Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,421 to 14,440 of 58,960
  1. Sightseeing in Paris; German officers

    More tourist-y views of Paris streets, including Eiffel Tower and the obelisk in the Place de la Concorde. The camera sometimes focuses on individuals, such as the woman seen before, the elderly man, and the German officer leading the map meeting with the glasses (in Story 4414). 01:09:55 SEQ: German with dark-rimmed glasses with three French women (not seen before). Street scenes, signs, buses, pedestrians and German soldier, cars, "Café de la Paix" restaurant on corner. Policeman looks directly into camera briefly. Man with glasses in previous map scene walks across the city streets with ...

  2. Michael Glück papers

    The papers relate to Michael Glück, a professional soccer player in Hungary who was a prisoner in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen during the Holocaust. The papers consist of a naturalization certificate giving United States citizenship to Michael Glück, a passport, and three documents.

  3. Cemetery and church in postwar Warsaw

    Reel 3A Cemetery, tombstones. Women placing flowers and candles at graves. MS, cemetery with men, women, and children. Wooden crosses flanked with miniature Polish flags and flowers. Official military burial with flag-draped coffins, Polish soldiers, wooden crosses/wreaths, and a priest. Cut to Catholic church in the ruins of Warsaw. Poles exit and enter through an underground entrance marked in Polish with "Wejscie do Kosciola"[the entrance to the church] (Photo Archives W/S 46323). MS, Warsaw street scenes in ruins.

  4. Exhumation of bodies massacred in the Katyn Forest

    Exhumations of bodies of 12,000 Polish army officers massacred by Soviets. The Katyn massacre took place in 1940. The bodies were exhumed by the Nazis in 1943.

  5. Selected records related to forced labor camps in Slovakia during World War II

    Contains lists of names of internees in Slovak forced labor camps during World War II, approximately 3000 names, mainly of Jewish doctors, medical staff, and other Jewish intelligentsia from the Trnava region in Slovakia.

  6. Nazi Party Rally in Nuremberg

    Crowd at Nazi party rally in stadium. Military review. Flag performance (fast motion). Formations on field, eagle/swastika. Night.

  7. Norman Salsitz papers

    The collection consists of two notebooks containing songs and poems hand copied by Norman Salsitz around 1935 and hundreds of photographs of Norman Salsitz and his family taken before, during, and after World War II in and around Kolbuszowa, Poland, and including the Kolbuszowa and Rzeszów ghettos. Most of the photographs date from the 1930s and 1940s and were hidden by Salsitz when the Jewish population of the Kolbuszowa ghetto was deported to Belzec. The collection also includes photographs of educational, religious, and social groups before the war; compulsory prewar labor brigades (“sza...

  8. Kaufbeuren Institution

    Men at various tasks outside the Kaufbeuren Institution. Landscape and livestock shots; fruit on trees. The season is spring or summer. An airplane flies over the building. A man in a white coat enters the frame, picks up a tree limb and hands it to a patient, who poses with the limb for the camera. Scenes inside the building, including patients in beds. They appear to be very ill and one of the men is naked.

  9. Selected records of the Swedish Red Cross

    Contains selected records from the Swedish Red Cross concerning the "White Buses." In 1945 "White Buses" were sent by Sweden to Germany to bring liberated camp prisoners from Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Ravensbrück, and other camps as refugees to Sweden. Collection contains a transport list of 875 prisoners, diaries of transport personnel, reports and correspondence regarding White Buses' operations, lists of French, Danish, and Norwegian liberated prisoners, and the private collection of Major Sven Frykman (Chief of Swedish Red Cross Operation). Some records relate to the food supplies to Hung...

  10. Invasion of France

    Night scenes: sounds of mortar fire and burning buildings along the Maginot Line. Shots of German planes overhead, aerial views of the Maginot Line, German planes dropping bombs. Germans shooting cannons; soldiers crossing the Rhein in a small boat. More fighting, until the narrator states that Strasbourg, the old German city, is again in German hands. Organ music plays over a shot of a cathedral. German troops pass French civilians on a road. The narrator announces the entry into Metz. Civilians lining the road salute the passing German troops. Happy population of Metz out on the streets; ...

  11. The World Jewish Congress New York office records. Series A (Central Files)

    The Central Files (1919-1971) contain the history of the World Jewish Congress (especially prior to 1940); correspondence and other materials of important World Jewish Congress leaders (Stephen S. Wise, Nahum Goldman, Israel Goldstein and Administrative/Executive directors of the New York office: Abraham S. Hyman, Monty Jacobs, Yehuda Ebstein, Greta Beigel); and minutes and other records of plenary assemblies, conferences, and committee meetings. The Executive Committee files include material from the South American, European, and Israeli Branches of the Executive. Significant subjects cove...

  12. Folk dancing

    Slow motion dance sequence of tradtional Polish folk dancing. Men and women in traditional costume perform a circle dance.

  13. Like a chased animal

    The manuscript relates the experiences of Artur Sznajder during the Holocaust.

  14. Generalbauinspekteur für die Reichshauptstadt records (A Pr. Br. Rep. 107)

    The collection consists of 407 files related to the construction plans for the new Reichshauptstadt. Jewish-owned properties were converted to housing for tenants displaced by demolitions as well as for important individuals. Each file includes several cases. Contains numerous land register documents with some references to Jewish forced laborers.

  15. Invasion of Denmark

    A harbor in Copenhagen, Denmark, with German ships, troops, and military vehicles. Troops raise a German flag atop a citadel. Germany invaded Denmark on April 9, 1940, meeting almost no resistance from the ill-prepared Danes. German planes fly overhead and drop leaflets stating that the Danish population should view the Germans "not as enemies, but as friends" and that the Germans are only occupying Denmark to protect Danish neutrality. This was the official reason given by the Germans for the invasion; they claimed they were protecting Denmark from an imminent British attack. An expanse of...

  16. Destruction and rebuilding in Poland circa 1946; country life in Poland, circa 1939

    Children playing in the rubble in the streets of a destroyed, unidentified city. It may be Danzig, it may be Warsaw, or it may be another Polish city. Bricks from fallen buildings are piled high alongside the street, children pick up sticks and whatever they can find and play with the bricks. Vs of the countryside, a pointed roof house, ducks and geese swimming in a pond, men driving tractors across a field (probably in1946 - see notes field). VS of the fields being plowed. CU on the men driving the tractors, the wheels of the machine, etc. EXT, back in the city, a sign on the corner of a b...

  17. Nursery

    Nurses with babies. Medicine, taking care of children.

  18. Henny Bienenfeld-Buncel photographs

    Five black and white photoprints: four are of groups of children, mainly girls, playing, and one appears to be a family photograph, with parents and three children. The photocopies are enlarged photographs of group pictures of children playing. One of the photocopies is labelled "Villa Helvetia."

  19. Meeting of German soldiers

    INT of an office where a meeting is being held. Camera pans around the table, showing perhaps a dozen men, mostly German officers, smoking and a female secretary (one of the women seen earlier?) Maps on the wall. Some men in civilian clothes (French collaborators?) Marked map on the wall, one of the Germans (shown in Stories 4405 and 4407, and earlier in Story 4412 wearing lighter-rimmed glasses at 01:12:10) points to parts of the map and gives a presentation to the others.

  20. German siege of Warsaw, Poland 1939

    Dead woman with a basket over her head. MS, two women and one man approach this woman's body when she is still laying face down in the dirt, they roll her over, she is now lying face up, the basket is next to her head (I don't believe it has been placed over her head yet), and then they walk on. The man looks back at the camera a few times after passing the dead woman's body. Cut to MS, three women in the field digging for potatoes, CU of an injured woman. Cut to MS, refugees of the bombing teaming around their destroyed neighborhood, the site seems to be the former cemetery that is also me...