Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,321 to 13,340 of 58,959
  1. Dunson family at Christian mission

    At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. EXT, couple posing in countryside. Young blonde girl (the donor, Joy Marshall) posing. EXT, shots of trees, etc. Footage changes from color to black and white. Group of men working in a garage on a car. MS, man on horse and three children on mule (all three on the same mule). Children then start taking turns on horse and mule. MS, MLS, man at river's edge, VS of river, switches back to color footage. VS, men building structure in a clearing. Various generati...

  2. Münzer family papers

    The Münzer family papers consist of photographs and documents relating to the Holocaust experiences of the Münzer family. The photographs include pre-war photographs of the Münzer family in the Netherlands, Alfred Münzer’s brit milah, Mary Madna performing in an operetta by Fritz Hirsch, the Fritz Hirsch Company performing an operetta, and two colorized portraits of Eva and Liane Münzer. The Red Cross documentation describes the fate of Simche Münzer and Eva Münzer. Simche Münzer died on July 25, 1945 shortly after his liberation from the Ebensee concentration camp. Eva Münzer perished at t...

  3. Selected records from the Archives Départementales de la Seine-Maritime

    This collection contains documents on émigrés and refugees, including Germans, Austrians, and stateless persons residing in the department in 1940; the operations of the administration dealing with “Jewish questions”; deportations of Jews from the Rouen area; the designation of Aryan administrators for Jewish properties appropriated by Vichy; arrests and search warrants; the supervision of Jewish property in the Dieppe area; the appropriation of properties belonging to Masonic lodges; outlawed “secret societies”; Jews in Le Havre; and a lawsuit concerning the Dreier family’s attempt to reco...

  4. La Villa Mariana OSE home photographs

    Consists of photographs taken of the OSE home at Boulouris, La Feuille, France, which was moved to St. Raphaël and named "La Villa Mariana" in 1941. Includes photographs of some of the OSE staff members and of the children who lived there.

  5. Blood and Soil ideology

    Reichsarbeitsdienst men sing as they march through a marble gateway engraved with swastikas. They carry shovels over their shoulders. The men are shown cutting down trees as the narrator states that they are erecting the festival hall for the Reichsbauerntag [Reich Farmer day] 1934. Richard Walther Darre, Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture, accompanied by men wearing civilian clothes and men in SS uniforms, inspects the progress of the construction. The next scene shows the celebration itself: the streets are hung with swastika banners; crowds; people parading in native (Pomeranian) cos...

  6. Soviet film of atrocities shown at Nuremberg Trials

    Reel 1: Documents. Atrocities, corpses, women weeping, Soviet soldiers. Exhumation of mass grave, Russians weeping. Corpses at camp. 01:18:32 Reel 2: Human remains. Doctors, exhumation, skulls. Human remains at camp, beach. Reburying children in coffins, women weeping. Watchtower, barbed wire, corpses. Gravesite in forest. Fires. 01:31:40 Klooga: corpses, CU of victim with number and Star of David. 01:33:51 Reel 3: Lublin, INTs corpses. Civilians view bodies and camp barracks. MS, survivors. Aerial views of Majdanek, barracks. Skulls and bones, crematorium. Victims' belongings (shoes, passp...

  7. Fighting on the Russian front; Lvov; work detail

    Reel 4: 00:00:00 Lvov. Street scenes with civilians, smoke in sky. Tanks in the street, soldiers and civilians walking around. Camera pans across a large apartment building with all the windows broken. People walk in the park with a smoke coming from a building in the background. A large crowd of civilians clap and wave in front of the city hall (Rathaus), a swastika banner is draped from the balcony. Reel 7: 00:00:54 German officers in a field discuss over a map, CU. One has a bandage on his face. Edelweiss insignia can be seen on sleeves. Shot of a radio operator in a truck. Reel 8: 00:02...

  8. Arie Ben Menachem photograph collection

    The collection consists of 19 vintage copy prints of images taken by Mendel Grossman in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland.

  9. "My Holocaust Memoirs"

    Consists of one memoir, 16 pages, entitled "My Holocaust Memoirs," by Nathan Ben-Brith (Bundheim), originally of Hamburg, Germany (born Leonhard Nathan Bundheim). He describes his experiences under the pre-war Nazi regime, his family's escape to Belgium after Kristallnacht, his arrest and imprisonment in St. Cyprien and Gurs, his release from Gurs in 1941, his deportation to Drancy in 1942 and experiences in the Ottmuth labor camp, and in the Blechhammer, Gross-Rosen, and Buchenwald concentration camps. Shortly before the liberation of Buchenwald, he was forced to accompany fleeing SS perso...

  10. Chaim Melamed papers

    The Chaim Melamed papers consists of postcards, correspondence, and photographs relating to the Melamed family before, during, and after World War II in Łódź, Poland, and Hannover, Germany. Pictured in the photographs are Chaim Melamed, Maryla Melamed, Peretz Lipka, Dawid Lipka, Isuchor Melamed and Fajga Melamed.

  11. Paramount Newsreel, Year 1945, Issue 32 (part)

    Execution by firing squad of Anton Dostler for ordering the execution of 15 OSS men, without trial.

  12. Barbie Trial -- Day 3 -- Barbie's absence and psychiatric evaluation

    17:28 The Prosecuter requests that the trial continue in Barbie's absence. 17:39 Psychiatric expert M. Jacques Vedrinne presents the method used during the psychiatric examination of Barbie. 18:07 Psychiatric expert M. Jacques Vedrinne lists the medical history of Barbie.

  13. Josef Schwartz photograph collection

    The collection consists of 48 photographs from Łodź, Poland, before World War II and of the Łodź ghetto. The collection illustrates the Szwarc family before the war and during their imprisonment in the Łodź ghetto.

  14. Agro-Joint Activity in Russia

    Rolling titles describe development of Agro-Joint by JDC in 1924 and of assistance given to Jews with the cooperation of the Russian government. MS of Dr. Joseph Rosen, Director of Agro-Joint, Dr. Grower, Dr. Yefim Lubarsky, Vice-President of the Agro-Joint, and Morris C. Troper, European Director of the JDC. More titles state that the Agro-Joint acted as the operating agent of the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlement in Russia. The president of this organization was James Rosenberg, and Paul Baerwald was the treasurer. Photos of Rosenberg, Felix Warburg, and Baerwald and a photo of ...

  15. Lustig/Lieberg family photographs

    Consists of 38 pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs of the Lustig family, originally of Drohobycz, Poland, and of the Lieberg family, originally of Kassel, Germany. Includes pre-war family photographs and a post-war photograph of Leopold (Paul) Lustig and members of the Jewish Student Union of the University of Erlangen.

  16. Teheran Conference

    An American serviceman holds a slate that reads: Scene 140. The camera follows a car with a USA insignia on the back down a street in Teheran and into a courtyard in front of the Soviet embassy, where the Teheran conference was held. Soviet soldiers run and march past the building while American soldiers film and take photographs of them. 01:40:38 Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill come around the corner of the building and walk up the steps. They stop to pose for photographers or perhaps answer questions. 01:41:59 Roosevelt is now with them, sitting in a chair at the top of the steps. The...

  17. Barbie Trial -- Day 12 -- A witness and a civil party testify

    16:07 The next witness, Mrs. Raymonde Guyon, presents herself to the court and is sworn in; the witness describes her participation in the dissemination of clandestine Resistance newspapers during the war, while in high school and then university; her fiancé at that time met law professors who were involved in the Resistance and they both became formally involved through these professors; she describes creating false papers, with which entire families of Jews were able to escape to Switzerland, and outlines the challenges involved in writing, printing, and distributing the newspaper 'Témoig...

  18. Barbie Trial -- Day 8 -- Three civil parties give testimony relating to the UGIF raid

    14:54 The witness, Michel Cojot Goldberg, explains the motivation for his trip to Bolivia in 1975, in which he planned to assassinate Barbie but found himself incapable of pulling the trigger; he describes meeting Barbie and talking to him 15:03 Prosecutor Klarsfeld asks the witness why he did not kill Barbie when he had the chance; the witness explains that the service to France would be greater were Barbie forced to stand trial 15:07 Defense attorney Vergès asks the witness how he learned about the Izieu raid, and the witness replies that he will not reply to the defense's questions as lo...