Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,641 to 14,660 of 58,960
  1. Hendrix family photographs

    The collection consists of three scrapbooks. One scrapbook contains photographs, correspondence, and other documents relating to Paul and Berthe Hendrix’s courtship, wedding, and honeymoon. The other two scrapbooks are baby books for Paul and Berte Hendrix's sons; one for Robert Alexander Hendrix (b. May 12, 1930) and the other for Hans Leonard Hendrix (b. January 31, 1933).

  2. German anthropological expedition to Tibet

    "Ein Filmdokument der Schaefer-Expedition, 1938/39." Sound track added in 1942, with racial content stressed. Terrain/map. "Tibet / Indien" Dr. Karl Wienert, hand measurements. 00:04:52 to 00:05:01Measuring woman's head. Dr. Bruno Beger, "Die menschen Rasse des Forschungs..." Cameraman. Terrain, model, map, Ganges. 00:06:21 Scenes, streets, Calcutta (very good). Train to the base of the Himalayas.00:07:23 Intro the wonders and dangers of flora, fauna. Mules, men on the move. Bridge over river. Dangers of the wild river monsoons, whitewater. Mules over narrow wooden bridge across, fixing bri...

  3. Antonescu visits Hitler

    Hitler greeting Ion Antonescu as he arrives by train at Hitler's Hauptquartier (headquarters). There is snow falling and already on the ground as Hitler greets Antonescu. They are shown driving away in a car and walking into the Hauptquartier, where there are other officials waiting, including General Alfred Jodl. Maps are visible on the walls. The narrator states that there were discussions about political and military issues during this visit. The group gathers around a table and consults a map; Jodl appears to be bringing certain points to the attention of Hitler and Antonescu. Antonescu...

  4. Art school and zinc refinery

    Several trims/outtakes that jump around to different regions of Poland. CU, a young boy sculpts a bust from clay. MS of young girls doing needlework in a classroom. Hot piece of zinc in a furnace (the refinery in Katowice), zinc plates being made. Cut back to the boy with the bust and girls learning needlework. Snow-covered mountains of Zakopane, tracking shot down the mountainside. CU, iris in the zinc-smelting furnace, back to the girls and needlework, back to the zinc refinery, workers exiting the refinery. Art school in Zakopane. EXT, LS a courtyard of a modern looking building, white, ...

  5. Eleanor Roosevelt in Holland

    Procession of automobiles arrives at church, spectators line the streets. Women greet officials, shake hands. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt in a flowered hat is welcomed by state officials. INTs of church, Mrs. Roosevelt speaking from podium, clergy seated in formal dress for the official visit. Mrs. Roosevelt exiting church with a bouquet of flowers and officials. CUs, spectators welcoming Mrs. Roosevelt. Procession of priests and academics. Horses with buggy, jovial elderly man. CU, woman with camera.

  6. Helena Bisicka family photographs

    Contains Bisicka family photographs as well as a photograph of Augusta Reiterova working in Terezin.

  7. Volodymyr Liker papers

    The papers mainly consist of individual studio portraits and informal group photographs depicting Volodymyr Liker and his family before and after World War II in Kiev, Soviet Union (now Ukraine) as well as a Soviet soccer team. The papers also include a modern document identifying Volodymyr Liker as a member of a Holocaust survivors organization in Kiev, Ukraine.

  8. Lewinski and Rubin families photographs

    The collection consists of photographs documenting Stella Yollin's (born Salutka Lewinski) family in Łódź, Poland.

  9. Solomon Goldman collection

    Consists of post-war photographs showing Jewish DPs celebrating the declaration of the state of Israel, a photograph of Solomon Goldman [donor] speaking to a group of men, Innsbruck university certificates for Szlama Goldman, IRO immunization records for Schlama and Sonia Goldman, and a letter of recommendation for Slama Goldman from the Innsbruck American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. The collection also contained Solomon Goldman's doctoral dissertation, "Education Among Jewish Displaced Persons; The Sheerit Hapletah in Germany, 1945-1950", which was transferred to the USHMM Library...

  10. Prayer book

    The prayer-book was used by Teofil Glocer donor's grandfather in the ghetto in Warsaw, Poland, and later when he and his wife, Marta Glocer, were hiding on the Aryan side of the ghetto using false papers. In Sept. 1944 the couple were forced to leave Warsaw and travel to Opoczno, Poland

  11. Eva Metzger Brown collection

    The Eva Metzger Brown collection contains three primary records. The first two are affidavits for her parents, Ernst and Doris Metzger. These affidavits were required for the Metzger family to immigrate into the United States. Also included in the collection are two copies of Eva’s memoir, titled “Healing from the Traumas of the Holocaust and the Years Thereafter.” They recount the early years of Eva’s life, as well as her parent’s background. The memoir also details Eva’s experiences growing up in the United States as a young child.

  12. Nuremberg Trial ticket and program

    Consists of one program and one ticket for the "War-Crime Trials; Nurnberg, Germany, November 20, 1945-." The program contains biographies of the defendants and a floorplan of the courtroom. The ticket is for Session 118, and there is an illegible black ink signature on the diagonal, and below it, a pencil signature of "Alex Sonheim." Also includes the envelope used to send this material to Mr. Sonheim's wife in the United States in 1945.

  13. German soldiers meet

    INT, four Germans in uniform, in an office, map on wall in BG. One sits behind a desk with glasses reading a letter. They are speaking to one another.

  14. Gold pendant with the initials of a girl and her parents from her aunt

    Gold pendant sent by Inda Leah Lypski to her 8 year old niece Rose Mary Stine in Indiana for the occasion of Rose Mary’s brother’s bar mitzvah in 1923. The pendant is engraved with the initials of Rose Mary, her father Jacob, and her mother Fanny, Inda’s sister who left Russia for America in 1907. Inda and her husband Aaron owned a jewelry store in Warsaw, Poland. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and, in October 1940, established the Warsaw ghetto. Inda died in the ghetto in 1940. Inda’s family and her sister Pesza also perished in the ghetto.

  15. Alvin W. Hall collection certificate of marriage, private will, political testament

    A bound volume containing photostat copies of Adolf Hitler's marriage certificate, private will, and his last political testament dated April 29, 1945; includes translations and a cover letter written by Secretary of War Robert Patterson to President Truman, dated March 19, 1945. In December 1945 an officer with the Counter Intelligence Corps of the U.S. Third Army recounted some activities in which he and members of the British Counter Intelligence had been involved. Based on a tip they received, they went to the residence of a former SS officer who had worked with Martin Bormann, Nazi Par...

  16. David Siegel papers

    The David Siegel papers document Siegel’s time working for the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), serving as a liaison to the Canadian immigration department, assisting with Jewish displaced persons from 1948-1949. Included in the records are documents from Siegel’s time with the CJC, such as his diary, address book, and travel documents. In addition, a photograph album documents Siegel’s travels across Europe. The biography series contains Siegel’s reflections on his time with the CJC, both in written responses to questions via mail, and an historical narrative that Siegel gave that broke dow...

  17. Church; Bach Museum

    LS, St. Thomas Lutheran Church [this is famous Protestant church where Sebastian Bach played and led choir] in Leipzig, pigeons flying in FG, patrons enter and exit via stairwell. Nurses. Bach Museum in Eisenach, building set off street, German women conversing, Bach-Museum sign, another shot of EXT of museum.

  18. Invasion of France

    Columns of German troops walking along a road in France. Destroyed buildings line the road. Tanks traveling along a road.

  19. "Buchenwald children" collection

    Consists of one card identifying Josek Szwarcberg as a civilian internee of Buchenwald and two photographs of the Buchenwald children, who were internees in Buchenwald at the time of liberation. The Buchenwald children, including Josek Szwarcberg, were placed in the care of the Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE) in Geneva, who placed them in France, England, and Switzerland. One photograph shows the younger children in Hitler Youth uniforms, as the OSE could not find enough civilian clothing.

  20. Scenes of Paris before German occupation

    Title: "PARIS. Une realization de la Cinematheque Kodascope" Titles identifying sites of interest: Place de la Republique, La Porte Saint Martin, L'avenue de l'Opera, La colonne Vendome, etc., followed by shots of the named spot, street scenes, traffic. 01:09:29 La Basilique du Sacre Coeur (prominent in Film ID 2720). Le Pont Neuf, water, bridge.