Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,861 to 9,880 of 58,959
  1. Photographs and documents from unidentified refugees, Bavaria

    Contains 22 photographs showing unidentified displaced persons in various locations in southern Germany, includes wedding photographs, New Year's greeting photographs, funerals, and pictures of individuals and groups. Most photographs contain inscriptions on verso in Polish or Yiddish. Also includes a driver's license issued to Moses Kolin in Eichstaett, June 1948; a delegate's pass to the second national convetion of Brit Ha Zhoar, Munich, December 1947; and a program for a musical recital in Bucharest, Romania, on behalf of HaOved HaZioni, with the Orchestra Fratii Honigsberg, November 1947.

  2. Rosenzweig family papers

    The collection consists of post-war documents relating to the family of Naftali and Paya Rosenzweig while they were living in the Landsberg am Lech displaced persons camp between 1949-1951. Included are immunization cards for Naftali, Paja, and their children Israel, Chana and Srulik as well as birth, marriage, and ORT certificates from the camp and naturalization certificates for Naftali and Paja after their immigration to the United States.

  3. Veidlinger family collection

    Consists of seven photographs of the Weidlinger (now Veidlinger) family, originally of Hungary. Includes wartime photographs of the family, including images in which the members are wearing Magen David (Stars of David). Also includes Andor (Andrew) Weidlinger's Red Cross identity card in Hungary, dated October 10, 1944; the card was altered into a Russian identity card in 1945. The family received Salvadorean citizenship papers via George Mantello.

  4. Records from the Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and anti-Semitism

    Contains records of the Jewish Council to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism, including correspondence, minutes, annual reports, newspaper clippings, pamphlets and magazines.

  5. French National Railway (SNCF) records

    Contains the wartime records of the French National Railway (SNCF). The records relate to relations with the German and Allied authorities, wartime operation of the company, statutory texts produced and decisions made by the Board of Directors between 1939-1945. The records contains minutes, meeting notes, agendas of the Board of Directors, company annual reports, correspondence of the Secretariat of the Board of Directors, and Executive Committee records. Includes also military records relating to mobilisation of staff, prisoners of war, secondment to the Deutsche Reichsbahn, demarcation o...

  6. Anti-Semitic Nazi sticker

    Anti-Semitic Nazi sticker: "Tod dem Marxismus. Her zu uns! The sticker depicts a man with a swastika-emblazoned hammer about to strike a man wearing a tuxedo and top hat; the bottom half of his body is that of a serpent-like creature. Red, white and red ink on paper with adhesive backing.

  7. Boletín informativo de la Delegación de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas

    Contains an incomplete set of the serial titled: Boletin Informativo de la Delegacion de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas (D.A.I.A), published by D.A.I.A., in Buenos Aires, 1935- . One folder also contains newspaper clippings and articles from various Latin American newspapers concerning the 1992 terrorist bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires.

  8. Selected records from the State Archives in Poznań, Branch Archives in Piła

    Contains records relating to Jewish communities in the cities of Chodzież, Piła, Szamocin, and Trzcianka, in Poland. Included are mainly correspondence, regulations relating to marriages, schools, cultural institutions, and religious objects for Jews. Also contains a name lists of the French prisoners of war and Polish and German workers working in German factories.

  9. Kaufering IV liberation photographs

    Contains six photographic prints of corpses at the Kaufering concentration camp, after liberation, 1945.

  10. Selected records from the State Archive Livorno

    Contains records from the Prefecture of Livorno as well as the Police of Livorno relating to the racial laws and their implementation in Livorno. Records include a census of Jews of Livorno municipality in 1938 and other records relating to internment in concentration camps, and arrests of Jews.

  11. Robert Elias family papers

    Collection of documents and photographs relating to Miksa Elias and Erna Berger Elias. The collection includes a 1945 copy of a forced labor brigade workbook; travel permit from Vienna to Csenger, Hungary issued in May 1945; Ketubah issued on October 16, 1898 to Hertzko Hakohen and Hentshe, daughter of Yakov in Mateszalka (donor's maternal great grandparents); Ketubah issued February 10, 1924 to Yonatan Benjamin, son of Abraham Yehuda and Miriam daughter of Naftali Hertzko (donor's maternal grandparents); Norwegian travel document, notice from World Jewish Congress notifying donor's materna...

  12. Provincial Jewish Committee in Warsaw Wojewódzki Komitet Żydowski w Warszawie (Sygn. 352)

    Contains the records of the Provincial Jewish Committee in Warsaw (Wojewódzki Komitet Żydowski w Warszawie, WKŻ), which was established in September 1944 and was subordinated to the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce, CKŻP). Records consist of correspondence, organizational files, testimonies, statistics, personal files from the staff, financial records relating to matters of the survivors of the Holocaust.

  13. Walter Brewer Jr. papers

    Contains four photographs, and one one-page typescript document, dated "Ohrdruf, Germany, April 9," which describes how the inhabitants of the town of Ohrdruf were confronted with the concentration camp in their midst after its liberation by Allied soldiers, 1945. Photographs consist of four snapshots of Walter Brewer, Jr., during his military service in World War II.

  14. Grausz family papers

    The collection contains documents and passes issued to members of the Grausz family in Budapest, Hungary, August - October 1944, including Swedish protective passes (Schutz-Passe) issued to Laszlo (Ladislaus) and Felicitas Grausz, a document signed by the Swedish legation attesting that documents issued to Laszlo and Jan-Pál Grausz are legitimate and can be used as passports, and Hungarian issued documents requiring Jan-Pál Grausz to register with the police on a weekly basis, and exempting him from wearing a yellow star. The collection also includes English translations.

  15. Leopold Prinz document

    Consists of German identification card (Kennkarte) of Leopold Prinz, born in 1888, which was issued on February 6, 1939. The document identifies Mr. Prinz as a Jewish man living in Berlin and includes a photograph. Mr. Prinz was able to leave Germany in 1939 and emigrated with his mother to Haiti and, in 1940, to the United States.

  16. Escape attempt Print 6 from a set of reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Print reproduction of a sketch, from a set of fifteen, depicting a prisoner being shot for trying to escape when a Kapo actually knocked him out of a line of prisoners moving along the perimeter fence at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, and published in 1946. A few of the prisoners are identified with NN (Nacht und Nebel [night and fog]) on their uniforms. The sketches were originally created in secret in the camp by Henri Gayot and the published set includes an introduction by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. Both men were m...

  17. Selected records of the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts from the State Archive in Prešov

    The trial and investigative records of Slovaks and former Hlinka guard members tried in the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts for collaborating with the German security forces. Includes the trial records of individual Slovaks accused of denouncing their Jewish neighbors, the trial records of regional Hlinka Guard commanders responsible for the deportation of local Jews, as well as the trial records of major political defendants, such as Karl Schmidt, the former chief of the Deutsche Partei in Bardejov since 1939 and Jan Kapralčík, former district chief of the district S...

  18. Archivio della Nunziatura Apostolica in Parigi (1936-1939) Archive of the Apostolic Nuncio in Parigi (1936-1939)

    Contains records of the Apostolic Nuncio in Paris of Pius XI relating to foreign political affairs. Includes hanwritten notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings and other materials of Mons. Valerio Valeri, Apostolic Nuncio to France in Paris.

  19. Andrew D'Alessandro photographs

    Consists of 22 photographs taken by Andrew J. D'Alessandro, who was a member of the United States Army during World War II. The photographs, which are mounted, depict D'Alessandro and members of his unit and images of American soldiers viewing corpses and speaking to survivors after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp.

  20. Reuben family papers

    Contains correspondence and forms related to Mrs. E. Reubens, of Cardiff, Wales, and her efforts to assist Jewish displaced persons at the Bergen-Belsen refugee camp, 1945-1946. Includes pre-war correspondence regarding her involvement in Jewish organizations in Britain that sought to assist German-Jewish refugees, dated 1933-1938.