Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,161 to 13,180 of 58,959
  1. U.S. soldiers in Europe

    The images are difficult to see due to severe decomposition and emulsion loss. Intermittent images. US Army soldier in helmet visible briefly along with images of European style homes (rustic, Chalet type style). Various glimpses of European architecture: pyres, steeples, towers, ornate columns, etc. Image of peasant wheeling (driving) horse-drawn cart. Civilians, locals walking along streets, mountains are visible in the BG. US Army men at camp, posing in front of their tents. Military plane flying overhead. VS, buildings, destruction and rubble. Shot of a small child with a woman. Local w...

  2. Photographic portrait of Vladka Meed

    Color image of Vladka Meed seated before a of painting of her husband, Benjamin Meed.

  3. Barbie Trial -- Day 16 -- Three civil parties testify

    15:51 President Cerdini calls a civil party, Mrs. Alice Arnault, née Zohar, to the stand; the civil party presents herself to the court 15:52 Mrs. Arnault describes her arrest in July 1944, by a member of the Gestapo; he explained to her that she had been denominated by someone called 'Le Boiteux,' and that there was a 5,000 franc prize on her head; she was quickly transferred to Montluc, and then sent on the August 11 transport to Drancy and then to Auschwitz; the witness was then transfered to a forced labor camp in Kratszau, where she worked in a factory 15:58 President Cerdini comments ...

  4. Johanna Deutsch papers

    The papers consist of 17 photographs and letters documenting the experiences of Johanna Deutsch [donor] and her family in Vienna, Austria, and Palestine during the time period of the Holocaust.

  5. Political cartoon by Rollin Kirby portraying a bloodstained Hitler standing on a pile of human skulls

    Satirical drawing created by Rollin Kirby and published in the New York Post on June 4, 1940. He inscribed the drawing and gave it to Charles Neal and Lida Thomas on June 4, 1940. The drawing depicts Adolf Hitler holding a bloody sword and standing atop of mound of human skulls. A vulture perches on the pile next to him. Kirby had been a celebrated political cartoonist in the US since World War I (1914-18), and won three Pulitzers in the 1920s. His editorial cartoons appeared daily in a series of New York newspapers. He was known for his bold visual style and his support of the common man a...

  6. Barbie Trial -- Day 8 -- A witness testifies regarding the UGIF raid; a civil party testifies

    13:47 President Cerdini opens the hearing; asks for the accused to present himself; Barbie refuses to appear 13:49 Cerdini asks a bailiff to summon Barbie 13:50 Another bailiff reads the list of witnesses set to appear 13:52 Cerdini suspends the hearing until the bailiff returns from summoning Barbie 14:19 Cerdini resumes the hearing; the bailiff reads a statement noting that Barbie refuses to appear in court 14:22 Prosecutor Kormann asks to present a new document into evidence; the document, from the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich, concerns testimony given by an SS General ear...

  7. Barbie Trial -- Day 18 -- Victims testify

    18:01:24 Kurt Hipser confronts Barbie on his imprisonment in Montluc and discusses his collection of Nazi propaganda. 18:27:30 Julie Franceschini, an invalid carried into the courtroom, was arrested in February 1944, spent four months in the Montluc Gestapo prison in Lyons, and was both beaten and held under water by Barbie and a French collaborator, Francis Andre. She says she witnessed several tortures and killings and discusses her arrest, interrogation, torture, deportation to Ravensbruck, and "Nacht und Nebel." 18:44:45 "Oh yes! Oh yes!" Franceschini cries, turning with difficulty to l...

  8. Selected records from the India Office

    The India Office was the administration in London of the pre-1947 government of India. These files include records relating to immigration and internment policy, individual case files of Jewish refugees to India, and nominal rolls of internees.

  9. Diaries by Dr. Aharon Zwergbaum concerning the journey of Jewish emigrants from Bratislava (Slovakia) via Haifa (Palestine) to Mauritius

    Contain a diary by Dr. Aharon Zwergbaum. He traveled on December 1, 1939 from Prague to Bratislava, embarked on September 3, 1940 on the steamship "Helios," transferred in Tulcea, Romania onto the ship "Atlantic" and traveled to Haifa, Palestine where the British authorities arrested the Jewish refugees and deported them to the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. The diaries consist of various contributions by different authors and artists who were on the refugee transport, such as reports, poems, caricatures and illustrations, hand-drawn maps, and photographs that chronicle the voyage...

  10. Agro-Joint in Simferopol

    CU of a plane ticket, dated 1936. Plane takes off. Map of Crimea. Morris Troper is shown arriving in Simferopol. Intertitles describe Troper's activities. He leaves for a trip to Jonkoi via car with Mr. Zaichek, the chief agronom.

  11. Nestor Hobe photograph collection

    The Nestor Hobe photograph collection consists of 38 photographs relating to Nestor Hobe (Hochglaube) and his family. There are 37 original photographs of Nestor Hobe and Jacques Hochglaube, his brother, as well as an enlarged photograph of the siblings.

  12. Hirszfeld and Grosfeld families' photograph collection

    The photograph collection consists of photographs depicting the Hirszfeld and Grosfeld families in Dąbrowa Górnicza prior to World War II. Tamar Grosfeld Klein and her family were living in Haifa during World War II. All of her family members who remained in Poland perished during the Holocaust.

  13. Barbie Trial -- Day 11 -- Witnesses testify

    Jérôme Scorin continues his testimony before the Court. He describes his transfers from Montluc, Drancy, and ultimately Auschwitz-Birkenau. He then discusses his experience at Auschwitz-Birkenau, including forced labor, sickness, and persecution. He was subsequently moved to Stutthof, to a camp near Stuttgart, to Ohrdruf Le Revier, and then to Buchenwald before being marched away from the encroaching Allied front on foot before being liberated by American troops. 18:35:01 The President asks Scorin to describe how he recognized Klaus Barbie. Scorin replies that he recognized Barbie on televi...

  14. Central Committee of Jews in Poland. Department of Jewish Culture and Propaganda Centralny Komitet Żydow Polskich (CKŻP). Wydzial Kultury i Propagandy (Sygn. 303/XIII, previously Sygn. 308)

    This collection contains documentation concerning the activity of the Department of Culture and Propaganda of the Central Committee of the Jews in Poland (CKZP) headed by Henryk Szner (beginning in 1948), then by Hersz Smolar. The documents are mainly in draft form, such as reports and texts of radio broadcasts with hand-written corrections or censorship stamps. Accretion of digital images, files 71-75, contain radio broadcasts including texts of Yiddish broadcasts in 1945 from Lublin. Note: This collection changed Sygn. number in ŻIH from Sygn. 308 to Sygn. 303/XIII.

  15. Arthur Lubinsky diary

    Diary written by Arthur Lubinsky in which he records his remembrances of his experiences during the Holocaust.

  16. Selected records from North African colonies

    This collection contains documents pertaining to the treatment of Jews in French North Africa, particularly in Algeria, and the expropriation of their property by Vichy officials. Topics include the "Jewish question," antisemitism, the establishment of camps, refugees from Spain and/or from the International Brigades, the local Jewish community in Algeria, Jews from France, and the commune of Ain Temouchent. Also included are police reports on the general condition of Jews in Algeria, correspondence concerning the 1941-1942 census of the Jewish population; the famous pogrom of Constantine i...

  17. German troops in Greece

    Reel 2: 00:35:07 German tanks move through a mountainous area. Different shots of German soldiers talking and laughing with civilians, passing around a flask. Jerry cans are loaded onto a truck. German military vehicles parked in a village. Reel 3: 00:36:23 A German tank maneuvers along a mountainous road. A column of tanks passes through a village/vineyard. Reel 4: 00:37:35 Artillery, horses and men are transported across a wide river on pontoon boats. CU of two German officers speaking. A large group of German officers survey a vast rural area. A sequence of an explosion in a field (uncle...

  18. Records of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture

    Collection contains records of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture (Mezʺogazdasʹagi Minisztʹerium) about Jewish landowners, surveys of agricultural land and other real estate owned by Jews, execution of anti-Jewish measures, requests for exemptions or for postponements of their enforcement, gentile neighbors requesting appropriation of confiscated Jewish property, and decisions regarding the appropriation of Jewish owned land, real estate, and other property.