Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,661 to 14,680 of 58,960
  1. The legacy of Martin Luther in Germany

    In Wittenberg, MS, church where Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses. Inserted title: "To the political leader, the religious doctrines of his people must be inviolable!" -Hitler in "Mein Kampf". Subsequent title: "Nazis praise, dead 400 years - but in 1938 Germany's new Luther, Martin Niemoeller, is in prison." In Eisenach, EXT, "Luther-Haus / Lutherkellar." Women on street in front of building. MS, ornate lightpost, CU, Luther tablet engraving on side of building. 01:00:34 MS, HJ boys marching in line in front of church, piles of dirt/rubble in FG. CU, inscription/art above church door. Man...

  2. A. Fokker films: von Richthofen, Goering, WWI flying aces, Fokker

    Various locations and dates, probably Northern France near St Quentin and Belgium, between Autumn 1916 to September 1918. Contains activities of Jagdgeschwader 1 (the Red Baron's "Flying Circus"), comprising Jagdstaffel (Jasta) 4, 6, 10, 11, which was commanded by Manfred von Richthofen (MvR) until his death April 21, 1918 in a Fokker Dr.1. Hermann Goering became CO of Jagdgeschwader Freiherr von Richthofen No.1 on July 7, 1918. Film title at head: "RICHTHOFEN FILM aufgenommen von AHG FOKKER, 1. Teil" German military men on roof of train during World War I, stationary, moving along curved t...

  3. Judenrat in Lublin Rada Żydowska w Lublinie

    Collection contains minutes of Jewish council meetings, memoranda and announcements of departments, and correspondence between Judenrat and German authorities. Includes documents related to the labor camps in Lublin, Poland, at Lipowa Street, in Bełżec, and in Cieszanów in 1940; name lists of inhabitants of the ghetto in Lublin (in Podzamcze) and of the ghetto in Majdan Tatarski, Poland; name lists of German Jews deported from Szczecin, Poland, to District of Lublin in 1941, and name lists of Jews from Vienna, Austria, deported in 1941; also includes documents related to Jewish property i...

  4. Dutch war volunteers; Italian coast; German troops; Eastern Front; Russian prisoners

    Reel 2: Part 7 continued from Story 3712, crews take off. 01:11:04 Part 1, plane of Captain Leopold Fellerer (Knight's Cross) lands; he is greeted by other pilots. 01:11:37 Part 2, Italy: supply trucks of the NSKK underway with supplies, loading of heavy artillery shells on trucks; artillery position on the Italian coast; preparations of defensive positions; camouflage of a tank; enemy planes attack; anti-aircraft fire, German fighters attack; bombing, shot of stick of bombs hitting a ridge; a bomber is shot down; pieces of wreckage; fighter base; return of fighters; on leave at a ski area;...

  5. Street scenes in Berlin; Pestalozzi Froebel Haus kindergarten; Kranzler Cafe; Woolworth; telephone

    Streets. Exterior of large brick building: Pestalozzi Froebel Haus kindergarten in Berlin. Woman walks baby carriage, dog in middle of street, pedestrian. Outdoor café - Kranzler. Dining outside. Nazi flag hangs from building. Waitress with giant bow. Aerial shot of café, pedestrians, patrons. Street traffic, buses, trolleys, cars, people. Woolworth. Nazi posters with Hitler. 01:11:42 Above ground trains, city traffic, police officer directs traffic. Woolworth windows, storefront. 01:13:32 Women using telephone booth "Offentlicher Fernsprecher" Men putting coins into machine. CUs.

  6. "The Eyes of Jewish Resistance" memoir

    Consists of a memoir, "The Eyes of Jewish Resistance," 71 pages, by Litman Litow, compiled by Leon Litow. The memoir recounts the childhood of Litman Litow in Visheva, Belorussia, his experiences on the run and in hiding from the Nazis, and his subsequent years as one of the leaders of a Jewish partisan unit. It also describes his experiences in Russia after the war, emigration to Italy and then to the United States, and reflections on Holocaust commemorations. The memoir contains black and white photocopies of family photographs. The collection also contains a copy of the memoir on a CD-RW...

  7. Mountain views and street scenes in Zakopane

    Pan of a landscape-fog rising above the mountains; snow is visible on the mountains. Shot from a plane, or some sort of funicular down to the valley below. Quick cut to peasant women walking along the street in full traditional dress.

  8. Jewish life in small town

    Snow on ground. People clearing the streets, chopping ice on a pond. Horse-drawn wagon in the street. Man dragging a sled with firewood. Stars of David plainly visible on clothing. Heavy snow falling; young boy posing for camera.

  9. Ministry of Internal Affairs. Administration of the Belomorie Region (Fond 662)

    Contains selected records from Fond 662k including records of local police and security matters during World War II.

  10. Street scenes in Cracow 1936

    A large barge on the Vistula River in Cracow, Poland, workers are barely visible on the barge, steering it around the river bank's edge. People visible along the banks in the BG. VS of Wawel Castle and architectural details; a man and women atop a vantage point on the castle looking down at the river below, more barges; VS of buildings viewed from the river, very picturesque. MS main marketplace. Schoolgirls marching along in uniform, and singing while carrying Nazi flags, VS, including one LS that follows the girls from behind and out of frame after they march past the camera.

  11. Nazi Party rally at Nuremberg

    The 1937 Reichsparteitag (Reich Party Day) at Zeppelin Field in Nuremberg. Grand views of the decorated stadium with thousands of participants and spectators. Flags. Adolf Hitler greets the crowd from an open car. BDM girls in the stands, many heiling with hands outstretched. Nazis march past Hitler. Military review of airplanes and tanks.

  12. The State Court of Vienna Landesgericht für Strafsachen Wien

    Contains records of cases involving Jewish property, false identification papers, money smuggling, and other legal issues.

  13. Ceremony at church

    Very brief trim, INTs of church, many clergy seated in formal dress for some kind of official visit or ceremony. Most likely related to Eleanor Roosevelt's visit seen in Story RG-60.4652.

  14. Economic recovery activities in Europe

    The Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) was a U.S. government agency set up in 1948 to administer the European recovery program (Marshall Plan). EXT building with several narrow smokestacks. CU man. Row of bicycles and motorcycles under a shelter, man rides a bicycle away. Woman leans out a window, speaking. Cycling down different streets. INT men enter a room full of large stacks of wound wire. Man walks across factory floor. Upside down slate reads “DAY 28 INT 1 ECA.” Two men carefully lower a large spool of wire onto something. Damaged brick building. Ruins People and clothing line...

  15. Audrey Diamant collection

    Contains eight photographs of the Delman and Grunfeld families, along with their friends and associates.

  16. Selected records of the Jewish community of Freiburg im Breisgau

    Contains Jewish community records of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, pertaining to the fate of German Jews.

  17. Crimea

    Map of the Crimea. German soldiers in the devastated city of Jevpatorija, where houses and other buildings have been destroyed. Fires still burn in the background as the Germans reconnoiter. Explosions and sniper fire. Germans fire a howitzer and toss grenades. They climb onto the tiled roof of one of the houses. A group of Soviets surrender. German soldiers toss a grenade into the basement of a structure; an injured man tries to crawl out of the building a moment later. More capture of Soviets. Pan across a group of them standing next to a wall, their arms raised.

  18. Nazi funeral photographs

    The collection contains photographs of an unknown Nazi officer or official's funeral. Photographs show the parade of mourners as well as photographs of the funeral itself.

  19. Annotated transport lists to Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen

    Contains documentation from the Saxony State Archive, with donor's annotations, detailing transports from Leipzig, Germany to Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen in 1938.

  20. WWII European refugees arrive in New York City

    New York Harbor, new arrivals to America. DPs from Europe, they are not all Jewish DPs, but they are all war refugees. VS, the ship named US Army Transport General WM. Black. Tracking shot of ship's arrival to NYC. Refugees and the crew of the ship wave to the camera as they enter the harbor. VS of New York harbor and the Statue of Liberty.