Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,561 to 14,580 of 58,960
  1. Touring Venice and Rome

    Family footage of the Herz family vacation in Europe in 1937. Footage shows images of Jewish-American life before World War II with its European roots. Herz family in Venice, on gondola. CUs, Jacob Herz, gondolier. Bridges in Venice. Ruins in countryside. 01:10:53 Tourist shots of the Coliseum in Rome and other sights. Statues, beach, tents, ruins, sights in Rome.

  2. Schoolhouse and countryside in Zlakow Koscielny, Poland 1937

    Zlakow Koscielny, Poland (near Lowicz) 1937: images of small town life in this central Polish town. INT: kindergarten age children playing and performing a circle dance on a small stage under the direction of their teacher. VS, children studying, EXT of newly constructed school house and the schoolyard. Images cut back and forth between school children and townspeople going about their daily routines. EXT: girls play dodgeball in the school courtyard, all are in traditional peasant dress, with large, full skirts and scarves cover their heads. One girl is barefoot and has her head uncovered ...

  3. Gabriel Koren photograph collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Gabriel Koren (born Gabriel Korn), originally of Przemyśl, Poland, who survived World War II as a hidden child in a convent. Photographs include depictions of Gabriel’s parents Lejb Abraham Korn and Gitl Rappaport Korn, both of whom perished at Auschwitz; Gabriel as a child immediately after the war; and with the Mandel family, whom adopted him and immigrated to Israel in 1948.

  4. Jewish affairs in Milan

    Contains a variety of documents on the Jews of Milan, including residence permits, the 1938 census of Jews, questionnaires for determination of “race,” and applications for exemption from the “race law” of 1938.

  5. Susy Raful photograph collection

    The collection consists of three photographs relating to the experiences of Edith, Mary, and Zsuzsi Taubner [donor] in Hungary before and during World War II.

  6. German War Memorial in Berlin

    Funeral/memorial procession in Berlin, men in uniform marching in city streets, large wreath carried at front. Huge parade/military review, marching band, spectators line the streets, bus passes in BG. Guard stands with rifle in doorway German War Memorial (columned building); CU, boots. LS, small crowd gathers at memorial, building with columns seen in LS. EXTs.

  7. Postwar destruction in Poland

    Building rubble. HAS, boys playing soccer. Damaged buildings. CUs of engravings on arches, church, broken statue.

  8. Berthe H. Ford documents

    Consists of two identity cards, one each for Pesi Sylberberg and for Henryk Hanower, identifying them as civilian internees in Mauthausen, Sep. 1945.

  9. Factory-printed Star of David badge printed with Juif, acquired by a Jewish Lithuanian artist

    Factory-printed Star of David badge acquired by the sculptor, Jacques Lipchitz. In June 1942, all Jews in German-occupied France were required to wear a badge that consisted of a yellow Star of David with a black-outline and the word “Jew” printed in French inside the star. The badge was used to stigmatize and control the Jewish population. They were distributed by the government and police authorities, and in France, they cost a textile ration coupon. Jacques was born into a Jewish family in Druskenikin, Russia (now, Druskininkai, Lithuania), and immigrated to Paris, France, in 1909 to pur...

  10. Hugh and Kari Williams collection

    The collection consists of seven 35 mm color transparencies (slides) depicting street scenes in Eastern Poland and showing Jews wearing Star of David armbands.

  11. Defeat of France; Hitler with Mussolini

    Hitler surrounded by top Nazi leaders. Close up of Hitler speaking, smiling. General Keitel presents a document to Hitler for his signature. The narrator states that after the capitulation of Petain, Keitel is obtaining Hitler's signature on an invitation for Mussolini to come to Munich, which happened in mid-June 1940. A shot of Hitler looking happy, smiling with others, as the narrator exults that France is defeated. In his 1995 documentary about Hitler's cameraman, Walter Frentz, Juergen Stumpfhaus asserts that Hitler was somewhat unhappy about this piece of footage, because he was usual...

  12. Ralf Mielzynski photograph

    Collection consists of one photograph of Ralf Mielzynski as an infant and one large brown envelope, from the City Studio in Amsterdam, with half of a star of David stamped onto the back. Ralf and his parents Siegbert and Alice Mielzynski were deported from Amsterdam to the Westerbork concentration camp in January 1943. In July 1943 they were deported to the Sobibor concentration camp where they all perished.

  13. Train; crowds

    Train cuts through snowy mountains. LS, town in distance, and body of water at base of mountain. Storefront with Cyrillic sign. Crowd of people stand around a building looking at news. CUs, photographs of current events.

  14. Degenerate Art Exhibit [Entartete Kunst] in Munich, 1937

    Sequence of outtakes. INTs of the 1937 Munich exhibition of "Degenerate Art" [Entartete Kunst] in the Archaeological Institute, not far from the house of German Art. Visitors inside the exhibition are seen looking at art in Room 3, including Otto Dix's "War Cripples" on the north wall (CU). Paintings and sculptures located on the west and south walls of Room 3 are also shown. Views of visitors and the art exhibited are to some extent different from that seen on Nazi Germany reels at the Library of Congress.

  15. Madeleine Coleman collection

    Consists of three postcards written by Joseph Miltau, imprisoned in southern France, to his family in Paris, and one photograph of his daughter, Madeleine Coleman, in Paris in the summer of 1943. Joseph Miltau was later deported to Majdanek.

  16. Inge Spitz papers

    Contains information about Inge Spitz's experiences as a hidden child during the Holocaust: two photoprints; one identity card; and one membership card for Makkabi Hazair.

  17. Young boys box in Poland

    Two boys boxing in a ring before an audience of boys. Man waves a towel over one of the seated boxers during a break. Boxing resumes. CU boy raises arms in victory. They box and one boy falls to the ground. The other boy falls to the ground but gets up as well. One of the boys falls to the ground, dramatically tries to rise, but stays down. Winner. CU friend watches. (02:10) EXT building with sign “SWIETLICA ROBOTNICZA.” A man and a boy walk through a gate and towards a building entrance. INT boys boxing while others watch. Boxers raise gloves to the audience. CU children eating out of bowl...

  18. Invasion of France

    German military vehicles winding down a road in France. Soldiers on bicycles pass a sign that reads : Sacy-Le-Gr__" The rest of the town name is cut off in the frame. Soldiers conduct house-to house searches in order to secure the town. The narrator makes reference to World War I and what that means to the soldiers as they fight in France once again. Soldiers get into a small inflatable boat and cross a river, under enemy fire. Scene switches to show a road sign indicating the direction in which Paris lies. German soldiers on horseback ride toward the camera, and the narrator states that th...

  19. "When God Looked Down and Wept" Alex Sharf oral testimony