Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,481 to 14,500 of 58,960
  1. Heinrich Himmler photograph collection

    The collection consists of four photograph albums including family photographs of Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer-SS and head of the Gestapo and the Waffen-SS; his wife, Marga; and their daughter, Gudrun. Also included are photographs of Nazi officials and gatherings.

  2. Archiv der KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen / Sammlung Maršálek

    Contains archival material from Mauthausen and its subcamps, such as Ebensee, Gusen, Gunskirchen, Wien-Saurerwerke (Vienna), Melk, St. Aegyd am Neuwalde, Wiener Neudorf, Steyr, St. Lambrecht, Wiener Neustadt, and Schwechat. Documents include death books and prisoner lists, original maps and plans, miscellaneous correspondence, drawings and artwork, and written reports and statistical compilations. Also contains documents pertaining to the brothel in Mauthausen, sick bay reports, correspondence pertaining to medical experimentation on prisoners, and numerous transcripts of interviews with su...

  3. By the Dar Pomorza Yacht to Stockholm

    Sailors on board ship, hoisting sails, very busy. The Dar Pomorza at sea. Life on board, including exercise and interacting with the ship's mascot, which looks to be a lemur or similar animal. Ship at anchor, sailors in dress uniforms stand at attention. Civilians on board inspecting the ship.

  4. Touring Europe; mountains

    Tourist photography of mountains, family in the FG posing next to their car. Hikers prepare for trip in snow-topped mountains. More shots of mountains, landscape, hiking. Farmers.

  5. Zinc refinery in Katowice, Poland, circa 1936

    Scenes from the Giesche Zinc mine and refinery in Katowice, Poland, circa 1936. VS, INT near the furnaces, women sorting ore before it is smelted, the conveyor belt from the mine shaft, the molten ore being poured into molds. 01:02:06 Workers' jackets hanging from the ceiling of the factory near the light fixtures. EXT, LS, workers exiting the factory, some get on their bicycles others leave on foot. Many workers are young, and smile for the camera. INT, workers filling the molds used for the molten zinc ore. EXT, LS of the countryside in south central Poland. VS of the rural village and th...

  6. Selected records of Jewish communities in Romania from Asociatia Culturala Mondiala a Evreilor Originari din Romania (ACMEOR)

    Contains records of the following Jewish communities in Romania: Botosani, Alba Julia, Bacău, Bucharest, Cernauti (Chernivt︠s︡i), Dorohoi, Falticeni, Galați, Iași, Piatra Neamț, Craiova, Constanța, Ploiești, Suceava (Suchava, Succava) and others. Also contains information about the ships Struma and Mefkure, antisemitism, Aserei Zion (arrested for Zionism), aliyah (going to Israel), parachutists, and files on the indivisuals Zissu, Filderman, and Safran.

  7. Relocation of displaced persons from Yugoslavia

    INT, A Yugoslavian family is seen in their own quarters at the DP camp (staged). The extended family is gathered around a woodburning stove in their makeshift home, UNRRA crates serve as their coffee table, and a tapestry hangs on the wall in the BG above the metal frame cot. One of the young men packs his suitcase as all the family gathers round to view their newly created identity papers and make plans for the future. One of the women is making coffee on the stove. VS, mostly MCUs of the family members passing around the documents to have a closer look. CU of one of their passports from Y...

  8. Warsaw and Danzig, Poland, destruction and rebuilding circa 1946

    Bombed out multi-story YMCA building in Warsaw, Poland. Several workers chip away at the concrete structure, others collect and stack bricks from the rubble. Another worker examines window frames for damage. (This footage likely dates to 1946 - see notes section for further information). MS, low angle, a man and a woman walk down a bombed out street in Warsaw, toward the camera, snow covers the ground. VS of the destruction in the city, civilians mill about the streets, with torn, threadbare clothing, there are some Polish military personnel in these shots as well. Poles board a street car,...

  9. Home movies: Hitler's major domo swimming; swans; rowboat

    Amateur films of "Hausintendant" Arthur (a.k.a. Willy) Kannenberg, major domo/house manager to Adolf Hitler. Lily pond, swans, rowboat, swimming (possibly a male relative of Kannenberg; similar facial structure). Teasing and feeding swans from end of rowboat. 01:04:20 Kannenberg swimming and frolicking with a blond woman, probably his wife Freda, from the rowboat. Surface dives. Both climb into boat. 01:08:55 Swans among the lily pads, filmed from rowboat. 01:11:25 The blond woman and Kannenberg in hats, in the boat. Two swans at water's edge.

  10. Anschluss: Annexation of Austria

    Newsreel footage of events surrounding the German invasion of Austria. Intertitles read as follows: Austrian Chancellor Kurt Von Schuschnigg who failed to satisy Hitler's demands. Hitler's answer to Austria: INVASION! The modern Caesar triumphantly re-enters the land of his birth. Nazi troops give "Heil salute" casually, individually, to crowds as they pass in jeeps, armored vehicles. Some shop signs seen in background: Kastner, Wagons-Lits/ Cook, Mercedes. Hitler exits car to walk in street. From the balcony of the Imperial Palace he screamed, "75,000,000 people in one nation- - No force o...

  11. Star of David pendant with a prisoner number made by a former concentration camp inmate

    Star of David pendant made postwar by Paul Rosenberg and given for safekeeping to Josef Fischman, a fellow former concentration camp survivor in 1947. It is engraved with Paul’s initials and his prisoner number, 194446, from Auschwitz. At an unknown date, Paul was sent to Auschwitz from Krakow, Poland, which was occupied by Germany in September 1939. He was transferred to Gross-Rosen concentration camp, where he met Josef Fischman, a Romanian born Jew from Sighet Maramures, then part of Hungary and invaded by Germany in March 1944. In May, Josef was deported to Auschwitz, and sent to Gross-...

  12. Country life in Zakopane, Poland 1936

    Scenes of country life in Zakopane, Poland, staged for the camera. Peasants cutting bread and vegetables, interior of a house, woman cooking, weaving, man enters the house and makes the sign of the cross, all are in traditional folk dress. VS, inside a church, CUs of icons. The subject shifts to a different scene: MLS, following a man in the woods, out to hunt birds with his rifle over his shoulder, camera pans up to bird's nest. A woman meets him under the tree- the man talks to her about a gun as they sit on a bench under a tree, there is a religious icon hanging on the tree. The couple f...

  13. Invasion of Oesel and Moon Islands, Estonia.

    "Ufa" logo; "Nr. 57" appear on screen. The narrator says, "Die Inseln Oesel und Moon in deutscher Hand." [The islands of Oesel and Moon in German hands]. Map showing Oesel (Saaremaa) and Moon islands, located between Latvia and Estonia. Luftwaffe planes in the air over the islands. German ships in the ocean; mines detonating in the water. Soldiers on board ship receiving orders. Cannons firing from the ship at Soviet positions. Germans in small motorboats race toward the island while planes overhead cover them and fire at a lighthouse/watchtower on the island. Planes bomb the island. German...

  14. Eliezer Löwi photographs

    The photographs depict Eliezer Löwi's experiences after World War II in Belgium and Israel. The images consist of mostly portrait photographs of Eliezer Löwi as a young boy, at his Bar Mitzvah, and as a member of the Israeli Navy. Also included are a photograph of Mr. Löwi and his mother in Israel and a class portrait of schoolchildren in Antwerp, Belgium.

  15. Survey of attitudes among Romanian students regarding the Holocaust

    Consists of a sociological survey of the attitudes of contemporary Romanian grade school students to the Holocaust along with pedagogical responses.

  16. Selected records of the Slovak Armed Forces during World War II

    Contains selected documents relating to labor projects for Jews and Romanies; correspondence and press clippings relating to Alexander Mach, Jozef Tiso, Tuka, the Slovak National Uprising, war crimes trials, and cooperation between the Slovak and German armies; announcements, government ordinances regarding Jews and Romanies including files on Jewish property, partisans, anti-partisan activities, and various Jewish labor camps (Liptovský Svätý Peter, Novǎky, and Topol̕čany).

  17. Clara and Wilhelm Dreyfuss letters

    Contains letters written between December 1940 and September 1942 by Clara and Wilhelm Dreyfuss in concentration camps in France, addressed to Clara's sister and her husband, Recha and Wilhelm Reutlinger, in New York City. The letters contain information about the conditions in the camps; the Dreyfuss's experiences in Gurs, Les Milles, and Rivesaltes; and their unsuccessful quest to leave Europe. Each handwritten letter is accompanied by a German transcription and an English translation.

  18. Ingrid Geber Willing memoir

    Contains a memoir about Ingrid Geber Willing's Holocaust experiences.

  19. Finland

    Map showing Norway, Sweden, and Finland. German soldiers loading munitions, animals, vehicles and supplies onto a ship bound for the Finnish front. Views of the soldiers boarding the ship: they are shot from below as they climb steep steps up to the deck of the ship. Life of the troops on board the ship as it speeds toward Finland, including cleaning boots, shaving, eating, playing cards. The Soviet Union attacked Finland in November 1939, launching the so-called Winter War, which lasted until March 1940. The Finns managed to inflict quite a bit of damage on the Soviets, but they nonetheles...

  20. Scenes from the port city of Gdynia

    Workmen hauling lumber around a lumber yard. Furniture, bundles of wooden café style chairs loaded into crates. A women in a fur coat counts some packages or bundles on the ground. Man in uniform observes them. Crane with the bundle of chairs. Back to the lumberyard, several workmen moving and hauling wood around the yard. Crane comes down from the deck of a ship.