Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,781 to 9,800 of 58,959
  1. Red Cross notice about Isidor Gutter's deportation to Sobibor

    Notice from the Dutch Red Cross stating that Isidor Gutter [donor's maternal grandfather] was deported to Sobibor on July 20, 1943, as per the testimony of Sara (Selma) Engel-Wijnberg and her husband Chaim Engel; dated October 8, 1947; in Dutch.

  2. "Dinnertime Survivor Tale"

    Consists of one memoir, 16 pages, entitled "Dinnertime Survivor Tale," by Harvy Simkovits, originally of Kassa (Kosice). In the memoir, Mr. Simkovits describes his mother describing her Holocaust experiences over dinner and how she survived the war as a Slovak-Hungarian Jew. In 1944, when Germany invaded Hungary, the family moved from Kassa to Budapest, using false papers and posing as non-Jews. She described learning of the deportation of the Jews of Kassa, who were sent to Auschwitz in May 1944. She also described life in Budapest at the end of the war and returning to Kassa (Kosice).

  3. Wiznitzer and Feuerstein family papers

    The Wiznitzer and Feuerstein family papers consist of biographical materials, memoirs, and photographs documenting Edward, Julia, and Abe Firestone from Kołomyja, Poland (now Kolomyia, Ukraine), the family arrangements they made after the war in order to immigrate to the United States, and their Wiznitzer and Feuerstein family members who perished during the Holocaust. Biographical materials include a postwar pass allowing Edward Feuerstein to move freely about Wrocław, a membership card for the Committee of Liberated Jews for Julia Feuerstein, a certificate in lieu of passport for Edward, ...

  4. Clay crematorium tag stamped 5781

    Clay disc, stamped with the number 5781, of the type that was placed with the body of deceased inmates to be able to identify the ashes after cremation. The numbers on the tags did not correspond to prisoner numbers. Produced in large quantities, not all the tags were used. Little is known about the origins of this clay tag. It was recovered by a retired United States Army colonel, identity unknown, shortly after his division liberated an unknown concentration camp in Germany. Similar discs were used at Dachau, Majdanek, Sachsenhausen, and Theresienstadt concentration camps.

  5. Salm family papers

    The Salm family papers contain biographical materials, correspondence, emigration and immigration records, and restitution papers documenting the Salm family of Cologne, Germany and their immigration to the United States. The papers primarily consist of biographical materials and emigration and immigration records of Kurt and Meta Salm’s immigration to the United States in 1937, and Kurt’s parents David and Anna Salm’s immigration to the United States in 1940. Biographical materials include birth, marriage and death certificates; identification papers; military papers of David Salm, includi...

  6. Justice Ministry : State Public Prosecutor's Office at the Superior State Court Vienna, Dept. 6, 1939-1945 ; Miscellaneous Matters of Penal Institutions Justizministerium : Staatsanwaltschaft beim Oberlandesgericht Wien, Abt. 6, 1939-1945; Diverse Angelegenheiten der Vollzugsanstalten-Sammelakten

    Contains reports and communication documents from various prisons, penal institutions and detention facilities in the Ostmark (Austria), Bohemia and Moravia, and the General Gouvernment including Stein an der Donau, Hirtenberg, Krems, Kaiser-Ebersdorf, Znaim (Znojmo), Oppeln (Opava), Posen (Poznań), Vienna, and others; personnel matters of various courts and prosecutor's offices, including Vienna; lists of employees of the penal system; petitions received from inmates, including Jews; reports about incidences and infractions in the various penal institutions, including escaped inmates; repo...

  7. David John Leslie Pihlstrand collection

    Consists of 32 photographs from the collection of David John Leslie Pihlstrand, a member of the 65th Infantry Division of the United States Army during World War II, and participated in the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp. Includes images of Mauthausen liberation, including the quarry, of Russian soldiers, of German prisoners of war, and of damaged buildings in Austria. Also includes a postcard related to Pihlstrand's selective service, and a small group of mass produced photographs of the liberation of Buchenwald and Ohrdruf. Some of the original photographs have been capti...

  8. Yehuda Avisar papers

    The Yehuda Avisar papers consist of biographical and military materials, correspondence, creative writing, and photographs documenting Avisar’s activities as a Company Sergeant Major (CSM) in the 1st Camouflage Company of the Royal Engineers, Central Mediterranean Forces (CMF). Biographical and military papers include Avisar’s service and pay book and discharge book and a movement order. Correspondence includes letters among Avisar, E. Aronov, Yisrael Karmi, and others discussing the war. Creative writing includes skits, poetry, songs, and essays documenting the cultural life of Avisar’s mi...

  9. Life (New York, New York) [Magazine]

    Life Magazine issue with an article with images of Marta and Franz P. Jager arriving on the Tatua Maru, a Japanese passenger ship, after fleeing Nazi ruled Vienna, Austria.

  10. District Court in Siedlce, branch Biała Podlaska Sąd Okręgowy w Siedlcach. Wydział Zamiejscowy w Białej Podlaskiej (Sygn. GK 284)

    The collection contains selected files of the trials from the District Court in Siedlce-Biała Podlaska during the years 1945-1956. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Most of the investigation was discontinued. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. “Sierpniówka” was one o...

  11. Selected records related to camps and prisons Zbiór akt obozowych i więziennych (Ob.)(Sygn.GK 165)

    Selected materials related to concentration camps Bełżec, Treblinka, Chełmno, Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Płaszòw, and Gross-Rosen; ghettos in Warsaw, Siedlce, and Limanowa; and the labor camps for Jews in Poznań: testimony of witnesses and suspects, photographs, postcards, letters, certificates of death, travel passes, texts of prayers, staff lists, lists of ex-prisoners, documents of Poland’s military mission in London, daily reports of the Leiter des Ordnungsdienstes (Head of Order Service) of the Warsaw ghetto.

  12. Rabbi David Bergstein collection

    Consists of correspondence to the United States from yeshivas in Wolozyn and Jałówka, Poland, in the 1920s-1930s. Also includes correspondence related to the Vaad Hahatzala and extensive notes related to relief money and packages sent to individual Jews in Poland between 1942-1943, organized by date, and notes related to relief money sent to individuals in the immediate post-war years.

  13. Collection of various documents Obce registratury (Sygn.VI)

    Records collected by various institutions, organizations, and offices: correspondence of prisoners from several camps and of prisoners of war; documents regarding individuals released from camps at Bliżyn, Dębica, Zamość, and Krochmalna Str. in Lublin; minutes of meetings of chief village headmen and town mayors in Kraśnik district (1941‒1944); lists of people arrested in the village of Jamy; documents of the Arbeitsamt (labor office) in Lublin; files from the St. Paul parish in Lublin regarding prisoner deaths; other documents.

  14. Szereschewski family papers

    Collection of documents, correspondence, and photographs documenting the Szereschewski family in Danzig before the war; Charlotte Szereschewski's experiences in England after arriving there on the Kindertransport; and her parents, brother, and other immediate family members' experiences in Mauritius and Egypt after their attempted illegal immigration to Palestine and prior to their immigration to the United States.

  15. Amelia Rosenfeld Kahn letters

    Consists of letters sent to Amelia Rosenfeld (later Kahn) (Milly Kahn) from her family, who remained in Aub, Germany, after Milly was able to emigrate to Paris, France, where she met her husband, Solly (Sol) Kahn. The letters, dated 1933-1942, are from her mother, Regina Rosenfeld; brother Heinrich; and Martha, Abraham, and Senta Kammenmacher, her sister's family. The letters describe their emigration attempts, which were ultimately unsuccessful.

  16. Kalman Epsztein photograph

    Consists of one photograph of Kalman Epsztein (third from front) at a protest in Cremona, Italy during the war. Kalman was born in Borszczow, Poland (now Ukraine) in 1916.

  17. Historical Archive of the Alliance of Swiss Jewish Women's Organisations (BSJF) Bund Schweizerischer Jüdischer Frauenorganisationen (BSJF) (gegr. 1924) Historisches Archiv

    The collection consists of the complete working papers of the Bund Schweizerischer Jüdischer Frauenorganisationen (BSJF), including minutes, reports, correspondence, publications, etc.

  18. Irving P. Eisner correspondence

    Consists of one letter, four pages, written on May 15, 1945, by Irving Phillip Eisner, a Jewish soldier in the American Army. In the letter, Mr. Eisner described what he witnessed touring the Buchenwald concentration camp and asked his father to pass along a message from a survivor to a family member living in the United States.

  19. Queen's Day parade; visiting a deer park in the Hague

    Crowded parade in the Netherlands, probably for Queen's Day [Koninginnedag] on April 30, most likely in 1938. Floats proceed around a corner, shop sign, "J. Wagema..." visible in BG. Group of butchers in white march together holding a sign reading (in part) "De Platte Rib" with a drawing of a pig and hanging sausage links. Another float with men in crowns folllowed by police on horseback, men with instruments, a dragon float, a costumed and masked man with a hooked hand and barefeet, and a float carrying costumed Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (a dubbed Dutch version of the Disney movie pr...

  20. Central Committee of the Jews in Poland (CKŻP). Productivity Department Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP). Wydział Produktywizacji (Sygn. 303/XII)

    Records of the Wydział Produktywizacji of the Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce (CKŻP) (Central Committee of Polish Jews): employment offices, vocational courses, production co-ops, individual workshops, farms, financial aid for enterprises, and statistics.