Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,581 to 14,600 of 58,960
  1. Hedwig Schwarz collection

    Collection consists of correspondence by Hedwig Schwarz in the last days of her life, from a Marian Hospital in Stuttgart. It also contains nine photographs of Mrs. Schwarz in her hospital bed and the eulogy and correspondence written after her death. Mrs. Schwarz was one of three survivors of Rexingen and spent the last years of the war through her death in 1952, at the Marian Hospital in Stuttgart.

  2. German Fighter Airplanes

    German "Kampf und Jagd Flugzeuge" [combat and fighter airplanes] on a snow-covered airfield. German troops repair planes and shovel snow from the airfield, even as snow continues to fall. A German in a flight suit tries to warm himself by waving his arms and blowing on his hands. Men load bombs onto the planes. A large bomb is pulled on a sled across the field and then loaded onto a plane. The engines are warmed before takeoff, using a large tube shaped vent. Shots of different types of planes taking off and in the air. The pilot and copilot in the cockpit. Down below are dark tracks in the...

  3. Berlin street scenes; memorial ceremony; coal

    Sequence of outtakes. Park in Berlin, several people walk by, people sitting on wooden benches in the park, a child plays as an older woman looks on. CU of signs: Top: Citizens are asked to keep their dogs on leash. Bottom: "Die gelben Baenke sind fuer Jueden." [The yellow benches are for Jews.] VS of the park, but none that show the sign in context of park. (Olivaerplatz near Kurfuerstendamm) LS Airship hangar. Memorial for the fallen, Berlin. MS, Crowds assembled along the street. Wreath laying ceremony for Nazis (rainy day/overcast). Procession with dignitaries and military officers. Mil...

  4. Russian Better Baby Contest

    Mothers bring their babies to be weighed, measured, examined and evaluated by medical professionals, and the healthiest babes are awarded toys, cribs and certificates. The Russian eugenic program differs widely from the German program. The Russian program followed the Lamarkian branch of psychology which stressed experiences and environment more than inherited traits. This line of thinking was compatable to the Soviet ideology that man could remake himself through education and proper training. The Soviets came to think of Mendelians and eugenics as fascist.

  5. Caucasus Front

    Animated map of the Caucasus region. The campaign in the Caucasus began in the summer of 1942, preceding Stalingrad. An airfield with a plane. Three men in flight suits study a map; one of them holds a dog. According to the narrator, they are preparing to fly a reconnaissance mission around the Terek river, looking for artillery emplacements. View of a plane from the ground, then the interior, with two men in the cockpit. Aerial view of the Terek river and surrounding area. The copilot studies the ground through binoculars. The scene switches to German soldiers on the ground, listening to r...

  6. Factory workers in Poland, postwar

    INT barbershop, men getting shaved. CU men being shaved. CU woman washing her hands, factory in BG. Woman exits coat room as load of wound wool rolls by. Men receive bowls of food from women in cafeteria kitchen. CU men and women exchangetickets for bowls of food. INT machines winding spools of wool. Women working at the machines. Man repairing one of the machines, CUs. A different machine. CU as machine combs the wool. Wool on spool. Women load spools of wound wool onto machines. Workers seated at tables in a cafeteria eating. CUs. Machining metal parts. CU men at the machines. Man checks ...

  7. German soldier and woman at cafe in Paris

    Brief shot of bride and groom. LS church, Basilica. Panning shot of Montmartre district street scenes; cafes, people in street. Another uniformed German and a woman with heavy makeup (not the same people as earlier) sit at an outdoor table. Signs on the bar (seen earlier in Story 4408, but more in depth here) are in German: "Der Wirt spricht Deutsch" "Speise Wirtschafte Belegte Brotchen." The German and the woman drink through straws. The next scene shows the same woman sitting at the same table with an elderly man in civilian clothes (seen earlier at 01:06:10 in Story 4409 and later in Sto...

  8. The Amtsgericht district court in Charlottenburg records (A Rep. 342)

    Contains individual cases involving Jewish names including: applications for withdrawal from church memberships (Kirchenaustritte); protection/custody/social welfare (Schutzaufsicht; Fürsorgeerziehung; Schutzaufsichtssachen); trusteeship (Entmündigungssachen); and estates (Nachlässe).

  9. German students measuring skull, nose, teeth

    Children in circle with teacher, dancing, singing. German students/scientists on rural assigment, with measuring tools. Inspecting woman's teeth, measuring girl's head, height, nose. Peasants farming, hay. Filmed for German television use.

  10. Post-war Polish Jewish community center documents

    Collection contains three invitations for various events at post-war Polish Jewish community centers from 1947-1948: one invitation to the opening of the Jewish community center in Bytom, one invitation (in Hebrew and in English) for a spring dance at the Jewish community center in Wrocław, and one invitation for the 1st anniversary ceremony for the Jewish community center in Złotoryja, which also contains a program. The collection also contains one blank identity card for the Jewish organization of culture and art in the Dolny Sĺa̧sk.

  11. Establishing shots, street scenes and buildings in Krakow

    VS, Krakow, Poland landmarks: old maket square, Catholic church, museums, municipal buildings, the castle. Used as establishing shots. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  12. Disbanded Jewish organizations Gelöschte Vereine

    Contains records of Jewish organizations disbanded by the Nazi administration after the Anschluss in Austria in 1938. Includes records of religious and secular organizations.

  13. Rebuilding life: refugees board trains in Germany; learn English

    (Color) CUs, weaved crafts. 01:00:37 Displaced persons (DPs) on a transport sponsored by the IRO. DPs get off a truck with luggage and board a train. Handwriting on the side of the train says "US emigr. via Bremen." DPs lean out the windows of the train to look at the camera and talk to IRO officers. Uniformed men and women with badges stating "IRO", "US Committee", and "USCOM." DPs wave and the train departs. CU, luggage. 01:04:35 Blurry footage for three minutes with more takes of men, women, and children boarding the train. Wide views of the train station. 01:07:22 Two official men stand...

  14. YMCA boys, boxing

    Group of boys at YMCA in shorts, smiling, boxing, rolling carpet out to box. Various shots.

  15. Diary of Anna Dashevskaya

    The diary of Anna Dashevskaya, a Jewish young student of the Kiev University, provides thorough account of her family evacuation from Kiev to the Ural Mountains describing major events, daily life and many problems she and her family encountered during the evacuation to the Urals.

  16. Street scenes in Krakow, Poland 1936

    Train station in Poland, people hurrying along the platform, one orthodox Jew hurries along, the rest of the travelers are dressed in contemporary clothing. The camera is fixed on the platform, soldiers pass by, two orthodox priests pass by, and a porter carries their luggage. Cut to the streets of Krakow, many people moving about, lots of activity, a religious Jew carrying a large parcel walks down the street, a peasant woman carrying a large pack on her back walks behind him, they both turn and enter a building (unmarked). 01:00:42:21 A prototype train car is being tested. CU of the opera...

  17. Coal industry in Germany

    Boats in river, barge. Coal. Dumping coal into truck with crane.

  18. Neuman family papers

    Contains false papers, correspondence, and photographs pertaining to Szulem Neuman's experiences in hiding in and around Warsaw, Poland, his marriage to Irene Kuklinski, a Polish Catholic, in 1945, and the birth of their daughter, Jadwiga Neuman, in Bindermichl, Austria.

  19. Unzer welt = Our world

    Front-page title: "Jews, when your fathers and mothers were murdered, you should feel just like me." translated from Yiddish.