Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,521 to 14,540 of 58,960
  1. Goering, Messerschmitt, Galland, Milch, Luftwaffe troops; Goering & the fast train in E. Prussia

    Copy of a newsreel with fades between segments, scratch throughout, near center of frame, to 01:06:38. [corresponds to newsreel at Imperial War Museum dated 1943.] Goering touring factory with Luftwaffe officers & civilians, visiting workers. Goering walks with Prof. Willy Messerschmitt (dark leather coat), others. Friendly greetings, salutes as Goering drives slowly in open Mercedes. 01:00:56 Airfield, Goering arrives, out of car, reviews troops, followed by Adolf Galland (no Iron Cross), Bruno Loerzer, others. 01:01:04 Far left: Josef 'Beppo' Schmid (Iron Cross). Goering chatting with...

  2. Country life in Zakopane Poland 1936

    Turnip and potato planting and picking in the fields of Zakopane. VS of the farmers; young boy herding cattle, and folk dancing. Folk dancing scenes are shot at a faster speed than usual, and therefore the image is slowed down considerably. VS of circle dances, couples in elaborate folk costumes dancing circles around a wooden cross.

  3. Prewar life of the Romani people

    "Gypsy King" in 1935, prewar life of Roma, election of the "Gypsy King" in 1938. Title in Hungarian (Romany?) or other language. Women with children. Man in top hat; group of men drinking coffee outside a caravan draped with banners. Musical soundtrack.

  4. Krakow Jewish district, pre-war; below Wawel Castle

    Titles: At the foot of Wawel Castle. Very brief glimpse of Orthodox Jews walking past.

  5. Rosette Teitel collection

    Collection of photographs, documents, and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Rosette Teitel and her family before the war, during the Holocaust in France, and immediately after the war.

  6. Relocation of displaced persons

    INT, MS, IRO refugee processing center. Several displaced persons gather around the Canadian representatives at their desk at the processing center (staged). The two representatives answer questions from the group, made up mostly of young men, and a few young women. MCU, two young refugees talk to the representatives. EXT, LS, DP camp Ebelsberg in Linz, Austria. Refugees gather with their belongings to begin their journey to Canada. VS, refugees helping each other close and label their luggage for the journey. The refugees load into open trucks in order to make the trip to the train station...

  7. Recovering in postwar Czechoslovakia; Šimsa

    Two open elevators go up and down, people get on and off. Man leads a seated audience in song with accompanying hand gestures. CU audience listens. Woman speaks. Man raises hand and stands to perhaps answer a question. CU smiling audience. Men talk, upright plaque on table in FG. CU people sing and make hand gestures and smile. CU man leading song. Man plays piano. Audience applauds for piano player. (11:28) Man gestures to a photograph of philosopher Jaroslav Šimsa on the wall. “SIMSA” book. Man cuts and butters bread. Men seated at table in discussion, upright plaque on table, one man sta...

  8. Blue felt hat worn by a German Jewish girl on the Kindertransport

    Blue felt hat worn by 11 year old Lilly Cohn when her parents, Margarete and Ernst, sent her from Halberstadt, Germany, to Rochdale, England, in July 1939, on the Kindertransport [Children’s Transport]. Lilly wears the hat in photographs in the collection taken with her parents and older brother Werner at the train station. During the Kristallnacht pogrom on November 9-10, 1938, Lilly’s father Ernst was arrested and send to Buchenwald concentration camp. He was released after 5 weeks and the family began preparing to leave. Lilly and Werner were registered for the Kindertransport. In July, ...

  9. Nordhausen liberation photographs

    Consists of 20 photographs taken after the liberation of Nordhausen concentration camp.

  10. Polish YMCA and rebuilding in Prague, 1946

    CU on the book "Beyond Tragedy" by Reinhold Niebuhr. A woman holds the book and turns several pages in the book. EXT, VS Prague, buildings under reconstruction; town square; EXT of the YMCA;CU of sign that reads: "Polska YMCA"; adolescent boys coming out of the swimming pool in their short, tight trunks, lots of horseplay and other things popping up. 01:04:40:11 to 01:05:02:00 Young men and women gathered in a hall for a social, and then seated to watch a musical performance; band on stage, several cuts back and forth between musicians and audience. 01:08:25:20: Swimming pool, the boys how ...

  11. Map of Vilna ghetto

    Rectangular form; black and white drawing of the ghetto in Vilna, Poland, (now Vilnius, Lithuania) with a overlaying graph; place names in Yiddish.

  12. Ohrdruf liberation photograph

    Photograph taken at Ohrdruf concentration camp in 1945. Photograph shows four men with arms raised surrounded by United States Army soldiers. In the foreground is a pile of charred wood and what appears to be skulls. One camp inmate is shown talking to the soldiers on the left-hand side of the photograph. In script on the back of the photograph: "Ordroff [sic] Concentration Camp 30 min. after capture."

  13. Dora Hass papers

    Contains sixteen original certificates including a false Aryan identification card, birth and police registrations, displaced persons papers, INS green cards, one copy of daughter's birth certificate, eighty-one black and white photographs of pre-war and wartime life and of the Lampertheim Displaced Persons camp, and three pieces of Displaced Persons camp scrip.

  14. Staged scenes of domestic life and folk dancing in the region of Katowice

    Staged scenes inside a peasant couple's home. Women cooking apples, cutting bread, men eating. All are wearing traditional Polish peasant dress. VS of men and women performing folk dances, mainly circle dances. These shots are alternately over and under cranked, making the actions of the dancers exaggeratedly slow or fast. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  15. Liberation in Warsaw

    Majdanek after liberation. Sign acknowledging the L. Rechkemmer firm of Warsaw for providing the heating and plumbing facilities at the camp. Human skulls in the grass. Eyeglasses, shoes, hairbrushes, other personal belongings. Soviets inspecting the camp, walking across a huge pile of shoes. Crowds line the streets, greeting returning Polish army. Man standing on a tank speaks to crowd.

  16. Krakow Jewish quarter

    VS, Street scenes in the Jewish quarter of Krakow, Poland. Man selling balloons. Young girl on the street asking for directions from Orthodox Jewish men. Older Jewish couple posing outside of their shop-M. Finkelstein is the name on the placard above their shop door. Good CUs of the couple. CUs of young, religious Jewish boys laughing and talking, conscious of the camera. Young children playing in a courtyard, moving large twigs around the street as an elderly woman watches them, preparing for the harvest festival of Sukkot beneath the archway made famous in an iconic Roman Vishniac photogr...

  17. Prelude to war and scenes of destruction inflicted by the invading German army in Warsaw

    Sequence of outtakes begins with German planes flying overhead in 1939 during the German invasion of Poland. The Germans surround Poland from the south and the north, eventually reaching Warsaw and destroying the city. CU at 01:18:19 that shows an eagle insignia, in the hands of a soldier, who is marching along the street, air attack over Warsaw, scenes of Warsaw and posters that were on the streets. They are all in Polish, they are propaganda posters featuring swastikas and soldiers. Warsaw burning [most likely stock news footage] at 01:18:32, followed by shots of Poles taking to the stree...

  18. Leonore Gumpert correspondence

    The Leonore Gumpert correspondence consists of letters and postcards dated 1938-1942 to Leonore in America from her mother, Clara Joseph, in Kassel and Darmstadt and from her sister, Inge, in Kassel, Darmstadt, Brussels, Seyre, and Chateau de la Hille. Some correspondence from Germany includes messages from Leonore's aunt Martha and grandmother Josephine. There are also a few letters and postcards from Leonore's father, Julius, and from relatives in New York. Most of the letters and postcards describe daily life in Germany, Belgium, and France and relate efforts to immigrate. One October 19...

  19. YMCA in Poland, 1948

    Young boys at the YMCA playing ping pong and boxing.

  20. German activity at the Westwall and the French border

    Title on screen: Ozaphan 12/39 Monatschau; Die Wacht am Westwall [The watch on the West wall]. The West wall was a German defense line along the western German border. Two German soldiers sit on a hilltop overlooking a river. One looks through binoculars and points into the distance. German soldiers march down into a concrete bunker (part of the West wall) with a relief of a soldier carved around the doorway. Soldiers running around a structure that appears to be camouflaged with tree limbs. A cannon, camouflaged with tree branches, rises up out of the woods. Germans fire cannons, presumabl...