Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,301 to 13,320 of 58,959
  1. Schlachtensee displaced persons camp photographs

    Consists of four photographs taken in the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (UNRRA) Schlachtensee displaced persons camp near Berlin, Germany, circa 1945. The photographs include images of Rabbi Hyatt, an American chaplain; an unidnetified rabbi from Schlachtensee; a group of students; and Phyllis Dunkelman.

  2. Fritz und Fratz cartoon about India

    Degeto Schmalfilm-Schrank "Fritz und Fratz" "Auf Tigerjagd" Fritz und Fratz cartoon featuring a tiger in India. Scenes show the boys scaring the tiger with a mirror and tempting the animal into a cage.

  3. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Discussion of the UGIF and Izieu raids

    16:23 President Cerdini continues presenting an exhibit relating to the raid at the UGIF [Union générale des Israélites de France] in Lyon on February 9, 1943 16:25 A clerk reads a report signed by Barbie on the 11th of February 1943 16:29 Cerdini presents Barbie's reaction to being shown the report 16:31 Prosecution lawyer Klarsfeld gives further arguments relating to Barbie's report from February 11, 1943 16:34 Cerdini introduces into evidence a telegram sent by Barbie on February 11, 1943 16:35 Clerk reads the telegram 16:37 Jury examines the telegram (French translation), and Barbie's s...

  4. Israel Sjouwerman identification card

    The identification card was issued to Israel Sjouwerman in Antwerp, Belgium, and states that he was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on January 9, 1874.

  5. Selected records from the Romanian Ministry of Work, Health and Social Protection - Central Office of Romanianization (Aryanization)

    Contains records of the Central Office of Romanianization (OCR) under the Ministry of Labor, Health, and Social Welfare, concerning the “Romanianization” of personnel of various private enterprises and “doubling” the practice of retaining fired workers to teach new workers. Included also are a proposal to accelerate Romanianization, explanatory memoranda, the structure and budgetary expenses of the OCR, a draft law on the Romanianization of staff in Northern Bucovina and Bessarabia, activity reports of the OCR to the Ministry of Labor, press clippings, and requests by refugees and other eth...

  6. Health Care Organization of the Central Committee of Jews in Poland Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia Ludności Żydowskiej w Polsce przy Centralnym Komitecie Żydow w Polsce (TOZ), Sygn. 324

    Contains records related to the health conditions of Poles and Jews who survived the Holocaust and repatriates returning to Poland from the Soviet Union. The majority of the documents relate to child care, and to cooperation with international organizations.The most complete records are from Łódź, Warsaw, Dzierzoniów, Wrocław, Kraków and Szczecin. Materials include name indexes.

  7. Photograph of Helena Zymler

    The collection includes an identification photograph of Helena Zymler taken in Łódź, Poland, in 1946.

  8. Faux alligator suitcase issued to inmates released in Bergen-Belsen prisoner exchange

    Suitcase given to 20-year-old Toni Klar and her parents for their departure from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp to Palestine in July 1944 as part of an exchange of camp inmates for German prisoners-of-war in British custody. The suitcase was originally owned by Pauline Eisenhardt, who had perished in Theresienstadt. Toni and her parents were refugees from Germany who were deported from Amsterdam to Bergen-Belsen in January 1944. While in Amsterdam, they had obtained certificates for Palestine and received a Putkammer letter ensuring their safety. The inmates selected for the prisoner exch...

  9. Barbie Trial -- Day 1 -- Witness statements; Lechene testifies

    14:09:00 Presiding Judge André Cerdini lists the scheduled statements of witnesses. 14:35:00 Cerdini introduces the testimony of Mme. Lechene, concerning her late husband Pierre Louis Lechene. M. Lechene was a member of the resistance. He was captured by the S.S. and interned in Mathausen concentration camp in September 1942. 14:38:00 The plaintiffs Mme. Vogel, Mme. Chartre, Mme. Lara the widow of M. Bianchi and the "Association souvenir du Commissaire Jules Cros" are named.

  10. Flight, a boxed set of 12 lithographs from the International Rescue Committee on the theme of refugees and rescue

    A portfolio of original art prints, limited edition 73 of 250, published in 1971 by the International Rescue Committee to raise funds for the organization's mission to aid and rescue refugees. In 1964, Varian Fry, IRC's founder, began to assemble a portfolio of works from artists whom he had helped bring to the United States during the Holocaust. The project, themed to reflect the plight of refugees, was completed in 1970, four years after Fry's death. Each work represents the artist's vision of the Greek warrior, Aeneas, as he flees the burning city of Troy, described by T.S. Eliot as: "th...

  11. Emeric Schwartz photograph collection

    The collection consists of six photographs taken after the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in April 1945. There are typed text captions on the back of the photographs which are stamped, "Red Cross & St. John Copyright."

  12. Barbie Trial -- Day 13 -- Victims testify

    17:15:00 Judges enter the courtroom to begin Day 13 of the trial. 17:17:30 Rene Wucher gives his account of the raid at Izieu. 17:26:24 Andre Wucher, Rene's brother, supports his brother's account of the children at Izieu. 17:30:51 Gabrielle Tardy testifies and speaks directly about the yellow star. 17:40 Court lawyers and judges examine Izieu document. Intense exchange between Verges and prosecuting attorney Rappaport at 17:45. 17:52 Perticoz - absent, deposition is read by bailiff regarding the Izieu raid. 18:07 Court examines photographs presented under testimony of Favet.

  13. Barbie Trial -- Day 11 -- Witnesses testify

    André Frossard continues his testimony. He replies to questions from the Defense regarding comparisons between torture methods in Algeria and those employed by Klaus Barbie. His discourse includes addressing the problematic distinctions between a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity. His testimony ends, and the President introduces the next witness, Lucien Margaine. 15:01:00 Lucien Margaine's testimony begins. His describes his capture and experience during World War II as well as opinions on the torture strategies used by Barbie. He is questioned by the prosecution and the defense. His t...

  14. Liberated Czechoslovakia; wounded and dead Germans; POWs

    A makeshift slate reads: "Haglund, P 21, May 7." German troops, including Hitler Youth, receive food from an outdoor stove set up in a field. Close-up of a young boy who smiles at the camera. Panning shot of the line of men waiting to receive food. More shots of the men receiving hot soup or cereal of some kind. Men in Luftwaffe uniforms lie on the grass and eat soup. One leafs through a binder or pile of papers. They are smiling and aware of the camera. One man sleeps on the ground. Truckloads of men in military vehicles drive past a border checkpoint. The barrier is raised and a white fla...

  15. German surrender; Nazi officers surrender

    Two German boys and an old man push a cart laden with belongings past the camera. A family with cart pulled by a cow moves down a road. German soldiers, one of whom is barefoot, walk down the road. American soldiers resting. Red flags hang from windows in the town of Carlsbad. According to the NARA story card, the flags indicated the town's surrender to the Russians, who had not yet arrived. Low aerial shots of surrendered German troops and equipment. 01:19:19 Newly released British POW's smoke cigarettes and smile at the camera. A truckload of liberated French drives down the street. More ...