Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,381 to 14,400 of 58,960
  1. Scenes of rural life in the region of Katowice

    VS, scenes of rural village life in the central Polish region of Katowice, circa 1937. Horse drawn wagons move along a dirt road, an orthodox priest in dark vestments walks along the same road. A family carries kindling on their backs. CU, the Orthodox priest stops to speak to two children with a goat. Three women walk along a dirt road, two carry firewood, one walks hand in hand with her young daughter. She picks up her daughter for a CU for the camera. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  2. Trade school in Berlin

    Trade school in Berlin. Woodshop, airplanes. CU, blond boy.

  3. Stephanie Klein papers

    The papers contain a letter written by Abram donor's uncle to "Moniek" in July 1944 while he was stationed with the Polish Army outside of Lublin, Poland, and a photograph of Abram and his family in Czestochowa, Poland, circa 1938.

  4. Warsaw park scenes 1936

    CU of a baby in a carriage. MLS, from high angle, babies in Saxon Garden (Ogrod Saski) in Warsaw, with their mothers and/or nannies. The building with arcs is the former Saxon Palace (Palac Saski). VS of the scene in the park, babies as far as they eye can see. 01:23:45:20 CU of one baby in a stroller that stares directly at the camera while eating, followed by the mother madly rocking her baby, VS of very sleek looking, shiny, new baby carriages. Cut to group of young school children touring the medieval city wall of Krakow.

  5. American soldiers holding Nazi flag

    Rectangular form with scalloped edge; black and white image depicting United States Army soldiers holding a German flag bearing a Swastika.

  6. Wertheimer family papers

    This collection primarily documents the wartime experiences of Richard Wertheimer and Klara (Deutsch) Wertheimer of Vienna, Austria securing passage to Havana, Cuba and joining their daughter Greta in New York between 1941 to 1942. The collection also documents the Wertheimer family’s life in Vienna in the 1920s and 1930s, including Greta Wertheimer’s report cards and Richard Wertheimer’s license to practice law. This collection includes wartime correspondence between members of the Wertheimer family, records of Richard Wertheimer, Klara Wertheimer, and Klara’s mother Johanna Deutsch’s expe...

  7. Selected records of the Departmental Archives of the Haute-Vienne

    Contains documents from the camps at Nexon, Saint-Paul d'Eyjeaux, Séreilhac, Saint-Germain-les-Belles, Saint Sulpice-la-Pointe, and la Meyse. Includes documents related to the organization and forced labor of foreigners in France during the Vichy regime. Also includes documents pertaining to the massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane, France, on June 10, 1944; the Œuvre de secours aux enfants (OSE) children's home at Chateau Montintin; and emigration to Palestine after World War II.

  8. Seeligmann family papers

    The collection consists of identification photographs of members of the Seeligmann family and documents relating to the Seeligmann family who fled from Berlin, Germany, to Tianjin, China, in 1939.

  9. Krakow Jewish quarter; business district

    Two orthodox Jews arguing in the street in the Jewish quarter of Krakow at the main market square at the intersection of ul. Sw. Jana and the Rynek Glowny. They lean close to each other in a heated conversation at the door. Street scene in the business district in Krakow, many pedestrians, kiosk, people looking at bookshop/newssatand window. Man walking around with a sign advertising the film premiere of the 1936 American film, and Oscar winner, "Anthony Adverse." Scenes of shops and shop windows, crowded streets full of men, women, children, baby carriages, automobiles, etc. A quick cut to...

  10. Ilse Garfunkel collection

    Consists of ten letters and three postcards written by Charlotte (Lotte) Berndt Wolff to her daughter, Ilse Wolff, between 1940-1944. Charlotte and her husband, Herman, emigrated to Shanghai in 1939, while Ilse was sent on a Kindertransport to Belgium and spent the war in various children's homes. Herman Wolff passed away in September 1940, and the collection also includes a copy of Charlotte's death certificate, listing that she passed away from typhus in August 1945 in Shanghai.

  11. Funeral; construction, daily life in Warsaw, 1936

    A Christian funeral procession of an unidentified individual through Warsaw, several people walk behind the horse drawn carriage that carries the casket, the pallbearers are in elaborate uniforms. MS construction site in Warsaw, multi-story apartment buildings are going up, the foreman in a dark coat barks orders to all of the workers laying the concrete. MCU, kiosk featuring various newspapers.

  12. Der Najer Moment

    Contains copies of the Yiddish-language Displaced Persons camp newspaper "Der Najer Moment."

  13. Robert Adam memoirs

    Contains a memoir, typescript, 110 pages, of Robert Adam's family, attempts to emigrate to Palestine during war, internment by British on Cyprus, then opportunity to leave and fight with de Gaulle's Free French, and postwar events related to creation of Israel.

  14. Nightlife; entertainment; park in Warsaw, 1936

    A sequence shot in the Warsaw nightclub "Adria". VS of the crowd, the bandstand and stage with dancers performing. Patrons dancing on a revolving stage, lively scenes of musicians and patrons enjoying themselves for the evening. The first band is the Franciszek Witkowski group. MCU, daylight scene- a park in Warsaw, a toddler wheels around a baby in a carriage. VS of baby carriages and families in the park. MS, a woman boarding a bus at a bus stop in Warsaw. MS, a horsedrawn carriage passes a palace in Warsaw. The same building is seen in RG-60.4156, on USHMM Film ID 3015 but in LS.

  15. Tetyana Kotlyarska papers

    The papers consist of eight photographs of Tetyana Kotlyarska and her family in the Soviet Union and Germany before, during, and after World War II and one school notebook used by Tetyana Kotlyarska at the Teacher's Pedagogical Institute in Bukhara (Bukhoro), Uzbekistan.

  16. Boxing

    Boys seen through a doorway playing ping pong. Two men and a boy walk through the doorway and watch the boys play. CUs, boys. They shadowbox. They scramble to grab boxing mitts off the floor. Boys lace up boxing gloves. Two pairs of boys practice while the instructor and other boys watch. CU boxing. Boys walk down stairs with wrought iron railing.

  17. Czech prison images, 1946

    MCU of guillotine in an empty room. It casts a rather ominous shadow on the white tile wall behind it. Frame left there is a hose attached to the wall. A man in uniform (prison guard) enters the frame and demonstrates the operation of the guillotine. He demonstrates again, this time we see only the shadow of his demonstration and not the machine or the man. This scene was shot in the Pancraz prison in Prague postwar.

  18. Paris under German occupation

    Aerial view of German military parading on a street. Camera pans along the street. Shots of a brunette woman (featured in Film ID 2720) being playful with the German in dark-rimmed glasses. Two blondes, not seen before. Rooftops of Paris and the Eiffel Tower in the distance, scenes of Germans at Versailles. Camera focuses on two German officers walking towards camera, including the officer leading the meeting in Story 4414 at the left. As the men exit the grounds of the palace, women converge on the men and attempt to hand them pieces of paper, which the men ignore. Brief scene of a checkpo...

  19. Norma Sack letters

    Contains correspondence about the Holocaust experiences of Mina Sack Babushkina in Liepaja, Latvia.