Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,341 to 14,360 of 58,960
  1. Portfolio

    Book, Arbeit Macht Frei, of reproductions of 16 drawings of concentration camp scenes by Frantisek Reichtental. This edition, signed by the artist on the title page, is number 449 of a limited run of 5000 copies, of which 1000 were signed by Reichtental. The majority of the proceeds from the book sales were dedicated to the children's homes of the Central Union of Jewish Communities in Slovakia.

  2. Farming village in central Poland

    Repeat of quick shot of an older peasant woman handing her bundles to a man who puts them on a horse drawn carriage. Quick CU of a man in profile, cut to two girls and their mother in peasant dress. The girls pose alone for the camera. Two elderly ladies talking, MCU in profile. Large wooden cross framed by a window, shot from INT to EXT. Back to peasant women, one helps the other adjust her skirt waist. ECU of elderly women with headscarf. Several women gathered together on the road, closeups. CU man in traditional hat, the elderly woman and man with a horse. MLS, four women in traditional...

  3. Hana Kovanic photographs

    The 67 photographs depict the Kohn family, the maternal relatives of Hanna Kovanic, who were from Velká nad Velickou in Moravia, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic). Most of the relatives depicted in the photographs perished in Auschwitz in 1943 and 1944.

  4. Livshitz family collection

    Consists of letters written from family members and friends in Europe to Yakov (Yankel, or Jack) Livshitz in the United States and in Canada. Dated between 1928-1941, the letters describe life in the shtetl and the desires of his relatives and friends to emigrate out of Europe.

  5. YMCA: swim team, singing, basketball; sights in Prague

    Man operates a movie reel projector, children watch and cheer the movie. Boys swim in a pool and cheer each other on. Man sings to a classroom. Man plays piano. Boys play basketball. CUs of Czech language booklets. The Charles Bridge in Prague. Young men learn how to play basketball. Large buildings in Prague. CUs, signs for the YMCA. Men stop and read sign, then enter the building. A group of people in a room sing together and perform hand motions to the song. Camera tracks backwards over Charles Bridge. The Prague Castle. CUs, basketball players. More city scenes of Prague, streets, build...

  6. Confiscated property Entzogene Vermögenschaften

    Contains records of Jewish-owned movie theaters in the vicinity of Vienna, Austria, expropriated by the Österreichische Filmvertriebsgesellschaft, later called the Österreichische Filmvertriebsgeschaft; restitution files after World War II; and 178 files of individuals whose personal property was expropriated, including inventories of items, objects, and insurance polices.

  7. Nazi rally, 1937 - Hitler, Himmler, Reichsarbeitsdienst parade; Anti-Bolshevik exhibit crowds; Berlin streets crowded for Mussolini visit.

    Nazi party rally at Nuremberg, pan of stadium, regiments already assembled on the field; more still entering, an injured man is carried away on a stretcher. 01:06:45:00 Some MCUs on the young soldiers on the field, some look back at the camera, all are chewing gum--the bare-chested regiment-- Nazi "beefcake". MCU of the beefcake singing in unison. Cut to the young women assembled in another area of the field. VS of flags waving; military milling about the stadium. Scenes outside of the Anti-Bolshevik Exhibit (Antibolschevistische Ausstellung); uniformed Nazis with armbands line up to enter ...

  8. Silver kiddush cup with scenes of Lublin entrusted to a Gentile neighbor

    Silver engraved kiddush cup given to Zofia Jedrusiak for safekeeping by a Jewish woman in Lublin, Poland, in 1941. She said that Zofia should return the cup to her son if he returned to Poland after the war. This cup had been given to her son on the occasion of his bris, or circumcision, when he was an infant. A kiddush cup is a ceremonial vessel to hold wine for the blessing said at Shabbat and Jewish holidays meals. No one ever returned for the cup, but Zofia's family kept it safe for over fifty years in the hope that someone might return to claim it.

  9. Application forms for the mandatory adoption of the names Sara and Israel for Austrian Jews

    Contains mandatory name-change applications received from Jews by the Vienna, Austria, district offices of the Bezirkshauptmannschaften.

  10. Jüdische Gemeinde Stuttgart collection

    Consists of records pertaining to the Jewish communities of Stuttgart, Esslingen, Hechingen, and Ulm and various other records. Includes postwar name lists of survivors from Theresienstadt and Bergen Belsen living in Switzerland; name lists and deportation lists of Jews from the Stuttgart area (1935-1945); deportation lists to Theresienstadt (1942-1944); community records of the town Hechingen (1942-1945); organization of food supply (1944-1945); correspondence of Mr. Marx, who was the "Vertrauensmann der Reichsvereinigung" in Stuttgart until 1944; records of the high council of Israelites ...

  11. Sightseeing in Paris; women modeling new dresses

    Another day, showing monument/great building, two women with another German officer. Focus on one (not the same woman as shown previously), who is smiling and laughing. She tips her hat to the camera. 01:05:18 in a park. Two women from the previous scene are laughing and swinging on a swing set, standing up. An older woman speaks to them, appearing to chastise them (perhaps for standing or for swinging too high, or she wants the children to get a turn). Children in BG. Two women and the officer at a food stall of some kind. One of the women (in dark coat) feeds something to the German offic...

  12. Literary archives of Natan Ilyich Zabara

    Contains novels, plays, and letters by Natan Ilyich Zabara.

  13. Get to know your Grandpa

    Contains a narrative about Yochanan Dreifuss that concerns the efforts of a German high office who asssisted the author's parents escape from Vienna and his father's release from the Buchenwald concentration camp.

  14. Kindergarten - Pestalozzi Froebel Haus

    Berlin - Kindergarten scenes at the famous and historic Pestalozzi Froebel Haus, part of the Pestalozzi educational movement. Girl with baby doll, kids playing indoors with blocks, stomping down wooden slide. Nurses change babies, toddlers, beds, eating, washing dishes, cutting apples.

  15. SS headquarters for race and settlement Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt-SS (NS 2)

    Contains selected records from Bundesarchiv, NS 2, the SS headquarters for race and settlement, involving implementation of racial and resettlement policies by the SS in Germany and German-occupied territories. The documents concern coordination with other German agencies, SS orders, commands, directives, regulations, investigations regarding race relations, and correspondence and reports sent between various SS offices. Also includes reports on the Jewish situation in various cities or countries, inspection reports of concentration camps, records concerning contact with foreigners during t...

  16. Farming life in rural Poland

    MS, four horses pulling a machine dispersing seed, the horses are guided by a farmer as they make their way across a patch of plowed field.

  17. Breuner-Ekerling collection

    Consists of 19 pre-war photographs of the Breuner family of Vienna, including Alice and Bertel Breuner, the donor's mother and aunt. Also consists of photographs taken 1938-1941, immediately after the emigration of Sam Ekerling and Alice Breuner Ekerling to the United States.

  18. Burnt Polish villages; Polish government signing agreement

    Burnt Polish villages in 1944. Destroyed homes, children gathering firewood and water in the snow. Destroyed bridge, train tracks; large columns of refugees. New Polish government signing agreement in 1945.

  19. Bleiweis family papers

    Contains correspondence, documents and photographs related to the family of Hermann (Juda-Hersz) and Nesie (born Schwalb) Bleiweis, who lived in Gladbeck, Germany, in the 1920s and 1930s. The family emigrated to Palestine in 1937 and from there, to the United States. Includes pre-war photographs and documents of life in Gladbeck, as well as Schwalb family correspondence sent from Rozhnyatov, Poland, to the Bleiweis family in the United States from 1938-1941. Included in the correspondence is testimony of the events surrounding the expulsion of Polish-born Jews living in Germany back to Poland.

  20. German siege of Warsaw, Poland 1939

    INT, hospital scenes- a pregnant woman lies in a hospital ward- these are scenes from the Catholic hospital that was destroyed in Warsaw during the German air attacks in September of 1939. Lying next to the pregnant woman is a wounded man. VS of the wounded being cared for by nurses in the hospital. 01:08:19:18 The inhabitants of the maternity ward are now lining corridors, several nurses, mothers and their newborn babies are seated on the tile floors of the hospital corridors. VS, CUs of mothers with their infants, some with a doctor as well: this is all mentioned in Julien Bryan's book "S...