Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,761 to 9,780 of 58,959
  1. Regional Hungarian Records

    This collection contains records from various archival repositories including the Hungarian Ministries, Lutheran Church and Jewish community. Records relate to visas and emigration applications; confiscation of Jewish properties; petitions for aid and tax documents. Included is a list of Jews of Sopron and an inventory of Jewish confiscated properties, 1945-1946.

  2. Records of German authorities Zbiór dokumentów niemieckich władz okupacyjnych (Sygn. 233)

    Contians records relating to the activities of central authorities and institutions of the Third Reich, mainly general orders or ordinances directed mainly at Jews as well as statistics and reports; records relating to the activity of regional authorities in the General Government, Upper and Lower Silesia, the Warthegau, as well as the offices of authorities and institutions of individual local towns and cities; personal documents relating to the settlement of child care, property and the consistency of marriages with the Nuremberg Law, including school certificates, parent-teacher correspo...

  3. Pre-war manuscripts of masters theses Prace magisterskie napisane przed 1939 rokiem (Sygn.117)

    Contains 64 masters theses submitted in the 1930s at the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Jewish Studies on subjects connected with Jewish history, culture and religion. Professor Majer Bałaban (1877-1942 in Warsaw getto) was a tutor to most of them, along with professors: Stanisław Arnold (1895-1973), Mojżesz Schorr (1874-1941), Bronisław Gubrynowicz (1870-1933), Jan Korwin- Kochanowski (1869-1949), Józef Ujejski i Stefan Czarnowski. Several professors and most of the students, authors of these works, were killed in the Holocaust.

  4. Nachlaß Harry Freud (Sig. 68)

    Contains correspondence, reports, autobiographical writings, genealogical material, certificates and awards, financial, legal, and business records pertaining to Harry Freud (1909-1968), son of Alexander Freud. Features correspondence from, to, and among Alexander Freud, W. Ernest Freud, Anna Freud, Esther Freud, Marie Freud, Sophie Freud, and other Freud family members; photographs of Alexander Freud and Anna Freud, among others; various newspaper clippings about mostly Sigmund Freud, the establishment of the Freud Museum in Vienna, and Anna Freud; also features photo albums containing pho...

  5. Oral history interview with Sam Bronkesh

  6. Collection of maps and plans Zbiór planów i map (Sygn. 245)

    This collection contains 201 maps and plans (some of them in several copies) from very different provenances and dates of origin, some are undated. The maps of the period prior to 1939 mostly include plans of the following towns: Biała, Częstochowa, and Otwock. The largest and most valuable parts of the collection consist of plans and maps of 1939-1945, including: 1. Plans of ghettos, e.g. Baranowicze, Białystok, Częstochowa, Kielce, Kowale, Kraków, Łódź, Sosnowiec, Warsaw. 2. Plans of concentration camps and labor camps, e.g. Bełżec, Chełmno, Sobibór, Treblinka, Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birke...

  7. Introductory text for a portfolio of 15 reproduced sketches by a French artist and concentration camp prisoner

    Introductory insert, in French, for a portfolio of secretly created prisoner sketches from Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp in France, which were reproduced, engraved, and published in 1946. The originals were created by Henri Gayot and the introduction was written by Roger LaPorte: both members of the French resistance and prisoners in Natzweiler. The sketches depict daily camp life and prisoner abuse, particularly for prisoners like Gayot and LaPorte, who were marked as Nacht und Nebel (NN) [night and fog], and were meant to “vanish” in the camp. LaPorte was arrested by the German S...

  8. Joseph Winkler papers

    Identification and travel documents, news clippings, photographs (20), correspondence, and other materials documenting the experiences of Joseph (Jozef) Winkler, a Polish petroleum engineer, in his pre-war professional and academic life in Drohobycz and Lwow, Poland; his wartime exile in the Soviet Union; his immediate postwar years as a Polish commercial attaché in Washington, DC and New York; and his immigration to the United States with his wife, Aniela, and daughter, Marie, in 1947.

  9. Carl Nelson collection

    Consists of photographs collected by Private Carl Nelson, Jr., a member of the United States military during World War II and who participated in the liberation of an unknown concentration camp. The photographs depict various concentration camps after liberation, as well as photographs of United States military personnel. Also includes a copy of a certificate honoring Carl Nelson's service and a copy of his discharge papers.

  10. Doris Berry collection

    Consists of letters, photographs, and propaganda pieces sent from Otti Hahn, of Chemnitz, Germany, to Doris Berry, of Washington, DC, between 1933 and 1936. Otti, a German teenager, wrote to her pen pal Doris about her life and about the activities of her BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel) enclosing photographs of the group and pieces of Nazi propaganda. Includes a postcard commemorating the one year anniversary of January 30th, 1933, and two flyers distributed by the "Fichte Association (Fichte-Bund)" (Deutscher Fichte-Bund) entitled "Hitler's Appeal against the madness of Versailles" and "France-...

  11. Hanna Moneta photograph collection

    Collection of photographs depicting the Moneta family in Krakow, Poland before the war; members of the "Akiba" Zionist youth organization in Kielce, Poland during "Hachshara"; Hanka Moneta, who survived Płaszów, Auschwitz concentration camp and Bergen-Belsen, after the liberation in Sweden during recuperation; photographs of Mordechai Moneta (Hanka's husband) with his "Beitar" group.

  12. Jason Finkel collection

    Consists of five black and white photographs depicting wartime burial of corpses by German personnel and others. The majority of photographs may have been taken on the eastern front. Also includes one photograph of emaciated male prisoners, also seemingly wartime.

  13. Bulgarian labor camp photographs

    Consists of six photographs taken in Bulgarian labor camps of groups of workers. Isaac Varsano is one of the workers depicted in the photographs.

  14. Spandau prison negatives

    Consists of four strips of Minox negatives (consisting of approximately 33 images) which were taken clandestinely of Rudolf Hess while he was imprisoned at the Spandau prison in Germany in the 1960s. The photographs were supposedly taken by Col. Byrd, the warden of the prison at the time. The images depict Hess painting and in the prison's garden.

  15. Trial of David Frankfurter Prozess David Frankfurter Bestand

    Contains records of the trial of David Frankfurter in Chur, Switzerland, 1936. Includes personal documents of Frankfurter, correspondence, press articles, reports and protocols. The Jewish student David Frankfurter, shot to death the German Nazi official, NSDAP state party leader for Switzerland, Wilhelm Gustloff, on February 4, 1936, in Davos in the canton of Grisons, Switzerland. He was sentenced to a long prison term; pardoned in August 1945 and released.

  16. Zvi Barlev photograph collection

    Collection of photographs of the Bleicher family in Krakow; Frania Feuer Baral, who saved six children, including the donor's sister, by taking them from Krakow to Hungary and Romania; and the Hershkovits family in Rimovska Sobota, Czechoslovakia before and during the war, after the war in Italy, and later in Israel.

  17. Bea Caro collection

    Contains photographs and correspondence of the Raboy family in Rowno, USSR addressed to family in New York.

  18. Prayer book for Jewish soldiers

    Contains a copy of “Machzor,” condensed version of prayers for Jewish High Holidays (Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur), printed like a newspaper for Jewish soldiers and Jewish prisoners liberated form concentration camps; printed by Agudat Israel and Keren Ha’Torah in London, UK; in Yiddish and Hebrew; dated September 1945.

  19. Leon and Sally Korn photograph collection

    The collection includes photographs primarily depicting life among displaced persons at Föhrenwald displaced persons camp, 1946-1949, including Leon and Sally Korn at their wedding and with their young daughter. Also included are images of a Jewish soccer club, Makabi Ferenwald, including a team portrait, as well as a portrait of a team from the Landsberg displaced persons camp.

  20. Literary works Utwory literackie (Sygn. 266)

    Jewish literary works: poems, memoirs, letters, songs, literary and political notes, written in various ghettos, mainly in the Łódź ghetto (Litzmannstadt), as well as in various concentration camps in Poland and Lithuania. Includes also copies of „Getto szriftn“, a clandestine newspaper published in Łódź ghetto, and some personal photographs. This collection consists of both original work (mostly from the Ghetto Litzmannstadt (Łódź)) and their postwar copies.