Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,441 to 14,460 of 58,960
  1. Scenes in a market square in Krakow

    A market scene: old peasant women sitting on the ground, selling their wares, a pushcart full of live geese passing by, VS of merchants and consumers at the open-air market in a cobblestoned square in Krakow, circa 1937. A man in a uniform (Polish army) holding and petting a hen, followed by VS of women in the market. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  2. Selected records from Kanzlei des Führers der NSDAP, Berlin (NS 51)

    Collection includes reports about the political situation in Austria, Belgium, France, Romania, and other countries before the beginning of World War II as well as press reports from other countries about anti-Jewish politics in Germany. Also contains records on aryanization and persecution of Jews in the occupied/annexed Eastern territories and antisemitic correspondence from various countries, including France and the United States.

  3. Jeno Klein postcards

    The Jeno Klein postcards consists of three postcards writen by Jeno Klein (maiden name Szerena Reich), addressed to Tibor Klein, written two days before and on the day of deportation from Budapest (23 Beniczky Street, Ujpest), in July 1944.

  4. Factory scenes, Katowice, Poland 1936

    Katowice, Poland, 1936. CU, worker takes off his mask as he exits the zinc refinery. MLS, camera pans down the refinery smokestack to reveal the entire refinery in the valley, full pan of the valley, and then back into the mine, miners hacking away at the rocks with pick axes. Shots of bubbling molten ore at 01:01:55:00. The workers leave the refinery, and head off to the church. More shots inside the mine, the cars full of zinc ore, etc. VS of the women sorting the good pieces from the bad. EXT, the miners emerge from the mine, head into another building at the refinery. 01:04:54:00 Worker...

  5. Autograph album

    Rectangular form with black-and-white fabric-covered cardboard cover; interior pages of written text, drawings, adhered stickers, and adhered postcards; red paper strips adhered to the front cover with tape. The autograph album contains verses from 25 of Faye Adam's (now Faye Warschauer) classmates who lived in the Netherlands during World War II.

  6. Daily life in Russia, children at play

    Children playing in the snow in Russia, exact location needs to be verified. Great shots of the children with their sleds, some on ice skates, etc. 01:02:15 MCU of 10+ children on sleds, getting ready to go down a hill in tandem, they start the line up and just keep going, very playful shots. CUs of young girl smiling at 01:02:33, then boy, then group of children.

  7. Papers of Karl Schlyter, Swedish Minister of Justice

    Contains papers of a former Swedish Minister of Justice and well-known jurist, Karl Schlyter (1879-1959), including documents from the "XI: e Congres Pénal et Pénitentiaire International" in Berlin, Germany, from August 18 to 24, 1935; invitations to visit concentration camps in Germany; and some reports from those visits. Also contains the letter of resignation from James G. McDonald, High Commissioner for Refugees (Jewish and Other) coming from Germany, addressed to the Secretary General of the League of Nations, on December 27, 1935, and several newspaper clippings related to the McDon...

  8. Farming in central Poland

    Man herds cows, man herds sheep, a woman helps. MS of a young boy and girl in traditional dress, posing in the field, each holds a stick used for herding the animals. They smile shyly for the camera. Other children play in the field, run down a hillside. MCU of the couple. Cut to a country road, man drives a horse drawn carriage loaded with hay; a woman walks along the road. Several shots of the road, a lake, and thatched roof house.

  9. Recovery activities sponsored by the Economic Cooperation Administration

    The Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) was a U.S. government agency set up in 1948 to administer the European recovery program (Marshall Plan). EXT man on a horse-drawn mower in a field. Men clear grass by hand with scythes. Farm building and truck. Women hoeing. CU women stop to talk. Men load hay onto a truck. Truck drives away. Courtyard with men moving large sacks. Men and women work on farm machinery and bag grain. (04:09) Slate reads “DAY 3 EXT 1 ECA.” CU root vegetables. Three horses pull a cart full of root vegetables as a man walks alongside. Truck dumpsload of root vegetabl...

  10. German invasion and occupation of Poland; arrest of men in Bromberg (Bydgoszcz)

    Titles on screen: Ozaphan 10a/39 Monatschau [monthly show]; Krieg in Polen [War in Poland]. Scenes from the invasion of Poland, including cannons firing and German soldiers, shot from a distance, moving across a field. Title on screen: Die Fliegerbilder werden sofort Ausgewerten [the aerial photographs are immediately evaluated]. Soldiers develop and analyze aerial photos at a mobile lab in the field. Familiar (newsreel) footage of Goering and Hitler with other officers. Back in the field, shots of soldiers with bombs, German airplanes taking off, and destroyed buildings on the ground. Titl...

  11. Georgia, Caucasus Mountains, circa 1933

    Peasants baking bread, harvesting grain, going about their daily lives in this rural, mountainous region. This footage is stunning. Julien Bryan himself is featured in this footage. He traveled at this time with the noted anthropologist Maurice Hindus and a group of Princeton University students on a journey through Russian villages. Several of the students can also be seen in this sequence. They traveled with local guides, with horses and mules through the mountains. VS of their local guides, the mountains, children and women in the villages, sifting grain and baking flatbread, local men h...

  12. Polish Army parade in Warsaw

    EXT, overhead of dozens of horses and horsedrawn wagons on a main street in Warsaw, lined with people on both sides. CU, rear view of soldiers in the Polish Mountain Regiment marching in formation. They wear rounded helmets with large brims and carry rifles with bayonets. They wear capes. A motorcade of motorcycles with side cars makes its way down the street, followed by soldiers marching in formation. Army trucks carry soldiers wearing backpacks.

  13. Eric Berryman collection

    Includes one letter relating to an idea for a book publication and a wedding invitation from one of Shalom Steinbach's children. The letter was sent to Dr. Eric Berryman by the publisher, Stefan Grunwald, on September 9, 1985.

  14. BDM: exercise; marching on roadside

    Entire clip intercut with titles, beginning with "Education in Germany today". BDM girls exercising in a circle, running, and practicing the javelin throw. Younger girls walk along a country road in Saxony, stake a flag, eat lunch, read, nap, and perform silly skits. According to a transcript of Bryan's film lecture on Nazi Germany in the U.S. in 1938, this is a country road from Nurnberg to Dresden in Saxony. This particular compilation of trims may have been compiled for screening at one of Bryan's public lectures.

  15. Stalingrad (Battle)

    Animated map showing Stalingrad and surrounding area. The narrator announces "The Battle for Stalingrad." Stalingrad, which lasted from October 1942 to February 1943, and ended with a German defeat, was the turning point in the war against the USSR. This footage must be from the early days of the battle, when things were going well for the Germans. Two men, with their backs to the camera. One looks through binoculars into the distance. The narrator says that the Germans are firing on an ordnance factory. Shots of cannons firing alternate with shots of the city being shelled. Stukas flying o...

  16. Literary archives of Shloyma Borisovich Chernyavskiy

    Contains poetry written by Shloyma Borisovich Chernyavskiy.

  17. Marshall Smigly-Rydz and President Ignacy Moscicki

    A courtyard, rows of chairs set up for an event, Polish soldiers in uniform, flags. Soldiers stand at attention, watching more people assemble, someone sweeps a red carpet, the courtyard fills, pressmen jump around, receiving line is ready, motion picture cameras and still cameras, cameramen running around to catch every angle as dignitary begins to review the troops. Polish planes fly in formation overhead. Arrival of Smigly-Rydz. 01:14:35:16 MCU he tips his hat, looks very stern, does not smile. Ceremony continues, he passes on the scepter to President Ignacy Moscicki, there is a bust of ...

  18. Kozienice ghetto papers

    The papers consist of documents relating to the Jewish ghetto and the Judenrat (Jewish council) in Kozienice, Poland. The documents include a full list of the inhabitants of the Kozienice ghetto, lists of Jews registered as able-bodied, a list of Jewish children born in the ghetto during the years 1939 to 1941, and other reports written by the employees of the Judenrat to the German authorities. Kozienice is a small town in the Radom district of central Poland. Approximately 5,000 Jews lived in the town before World War II. The Germans established a ghetto in Kozienice in the fall of 1940 a...

  19. Institut für die Geschichte der Deutschen Juden in Hamburg collection

    Contains protocols, correspondence, writings of M. Plaut, personal papers of Epstein, who was chairman of the Jewish community, including poems and writings from Theresienstadt concentration camp (1942), restitution matters, postcards of Lotte Cahn from Theresienstadt and Łódź, Poland, and letters from Hamburg, Germany (1935-1937).

  20. Postwar conditions of housing and YMCAs in Europe and the Far East

    Credits. EXT, bridges in San Francisco and Germany. Bridges at war - soldiers and tanks, bombings. Repaired bridge in Manila in October 1946. Views of damage to buildings in Manila. Children and young people in Manila, food shortages. YMCA services. 01:06:36 Boys club meeting of the YMCA outdoors in Manila. Baseball game. Damaged Y building. INTs, woman cooking in her home; her family eats. Student accommodations. Vocational training - repairing an automobile. Boxing match. Amateur night (musical performance). 01:09:55 Cathedral in Prague. City scenes, some buildings with damage. Two men en...