, Francisca Verdoner Kan, and her siblings also donated family films. Side view of a bus. Plaque: "Chur - Flims Wald Haus." Jeanne, Robert, and Betsy sit in the bus. People move luggage, seen from the rear of the bus. Robert in a lake wearing a hat and playing ...

  6. Ruth's Story

    Contains a memoir about Ruth Kissel's birth in a small town, Niedermendig, Germany, escaping from Germany to Belgium, journeying from Antwerp to Rio de Janero and her eventual return to Niedermendig, Germany.

  7. Prague; field surgery; London; German submarines

    Color footage. A man waking up in a military cot (very underexposed). Two windows behind his bed provide a small amount of light for the shot. The man sits up in bed and speaks to the cameraman. Col. Zabin walks down street in Prague in his U.S. Army uniform carrying a shoulder bag. He tips his hat to the cameraman, cars in BG, and a civilian in FG. Col. Zabin boards a streetcar. He removes his helmet and tips it to the cameraman. Pan of streetcar full of civilians, Col. Zabin walks in front of the car as the camera pans, large "N" inside of a circle on streetcar. MS, pan of castle with the...

  8. Kan children perform skits; at the beach in Zandvoort

    Sign placed next to a pot of flowers. INT, Robert and Betsy perform skits, adults watch (presumably at the Villa Elsa in 1938). Robert wears a military style uniform with a hat and plume and a toy gun. He bows to the audience (not seen) and salutes the camera. CUs are not in focus. Betsy performs as a ballerina, wearing a costume with a flowered wreath on her head. 01:00:59 Betsy and Robert in costume. VAR shots of the children in other costumes with pans to show entire costume. Frits and a light-haired woman in evening attire. Others in costumes performing for an audience. Camera pans up a...

  9. Jewish family life before the war in Budapest

    Intertitle: “Once Upon a Time.” Eva plays with leaves and placing them in a basket. Her mother, Lily Brust, stands next to her. She plays with a small rake and then sits in the basket of leaves. Intertitle reads “Vigyazzon Terez, elforik az uveg.” Three women labor over a table covered with jars, working to seal the lids. Intertitle reads “Évike az ö külön strandján nem akarodik kijönni.” Eva bathes and plays in an outdoor basin. She kicks the water and throws it playfully at her governess on the right. The governess helps her out of the water, dries her off with a towel, and dresses her. 0...

  10. Poster

  11. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 2: Pusch continuing testimony. Prosecutor giving justification of Strasser's evidential guilt; pan to Commissioners listening; Pusch continuing. Witness Johann Reichl testifying. Spectators; prisoner, counsel entering. Back view, spectators...

  12. Fradla Goldberg collection

    Consists of seven photographs, one copy of baptismal certificate, one other document. At age 18, “Jadwiga Kuzio” [left] learned that she was rescued as an infant after the 1942 liquidation of the Brest-Litovsk ghetto. She had been discovered wounded in an apartment owned by a family named Goldberg. Knowing only Jadwiga’s true last name and the apartment’s address, in January 2002, her daughter contacted the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, where registration forms for the Goldberg family identified the daughter born in 1941 to have been named Fradla [that the USHMM had microfilmed f...

  13. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria." "The Return to Berlin." Crowds in Berlin await return of Hitler from Austria. Banners fly and flags are thrown to the crowd. Hitler's plane arrives. He gets out, shakes hands with Goebbels. His car rides in state through crowded streets, people saluting and waving flags. A child gives Hitler a flower. He marches by lines of soldiers. One hundred thousand people gather in square. Hitler appears on a balcony with Goering. Police try to hold back hysterical crowds. Amassed close together, the crowd sways singing a song. Hitler appears a...

  14. Trial of Marshal Henri Petain

    Trial of Marshal Henri Petain, Fortress Montrouge (outskirts of Paris), July 1945. MSs, crowds entering palace courtyard after credentials are checked by guards. VS, Palace of Justice. MSs, Pierre Mongibaud, President of the High Court, enters palace. Anteroom shots (dark), civilians and military enter; group watches from stairs. MSs, EXT, bedroom window of palace. Room formerly occupied by Petain. MSs, CUs, correspondents working in press room. LS, policemen and firemen on palace roof. INT of courtroom, Petain enters, sits in chair flanked by guards. INT, witnesses appear; Michael Clemence...

  15. Harry Katz collection

    Consists of one small photo album, the cover embroidered with dragons and the name of Shanghai, China; one Haggadah given by the Jewish Community in Shanghai to the donor for his bar mitzvah, 1946; three ship menus for the S.S. President Wilson, 1949; and three documents.

  16. State Administration of Statistics (Fond 453)

    Contains census of 1934 and other statistical data related to the occupation, social situation, age, nationality, religion, language and literacy of Bulgarians. Includes a special census by population for new territories.

  17. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 1: Pan courtroom; spectators; some take pictures. Strasser testifying. Back view, defense table; everyone rising for entrance of six-officer Military Commission. Pan, spectators; defense attorney Capt Arley Bjella speaking. Strasser, Sessle...

  18. Litzmannstadt ghetto currency

    Contains currency from the Litzmannstadt ghetto.

  19. Sentencing Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. NOTE: Here, the actual sentences for the defendants are read, but there was a court ruling that no filming and photographs were allowed during the announcement. So the voice of judge is heard, no pictures, white screen, SOUND ONLY. Continuation of sentences pronounced by tribunal. 02:17:15 Hermann Wilhelm Goering: Death 02:18:08 Rudolf Hess: Life imprisonment 02:18:34 Joachim von Ribbentrop: Death 02:19:01 Wilhelm Keitel: Death 02:19:33 Ernst Kaltenbrunner: Death 02:20:00 Alfred Rosenberg: Death 02:20:34 Hans Frank: ...

  20. Hat

    The hat was worn by Julia Schor while she was in hiding as a child in the Netherlands during the Holocaust.