Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,241 to 13,260 of 58,959
  1. Records of the Moscow State Jewish Theatre School (MGETU) (Fond 2308)

    Contains records related to the history of the Soviet culture and theater, the Jewish School Theater, Jewish avant-garde art and the Kremlin's policy toward Jewish society and culture from 1919 until the early 1950s. The collection contains minutes of the educational bureau, reports on the progress in studies, photos of performances, biographies and photos of actors, personal files of employees, personal files of students, newspaper clippings related to the Jewish Theater performances, lists of the Young Communist League members, lists of awarded employees, lists of students, historical ess...

  2. Łódź ghetto scrip, 50 pfennig note

    Scrip with a receipt value of 50 cents issued in 1940 in the Jewish ghetto in Łódź, Poland, which was renamed Litzmannstadt by the Germans following their invasion and occupation of Poland in September 1939. When the Germans transferred Jews to the ghetto, they confiscated all currency in exchange for scrip that could be spent only inside the ghetto. The scrip was designed by the Judenrat [Jewish Council] of the Łódź ghetto, and includes traditional Jewish symbols.

  3. Werner Gumprecht letter

    The 16-page, typewritten letter was written by Werner Gumprecht in Seville, Spain, and details the beginning of his family's experiences during their immigration from Hamburg, Germany, to the United States in 1941. The Gumprechts left Germany on July 21, 1941, and arrived in N.Y. on September 12, 1941. Their relatives who remained in Germany were deported between October and December 1941 and never heard from again.

  4. American soldiers prepare a "propaganda bomb" to be dropped on German occupied territory

    An American serviceman salvages parts from wrecked planes to make shells for propaganda leaflets to drop over German-occupied territory. Three men load a "propaganda bomb" into the bay of a plane. The man shown collecting scrap brings the pieces to another man, who is constructing a shell. Interior of an office with a sign on the door that reads "ORDNANCE." A man seated at a desk speaks on the telephone, then studies a piece of paper that contains instructions for a "leaflet bomb" as well as a diagram of the bomb. The man, identified in the NARA story card as Lt. Kick, is shown arriving at ...

  5. Russian prisoners

    Reel 1: 00:00:00 Russian civilian women roasting grain in troughs over fire pits in a wooded area, German soldiers present. Scenes of women running while carrying baskets and sacks; struggling through an opening in a fence, under the watch of a German soldier. Panning shot of long line of women with bundles waiting. Local men and women watch a long column of Russian prisoners (appears to be both soldiers and civilian men) marching; several CUs of the men in the column. Soviet POWs in a camp mend their clothes, one completely naked. Russian prisoners carrying logs, large mass of prisoners vi...

  6. Selected records from collections of the Vrancea branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains records concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions. It includes selected files from the following organizations: District Prefecture of the Town of Putna (1938-1946)-includes records of the revision of the citizenship of Jews, the legal status of the Jewish Community of Focşani, the forced labor of Jews, the confiscation ofJewish properties, including radios, the surveillance of Jews, Jewish hostages, and permits for Jewish travel; Mayor's Office of Focsani (1941-1944)-includes records of the confiscation of Jewish properties, the relocation ...

  7. Barbie Trial -- Day 12 -- Victims accuse Barbie

    Jean Gay - does not appear in person, deposition is read by the bailiff re: Resistance, arrest, interrogation, torture, and deportation to Neuengamme. Klaus Barbie enters the courtroom at 18:48:14, visible at upper screen right. He sits next to two interpreters: Margit Lipsker and Martine Billaud. 18:48:35 Lucien Margaine says "One cannot be mistaken. Look at that grin. You cannot forget; it is not a sane man." Barbie reads a short statement asserting that he is being tried illegally and that he was brought into court today by force: "Because I am judicially absent, I will not reply." Cerdi...

  8. Records related to German control of currency exchange rates in Belgium

    Contains documents concerning foreign currency and property. Approximately 30% regard Jewish property and the opening of Jewish deposits in Antwerp, Bruxelles, and Liege. Also contains police investigations into violations of foreign currency regulations, bank account fraud, etc.

  9. Barbie Trial -- Day 6 -- Barbie's role in the roundup of Jews

    14:50 Defense lawyer Vergès gives closing remarks. 14:52 President Cerdini suspends the hearing. 15:29 Cerdini resumes the hearing. 15:30 Cerdini delivers the court's judgment on Barbie's unwillingness to attend trial proceedings. 15:32 Prosecutor Nordmann delivers civil parties' conclusions 15:34 Cerdini delivers a statement of facts relating to the convoy of August 11, 1944, in which prisoners of the Montluc prison in Lyon were rounded up and loaded onto a 10-car train. After many stops in France and little food or water, male resistants were offloaded at Struthof, female resistants were ...

  10. Colonel John Hinkel collection

    Consists of three documents from the collection of Colonel John Hinkel, a paratrooper who fought in the Italian campaign during World War II. Included are a military identification card, a small pamphlet instructing American soldiers on relations with German citizens, and a visitor's pass to the Dachau concentration camp for 15 July 1945. Colonel (then Major) Hinkel escorted Father Edmund Walsh, a Jesuit consultant to Justice Robert Jackson, on his tour of the camp.

  11. Personal papers of Mark Aguf

    Contains letters sent by Mark Aguf to his relatives as well as letters received by Mark Aguf from his wife and close relatives who were evacuated from Kyiv to Central Asia. Correspondence relates to problems with the apartment in Kyiv, everyday life of evacuees, their re-evacuation to Kyiv, and the Mark's active service in the Soviet (Red) Army of 1917-1921. The collection also contains poems written by Mark Aguf during and after the war, and memoirs of Mark's father, Mikhail Aguf "V gornile revolucii: Vospomynanyia" (In the hearth of Revolution: Memoirs) completed circa 1966 in Kyiv. Mikha...

  12. Prayer book imádságok zsidó nők számára

    The prayer book belonged to Ibolya Ungar and was saved by Cecilia Ungar, Ibolya's mother during the Holocaust in Budapest, Hungary.

  13. Siegmund Pluznik photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs depicting the Holocaust-era experiences of Siegmund Pluznik (born Zygmunt Pluznik), originally of Będzin, Poland. The photographs include depictions of Siegmund with friends in the Będzin ghetto, a group of Jewish youth in Romania awaiting a ship which will take them to Palestine, and Siegmund on a beach in Natania, Palestine.

  14. Robert Berg videocassettes

    Consists of two videocassettes related to the Holocaust experiences of Robert Berg. The first, entitled "Poland, May 1995" includes a visit to Mr. Berg's hometown of Adamov, Poland, and the commemorative ceremonies for the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp. The second videocassette, entitled "Adamov, Poland Remembered," includes footage of the restoration of the Jewish cemetery and dedication of the memorial monument in Adamov, Poland in 2002.

  15. Barbie Trial -- Day 12 -- Victims testify

    18:04:45 [15:10:41 real time] Fortune Lanfranchi speaks about Dachau and liberation. 18:13:26 [15:19:22 real time] Robert Clor was arrested by Barbie in May 1944, hung up by his hands, tortured by being dunked in a bathtub to the point of drowning, and beaten. He talks about his arrest, interrogation, torture, and deportation to Neuengamme. 18:30:10 [15:36:07 real time] Vincent Planque, a captured French Army officer who organized a Resistance unit in Lyons, was tortured and deported to Buchenwald by Barbie. Two police dogs were turned loose on him with his hands tied behind his back. He te...

  16. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- Two experts testify

    14:56 Witness Holtfort testifies, via an interpreter, that the documents presented to him by President Cerdini for verification are indeed authentic 15:07 Cerdini asks Holtfort whether, in his professional opinion, it is possible that the signature of Barbie's name was in fact written by someone else. Holtfort replies that theoretically, yes, but he has never seen a case of that in his years of research in this topic 15:10 Holtfort continues that, given the hierarchy of the SIPO-SD, a false signature would have been illegal and simply wouldn't have happened. Cerdini asks Holtfort to testify...