Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,861 to 12,880 of 58,959
  1. Selected records of the National Bank of Romania

    Contains records relating to the bank of Romania secretariat, reports on the economic situation, correspondence with others including the president of the Council of Minister, financial relations with the USSR, and a confidential note regarding Jewish property.

  2. Koralek family papers

    Consists of correspondence and documents related to the Holocaust experiences of the family of Oscar Koralek. Includes pre-war letters regarding attempts to secure visas to the United States and affidavits of support as well as a post-war letter describing the experiences of various members of the family and a 1950 issue of "New Neighbors" regarding the arrival of displaced persons to the United States.

  3. Shaving brush received in a concentration camp

    Shaving brush given to Elias Cala for safekeeping by a fellow inmate in 1944 at Auschwitz III-Monowitz concentration camp. The other inmate was a barber who gave the brush to Elias when he became ill. He was sent to the infirmary, but never returned. Elias had been deported to Monowitz from the Jewish ghetto in Mlawa, Poland, in November, 1942, with his wife and one-year-old daughter. His wife and daughter were selected for death upon arrival at Auschwitz. Elias was assigned to work as slave labor in the I.G Farben company’s Buna plant associated with the Monowitz camp. In January 1945, Eli...

  4. German troops in Belgium; civilian refugees flee

    Reel 1: 00:49.32 German troops on bicycles, through town (somewhere in Belgium). Streets and shops. Casino signs. Locals and German troops. Policeman. Belgium prisoners repairing a bridge, as civilians cross. German vehicles with WH markings, moving through a city street. Civilians with belongings piled on wagons, walking, along cobbled street. Horses. Men pushing a car loaded with belongings, small girl's face visible through car window. Elderly people and dog on top of cart. Children. Nuns. A group of civilians rest and watch the cameraman film them.

  5. Notice of achievement received by a boy in a Łódź ghetto orphanage

    Picture postcard presented to 12 year old Jakub Lapides in the school he attended in the Jewish ghetto in Łódź, Poland, from 1939-1942. It recognizes his contribution to student self-government in the orphanage from August-September 1940. Jakub and his three siblings were living in an orphanage in Łódź, Poland, when it was occupied by the Germans in September 1939. The Jews were forced into a ghetto and at first, things were better for the children because the Jewish Council gave orphans larger food rations. But soon conditions worsened and hunger was everywhere. Deportations to concentrati...

  6. Russian civilians interact with Germans during the Wehrmacht advance

    Reel 2: 00:39:46 German military vehicles move past damaged abandoned Russian military vehicles in the forest. German soldiers examine an abandoned Russian tank. German soldiers unload crates in a tent encampment in the forest. Pan of Russian civilians with suitcases resting in a field. 00:43:00 City, slow pan, badly damaged. Large, unique white building with rounded top floors. 00:44 Very large group of civilians (thousands) gathered in field. CUs/several angles of a tattered old Russian man speaking with German soldiers resting on a sidewalk; receiving a light for his cigarette; given a d...

  7. Susan Camis papers

    The papers consist of three photographs, two letters, a telegram, and two certificates documenting the Kollmann family during the Holocaust. Includes a letter and photograph sent to Susan Camis from Anna and Ernst Kollmann, Susan Camis's great aunt and uncle, who fled to Shanghai, China, from Vienna, Austria, in 1939; a telegram from Anna and Ernst Kollmann prior to their immigration to the United States in 1949; a photograph of Herta Kollmann, Susan's great aunt, with her mother; a photograph of her with her husband, Walter, Susan's maternal grandmother's brother; a birth certificate issue...

  8. Egg crate used as a suitcase by family living in hiding

    Egg crate used as a trunk by the family of 2-year-old Uriel Cohn to move their belongings from one hiding place to the next in the Netherlands. Eggs were brought to auction in these wooden egg boxes packed in a bed of hay to avoid breakage. On July 15, 1942, the family received a summons from the German occupying authorities for deportation to a labor camp. They decided to go into hiding instead. Uriel’s 6-year old brother, Michael, was placed alone with one family and Uriel was hidden by Everdina and Marinus van der Beek. The van der Beek’s soon offered refuge to both his parents and they ...

  9. Barbie Trial -- Day 14 -- Witnesses testify; Written depositions are read

    15:00 Prosecutor Libman asks the witness, Mrs. Paulette Roche, to authenticate photos of children from Izieu, which were published in a book written by Prosecutor Klarsfeld 15:01 President Cerdini calls the next witness, Dr. Adolphe Waysenson, to the stand; the witness presents himself to the court and is sworn in 15:02 The witness testifies; he stayed with his two younger siblings in the children's home at Izieu from the end of summer of 1943 through the winter of 1944, while his parents hid; when his parents found secure shelter in the winter of 1944, they returned to Izieu to pick him up...

  10. Willy and Catherine Fogel papers

    The papers consist of a Jewish New Year's card sent to Catherine Fogel by her brother, Aba Sztern, a prisoner in the Beaune-la-Rolande internment camp. In the card he writes that he hopes the family will be together before too long. Also included is a photograph of Jewish prisoners posing on a wooden bunk inside a barrack in the Beaune-la-Rolande internment camp.

  11. Barbie Trial -- Day 16 -- A written deposition is presented; a witness testifies

    13:44 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:45 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session 13:48 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:08 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement that he refuses to appear 14:10 Prosecutor Nogueres presents new information to the court, following a deposition made by the widow of a victim of Barbie'...

  12. Gabrielle Kahn Gilbert memoir

    Consists of one memoir, 9 pages, describing the pre-war, wartime, and post-war experiences of Gabriele (now Gabrielle) Kahn, originally of Mannheim, Germany. Gabriele's family was prominent in Germany, but fled the country in 1933, moving first to Paris, and then to the Netherlands. There, the family lived in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, and Blaricum, including a period of time in hiding, before escaping to the United States in 1941 by using Dr. Richard Kahn's (Gabriele's father) professional connections. Includes memories of Gabriele's psychological reactions to her pre-war, wartime, and post-wa...

  13. U.S. soldiers; airplanes entering Germany

    Three US Army soldiers in dress uniforms with combat helmets, posing in front of tent, walking toward camera, smiling. MCUs, on an airfield, prop plane, pilot winds propeller manually to start it, plane takes off, several bare-chested men are standing on airfield surrounding plane. VS, traveling shots from inside a moving vehicle, panning landscape of unidentified town, some destroyed buildings are evident. MS, US soldiers dressing/undressing at camp. CU, sign reads: "YOU ARE NOW ENTERING GERMANY; THERE WILL BE NO FRATERNIZATION WITH ANY GERMAN." A second sign reads: "FRANKREICH BRIDGE."

  14. Trial of the 20th of July plotters against Hitler

    Opening title: "Der 20. Juli 1944, vor dem Volksgerichtshof". Judge Roland Freisler and other judges enter courtroom and give the Nazi salute. The audience in the courtroom salutes as well. Close-up profile of Freisler. Title identifies General Major Helmut Stieff, one of the iniators of the attack on Hitler. Dark shots of Stieff as he stands before Friesler. Close up of a folder titled "Attentat auf den Fuehrer am 20 Juli 1944." The first page in the folder shows the layout in the room where the bomb went off. Shots of the destroyed room in Hitler's headquarters while Freisler's voice cont...

  15. Mezuzah pendant distributed to a young girl at the Bindermichl displaced persons camp

    Mezuzah pendant given to 10 year-old Anna Blatt in October 1945 in the Bindermichl displaced persons camp near Linz in Austria. It was given to Anna by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, working out of the U.S. Army office in the camp. When Anna first arrived at the camp, she continued to attend church and wear a cross, as she had done for the past 3 years when she and her mother, Ester, had hidden as Christians. She wore the mezuzah pendant as a charm and said later, “That little mezuzah restored my identity.” Anna, her parents, and her three older siblings had been deported...

  16. Karl Schneider memoir

    Consists of two copies of Karl Schneider's memoir of life in the Riga ghetto. He was a member of a transport from Cologne, Germany, which arrived in Riga in December 1941. He remained in the ghetto for the majority of the war, and discusses the establishment of schools and religious practices within the ghetto.

  17. Selected records from the collections of the Vaslui branch of the Romanian National Archive

    Contains records concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions, including selected records from the mayors' offices of Vaslui and Bŕlad; the prefecture of Vaslui district; the police headquarters of Vaslui and of Bŕlad; the gendarmerie of Vaslui; the Tutova district office of the Centrala Evreilor; and the Jewish Community in Bŕlad. Also included are postwar records of the Jewish Democratic Committees of Vaslui and Bŕlad.