Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,681 to 14,700 of 58,960
  1. German siege of Warsaw, Poland 1939; CUs of Poles

    Warsaw, Poland 1939, the German siege of the city. LS, a man walks down a deserted city street lined with buildings that are crumbling as a result of the German air raids the camera pans right to capture more of the destruction to individual buildings. CU a Polish propaganda poster encouraging the Poles to fight back against the invading German armies, depicted as a large hand and a swastika. LS, more destruction. A city street is blocked off by a train that has derailed in the center of the street. A Polish soldier stands guard while several civilians help to dig ditches and build barricad...

  2. Jewish wedding in German-occupied Netherlands

    Marriage of Dutch Jews Collette de Zwarte and Gerrit Schellevis in the Synagogue Rapenbargerstradt in Amsterdam.

  3. Grigory Kotlyarski photograph collection

    The photographs depict Grigory Kotlyarski and his older brother, Chaim Misha, as children and during their military service in the Soviet Army.

  4. Polish Army parade in Warsaw

    Scenes of the Polish army marching through the streets of Warsaw: this is a sign/prelude to war. Several CUs of shop windows displaying proudly the photos of Polish leaders, particularly Pilsudski, Paderewski and the current (1937) President Mosczieksky. This clip features a ceremony where President Mosczieksky passes the baton to Marshall Smigly-Ridz, who was being hailed as the man who would lead the Poles to victory over Germany. Polish officers using horses for crowd control, MCU of Polish Cardinal Hlond, who made several anti-Jewish statements. VS of the bystanders, young boys watch th...

  5. Memoirs

    Consists of two memoirs: one manuscript, in German, of the Holocaust experiences of Ludwig Frank, and two copies(one each in German and in English) of "My Children Live in Foreign Lands," by Gernot Romer. "My Children Live in Foreign Lands" details the fate of the Jews of Augsburg.

  6. Warsaw 1936

    City scenes from moving tram, police officer. Well-dressed Polish civilians moving about the city, crossing the street, traffic, looking into shop windows at women's fur fashions. Posters affixed to pillar, one reads: "Chaplin." Woman selling flowers.

  7. Kaufbeuren Institution

    A title on the screen states that this film is about the construction of a lecture room or hospital ward [Saal] at the Kaufbeuren Institution during 1936/1937. The camera pans back and forth across the exterior of the institution. The rest of the film shows the stages in the building of the structure. Construction workers and machinery; occasional shots of men overseeing the work -- at one point three men consult blueprints or other plans. Many shots of men working on the structure - laying bricks, welding, nailing boards into place. The film ends with a shot of men on the rooftop below a S...

  8. Szymon Radzynski photograph

    The image, taken in June or July of 1945, depicts Szymon Radzynski (donor's father) wearing a prison uniform.

  9. "My Life Before and After Jan. 30, 1933"

    The collection includes two copies, one in German and one in English, of a memoir by Leo Waldbott titled "My Life Before and After January 30, 1933," in which Leo describes his own life and life in Speyer, Germany. Leo provides a brief history, with examples, of antisemitism in the region and describes the community's efforts to establish a Jewish home for the elderly, which burned down due to arson during Kristallnacht on November 10, 1938. He also describes his struggles with and eventual immigration to the United States in 1939.

  10. Nussbaum-Koch family collection

    Consists of correspondence, passports, photographs, newspaper clippings, and other documentation of the Nussbaum and Koch families of Luxembourg. Includes papers and photographs related to Albert Nussbaum, who had worked with refugees in Luxembourg before working for the Transmigration Bureay of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Lisbon, then emigrating to the Dominican Republic; and to Gustav Nussbaum, Helene Kleinberg Nussbaum, Marguerite (Martha) Koch, and Rene Nussbaum.

  11. Ella Lieberman Shiber artwork photographs

    Contains photogaphs of original drawings made by Ella Lieberman Shiber after her liberation in 1945 and immigration to Israel in April 1948. The 93 original drawings were donated by the artist to the Ghetto Fighters House Museum in Israel.

  12. German troops in France; Hitler in Memel

    Title on screen: Ozaphan 1/40 Monatschau; Durchsuchen genommener franzoesischer Stellungen [Search of captured French trenches]. Armed German soldiers walk along a muddy road and among destroyed buildings. They search the banks and interior of a trench. Title on screen: Ein Fesselballoon wrid zum Aufstieg fertiggemacht [A captive balloon (? dictionary translation) is prepared for its ascent]. German soldiers run up a small hill toward a dirigible, which is docked among some trees. Two Germans are shown climbing into flight suits, while others prepare the dirigible for flight by leading it o...

  13. Refugees on ship, arriving in US

    "Bryan" chalked on makeshift slate. Ship - General Black. "America Welcomes its New Citizens" Ship full with people at sea.

  14. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    Extreme long shots: German planes flying over Warsaw- these are the shots that Julien Bryan talks about in his book "Siege". These are the shots that he took while standing on the roof of the American Embassy in Warsaw, Poland in September of 1939 as the Germans began their air attack of the city. The shots are composed of mostly gray sky with the occasional plane passing through the frame, this is not the most dynamic looking footage, but it documents the beginning of the German air attack and the very beginning of World War II.

  15. Selected records from the Archives départementales du Nord

    Contains materials pertaining to the persecution of Jews and Freemasons in the Département du Nord.

  16. Easter service in Kiev

    Nighttime scene of a church service, Easter in Kiev. Very bad quality EXT shot of people arriving at a church; quality is somewhat better inside, where throngs of people watch as clergy and others make their way to the altar. Some pushing and shoving because of the enormity of the crowd. Perhaps taking communion?

  17. Black and white striped wool tallit katan found postwar by a Polish Jewish man

    Tallit katan made from a torn tallit found by Chaim Bornstein in a burned out home near Druja, Poland (Druia, Belarus), circa spring 1945, at the end of World War II. Chaim took the tallit, a prayer shawl, and kept it with him while he was in various displaced persons camps where he married and had a child. After the family emigrated to the United States in 1948, Chaim's wife took the damaged tallit and altered it to make a tallit katan, a smaller tallit that is worn at all times by Orthodox men under their clothes.

  18. Hitler's butler's home movies; maiden voyage of KdF ship "Robert Ley"

    Amateur films of Hitler's major domo - "Hausintendant" Arthur Kannenberg, some events are early 1939. Landscape in Grillenburg, an estate near the town of Tharandt which was owned by Martin Mutschmann, head of the Nazi party in the State of Saxony from 1925 until May 1945. MS, statue (bronze stag) commissioned by Mutschmann around 1937 when he had the "New Hunting Lodge" or "Neues Jägerhaus" constructed. An archway engraved with Mutschmann's image at the center. Views of the New Lodge, stone bridge and lakes, and the original lodge from 1855. Kannenberg with chimney sweeps in front of shop....

  19. Linz and Salzburg, Austria, 1948

    VS in Linz, Austria: trolley cars, street scenes, etc. MCU people look at the camera as they board a street car. Street cars, motorcycles, bicycles, traffic cops. CUs at 01:22:00:00 of posters advertising film screenings and other events. Date on poster is August 1948. The film being advertised is called "Spuk" it is a joint US-AUSTRIA production, more posters for Folk festivals, and other events in September 1948, and another for "Funk Film." 01:22:23:20 Location switches to Salzburg, Austria. LS of the United States Information Center from across the street from this building, then moves ...

  20. Hirsch Grunstein photographs

    Contains copies of two photographs pertaining to Hirsch Grunstein's Holocaust experiences.