Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,801 to 9,820 of 58,959
  1. Clarence Alberg collection

    Consists of seven photographs taken at the beginning of May 1945 depicting the aftermath of the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. Also includes a transcription of a letter originally dated May 8, 1945 written by Clarence Alberg, who worked for "The Stars and Stripes" during the war and arrived at Dachau on May 4, 1945. In the letter, dated May 8, 1945, Clarence described what he witnessed at the camp. Clarence is also depicted in one of the photographs.

  2. Envelope from Simon Wiesenthal

    One air mail envelope, printed with the return address of Dipl.-Ing. Simon Wiesenthal, Linz-Donau, Pacherstrasse 3, Austria. Addressed to Ernesto Klinger, Casilla Correo 2157, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and postmarked 9 April 1953 from Linz. No letter was found in envelope.

  3. Tamar Enkaova photograph collection

    Contains prewar and postwar photographs of donor and her family, including three wedding photos of sisters and one friend taken in 1941-1944 in Lyon, France.

  4. German troops return home

    Banner welcoming soldiers returning home by train reads a Hearty Welcome to you Brave Soldiers. Women, children and old men wave joyfully, and soldiers descending from railway cars hug girls, who offer flowers, to sound of song including Herrlich ist die Heimat. Tank crews lift children onto their flower-garlanded tanks to play. Cheering Germans in garrison town welcome back tank regiment as it parades by. Hitler Youth boys wave white handkerchiefs and young members of the BDM throw flowers at the tanks passing by. CUs of Germans.

  5. Anti-Semitic poster, "Nathan Kohn, der Wundersohn"

    1930s German poster depicting 10 antisemetic scenes of "Nathan Kohn, der Wundersohn", with individual captions. The heading on the poster reads "Kikeriki-Bilder-Bogen."

  6. Concert program and poster, Westendsynagoge, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1934

    One program from a choral and orchestral performance, as part of the "Weihestunde" series at the Westendsynagoge, Frankfurt am Main, 24 April 1934. Individual soloists (Edith Hernnstadt-Oettingen, Hilde Ruhm, and others) sang with the choir and youth choir of the Westendsynagoge, performing sacred and secular works of Georg Frederic Handel, Salomone di Rossi, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and others. Included is a poster announcing this performance.

  7. Andor Gergely and Lajos Kenéz papers

    The Andor Gergely and Lajos Kenéz papers consist of records documenting the lives, medical careers, relatives, and persecution of Andor Gergely and Lajos Kenéz in Oradea as well as wartime and postwar Hungarian printed materials. Andor Gergely and Lajos Kenéz records include biographical materials, student records, correspondence, and legal records documenting Gergely’s and Kenéz’s relatives, educations, medical careers, involvement and prominence in the Jewish community of Oradea, persecution as Jewish doctors under the Hungarian occupation, defense by colleagues who provided testimonials ...

  8. Drudgery Print 4 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting a line of prisoners pushing full wheelbarrows uphill while guards and dogs attach them at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. A few of the prisoners are identified with NN (Nacht und Nebel [night and fog]) on their uniforms. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were marked “Nacht and Nebel”, individuals presenting a...

  9. Jonas Turkow collection Spuścizna Jonasa Turkowa (Sygn. 364)

    This collection contains personal papers of Jonas (Jonasz, Janusz) Turkow (1898-1988), an actor and theater director who was born in Warsaw. The collection also contains personal documents of Jonas Turkow’s wife Dina Turkow, Naftali Herc Turkow (his father) and Zygmunt Turkow (his oldest brother, who was a famous actor and director, husband of actress Ida Kamińska. Also included are correspondence (i.e. with Jakub Waksman), literary works, posters, invitations, press cuttings, tickets, bills, receipts, business cards, notes, photocopies of pictures, engravings and sculptures, photographs an...

  10. Freud familie (Sig.19)

    Contains correspondence, reports, autobiographical writings, genealogical material, certificates and awards, financial, legal, and business records pertaining to the Freud family. Includes a photocopy of the 1938 registration of the property of Alexander Freud (April 19, 1866– April 23, 1943).

  11. Personal papers of Elsa Lüthi-Ruth Nachlass Elsa Lüthi-Ruth

    Contains personal papers and photographs of Elsa Lüthi-Ruth, a nurse for the Swiss Red Cross and in various internment camps in France during World War II. Papers consist of biographical materials and documentation on the Elsa Lüthi-Ruth activities. The main part of the collection consists of six personal albums that document her youth and studies, as well as her work during the war.

  12. Anti-Semitic Nazi sticker

    Anti-Semitic Nazi sticker: "Gestorben am/5 Marz 33." Depicts a man lying in bed. Red, white and red ink on paper with adhesive backing.

  13. German supplies and relief work during and after the campaign in France

    Line of German tanks on country road. Animated map traces German advance from Sedan to Abbéville in France, which was rapid despite what French newspapers predicted would be halted by fuel shortage. Fuel drums are loaded onto trucks in long line, unloaded from Junker planes and transported by Deutsche Reichsbahn trucks with trailers over bridge, past Wehrmacht signposts to Kraut, Mecheln, Krankensammelstelle [casualty center] and Brussels. Convoy passes Belgian traffic policeman in town and continues along country road. Lack of fuel foiled the attempted flight by "Jewish warmongers and Pari...

  14. Prosecutor's Office of Provincial Court in Kielce Selected records from the Prokurator Sądu Wojewódzkiego w Kielcach (Sygn. GK 461)

    Selected files of investigations conducted by the Prosecutor’s Office of the District Court in Kielce during the years 1945-1950, for crimes by Germans and their collaborators. Prosecutions based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (Sierpniówka) of the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN, Polish Committee of National Liberation), one of the world's first laws on liability for crimes of World War II. Decree also applied against former partisans of the anti-Communist Armia Krajowa, or Home Army, whom Stalinist propaganda portrayed as collaborators.

  15. Rosenthal family papers

    Correspondence, affidavit, identification and immigration documents relating to the experiences of Erich and Maria (nee Goldschmidt) Rosenthal, originally of Hamburg, their daugther Elisabeth (born in the Netherlands), and other family members, primarily documenting wartime experiences, the immigration of Maria and Elisabeth to El Salvador after the war, and following Erich's death at Bergen-Belsen, and their subsequent immigration to the United States.

  16. Jagiellonian University collection

    This collection contains unpublished studies by Michała Weichert, the Chairman of the Żydowska Samopomoc Społeczna, ŻSS (Jewish Social Self-Help) in the Generalne Gubernatorstwo (Generalgouvernement) during the war, biographical documents, as well as other documents from the Head Office of the Żydowska Samopomoc Społeczna in Kraków. These records refer to many Jewish communities on the territory of the Generalne Gubernatorstwo. Also included are newspaper clippings, studies by Wincenty Stypuła about the history of Jews in Kraków, and by Zygmunt Felczyński about the Jewish hospital in Przemy...

  17. Collection of applications of the Stalag II B in Hammerstein prisoners of war to the USSR Embassy in Berlin for the Soviet citizenship Zbiór podań jeńców Stalagu II B w Hammerstein do ambasady ZSRR w Berlinie o nadanie obywatelstwa sowieckiego (Sygn. 250)

    Contains 230 applications created by the Jewish soldiers of the Polish Army, kept by Germans as prisoners of war in Hammerstein (located in Czarne, the Province of Pomerania, Poland). Jewish soldiers directed requests to the Soviet Union Embassy in Berlin for the Soviet citizenship which would lead to get a chance to return home to their families. These applications contain prisoner's biographical information, their fate during the war, as well as some letters from the applicants’ families, which had not reached their recipients.

  18. Invitation to memorial ceremony at Tomb of Rachel, Passover 1946

    One printed invitation letter, announcing a memorial ceremony for victims of the Holocaust, to be held at the Tomb of Rachel, Bethlehem, Passover 1946.

  19. Magen David Adom and Ben Zion Patkin records

    Contains records of the Magen David Adom (a "Jewish Red Cross" founded in Tel Aviv in 1930 as a First Aid Society) collected by Benzion Patkin. Includes annual reports, correspondence, newspapers, and photographs and relates to the Magen David Adom assistance to Palestine, and to Jews in Europe and Shanghai.

  20. Leon Goldensohn papers

    The Leon Goldensohn papers consist largely of original, typescript notes of 137 interviews conducted by Dr. Goldensohn with Nazi defendants and witnesses during the trials of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, from January to July, 1946. Goldensohn served in the United States Army as a prison psychiatrist during this period, and conducted these interviews with the aid of a translator. In addition to interview typescripts, this collection contains resumes drafted by some of the defendants, correspondence, notebooks, photographs, texts of speeches delivered by Goldensohn, as we...