Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,701 to 14,720 of 58,960
  1. Underground newspapers from the State Archives in Kraków Prasa konspiracyjna

    Contains samples from 29 Polish World War II underground newspapers.

  2. French children in a youth camp, postwar

    This series of outtakes features adolescents (both male and female) in the mountains in France playing volleyball and other sports, dancing, singing and engaging in various outdoor activities at a youth camp. The exact location of this camp in France is not known. In the BG several tents are visible on the hillside. This footage has obviously been staged for the camera. The camera slates between takes indicate that this production was done in conjunction with the YMCA, which explains the focus on youth and their healthy development; the footage was most likely intended for use in an informa...

  3. Atrocity in Riga; Riga synagogue burns

    According to the narrator, an atrocity committed by the retreating Soviets against Latvian nationalists in the Riga area. View of a building, then people carrying corpses on stretchers and laying them out in a row on the grass. Civilians looking at the bodies and weeping; many women. A woman in a flowered dress lays a body in a coffin. Close-up of a woman weeping. Bodies of children. Latvian civilians beating Jews they hold responsible for the atrocity. They drag a man across the street. Many German soldiers in the street watching the Jews being beaten. A burning synagogue in Riga. The narr...

  4. Edward Smigly-Rydz becomes Field Marshall 1936

    At 01:14:04:02 LS, a large group of civilians walking around on a field, there are Polish military regiments lined up along the field as well-buildings are visible in the distance. All the regiments were rounding up on the field and then marching from the field through the town. MCU of the regiments in full dress marching through the streets, traveling shot, slightly out of focus. At 01:14:34:02 cut to MS of Field Marshall Edward Smigly-Rydz at the reviewing stand with other dignitaries, everyone is wearing top coats and top hats, or military dress gear. 01:14:50:13 The parade review stand,...

  5. Romanian troops; Tiso; French war equipment

    Reel 2. Part 1: German officers deplane from transport and review Romanian troops in Bucharest. 01:31:02 Part 2: Slovakian President Tiso with aides. 01:31:56 Part 3: Italian seaplane bombers take off and attack British fleet in Mediterranean Sea. 01:33:38 Part 4: Captured, wrecked French vehicles and war equipment in France and Germany, troops salvage wrecked French equipment. 01:35:06 Part 5: German railroad gun fires in France.

  6. Tova Goldszer photograph collection

    The collection primarily documents the pre-war lives of the Goldszer, Josefzohn, and Sztajner families. The photographs include depictions of Jadzia Josefzohn and Adek Brodza on their wedding day in Warsaw, Poland on 20 February 1938; David Sztajner; Tova's maternal grandmother; Feiga and Yakov Tzvi Goldszer; and Tova Goldszer at an internment camp in Cyprus in 1947.

  7. Polish villagers relocating, receiving new clothing, relaxing

    Poles on country road, moving with carts/horses. CUs, women eating soup. Map. Tent city. Well-made civilian clothing and shoes distributed to peasants. Performance, dancers. Group walking, smiling. Waterfall, families at rest, relaxing, knitting by lakeside. Church service outdoors. Polish soldier speaking to family. Waving goodbye. 01:16:08 Children eating at long tables, at school outdoors, working in fields. Female and male officers marching.

  8. Daily life in Poland, 1936, scenes of Polish cavalry

    TRIMS not connected by subject matter. EXT, VS, a new schoolhouse in Lowicz, Poland, scenes in the schoolyard, children playing. EXT, VS, three young girls walking down a dirt road, followed by horse drawn carriage, a church steeple is visible in the BG in Lowicz. EXT, MLS, large estate in the Polish countryside. EXT, MLS, group of men at stable, Lowicz, Poland. INT, Zinc refinery in Zakopane, Poland. CU of molten zinc being poured into molds. EXT, MS, young women in peasant dress line parade route in Warsaw. EXT, CU, shop windows in Warsaw. EXT, VS, Polish cavalry on maneuvers. EXT, VS, M....

  9. Identification card

    This "National Registration Identity Card" for children under the age of 16 was issued to Zofia Tymejko [donor] after she emigrated to London, England.

  10. Workers building the Pilsudski mound near Krakow, Poland

    VS of Polish workers building the Pilsudski mound. The mound was completed in 1937 to honor Jozef Pilsudski.

  11. "Life Story of a Holocaust Survivor from Shaulen, Lithuania who Lived his Life to Help Others"

    Consists of one memoir, 16 pages, titled "Life Story of a Holocaust Survivor from Shaulen, Lithuania who Lived his Life to Help Others," by Harry Demby, originally of Shaulen (Schaulen; Šiaulai), Lithuania. In the memoir, Mr. Demby describes his life in the Kaukaz (Kaukazas) and Traku St. (Trakai) sections of the ghetto in Šiaulai, his deportation to Stutthof in 1944, his liberation from Dachau, his displaced persons experiences and his post-war life. The memoir includes copies of photographs.

  12. Siege of Warsaw

    This is an incomplete version of the film "Siege" and does not have Julien Bryan's soundtrack. Warsaw 1939. Julien Bryan introduction to camera. Civilians digging ditches, constructing blockades, dead horses. Poles washing outdoors in makeshift homes, food lines. Bundles of belongings on baby carriage. Poles walking with bundles. Interior - damage to Kodak film laboratory where Bryan's films were being developed. Fires, church destruction, priests, relics, etc. INT, hospital damage. Open field, women gathering potatoes, injured by strafing of Luftwaffe planes. Poles gather in front of town ...

  13. Liberation of Auschwitz

    Polish narration. Former Auschwitz prisoners walk slowly past the barbed wire fence. There is snow on the ground. Well-known Soviet footage of uniformed prisoners looking solemnly at camera through fence at liberation in January 1945. Aerial pans of camp. Blueprints or architectural drawings of camp. Interior of barracks with women. "Arbeit macht frei" gate. Pages of photographs. Woman and child stand stiffly outside in front of building; corpses on the groud around them. Survivors exiting barracks, carrying blankets, bundles, being escorted by Soviet soldiers. Horse-drawn carts carrying su...

  14. Selected records of the Cluj Branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Includes selected fragments of transcripts from war crimes trials held in Cluj, Romania, from 1944 to 1945, documents from the Inspectoratul de jandarmi, Inspectoratul de politie (including police reports from Cluj, Turda, Abrud, Aiud, Dej, Huedin, Zalau, Alba Iulia), and Parchetul General, Prefuctura judetului, Tinutul, Parchetul General Maghiar, and Pretura plasii Cluj, and a few documents from the Prefectura judetului Somes and the Jandarmeria judetului Turda. Most are status reports, requests, transcripts of trials, and police/gendarmes reports on everything from Zionist and Legionary m...

  15. DPs in train station

    Man holding "Bryan" slate. Train. SG awards, spectators gathered. DPs with tags walk with luggage off train in line. Women, children, families. CUs, feet as they pass. One with guitar. MSs, CUs children boarding ship. Queue, checking tags with numbers. More shots, families getting off trains. Good views.

  16. Train travel in southeastern Poland 1936

    TRIMS featuring a train that has stopped at an unknown station in Poland, the train picks up several passengers: men, women, and children, and continues along the tracks slowly out of the station. CUs of passengers in the train cars, LS of a conductor at the edge of the train platform monitoring the loading and unloading of passengers. There are two trims that feature signs along the platform which could aid in identification of the exact location, but they are in the BG of the shot, and not completely legible. The first trims shows a MS of the train, attached to electric cables pulling int...

  17. Zinc mine and refinery in Katowice, Poland 1936

    A quick series of trims featuring zinc mines in Katowice, Poland (Silesian region). The mine featured is the Giesche Zinc Mine and Refinery. VS in the mine, cars full of zinc being loaded and guided by workers, using levers to control the cars as they travel along the rails in the mine. CUs of the cars and zinc ore. Images are slightly underexposed due to the fact that filming was done in low light in an underground mine.

  18. Black Sunday; partisans; Plaszow concentration camp

    Black Sunday in Krakow. Footage shot from behind a fence (?) shows people being loaded into the back of trucks by German soldiers. Pedestrians look as they pass on the street. Streetcars passing by. People being arrested. Amateur footage, considerable camera movement. Footage probably shot clandestinely. 00:03:25 Home Army partisan group "Kamienczyk". Young boys wearing military-style caps in the yard of a home. They smile at the camera and aim bow and arrows. Unclear if this is related to the next part, which shows the Home Army partisan group "Kamienczyk". About a dozen men in uniforms do...

  19. Ruth Goldstein photograph collection

    Contains 23 photographs depicting groups of young men and women from the children's home in Selvino, Italy.

  20. 1948 short fiction film by Karl Sztollar

    Title "Eine Tür Steht Offen" Credits: Helios-Film Wien Directed by Karl Sztollar Pictures by Julius Jonak Music by Robert Stolz Window opens to the sky. Title card reads “Eine Tür Steht Offen.” Credits over sky. Open car full of young people driving on a winding road through the hills. Two men, a woman, and a dog in the car. View out the windshield of the car. CU Smiling woman with her arm around the man. Car stops, young people pile out and run up some stairs. Scenic overlook with tables set up. Young people admire the view. Pan over the view of the city. 2:22 Young people having a picnic ...