Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,101 to 8,120 of 58,959
  1. Selected records of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Poland Prokuratoria Generalna RP (Sygn. 347)

    Statements of death, with accompanying investigative documentation, issued by the Office of General Prosecutor in Kielce. Majority of records relate to Kielce Jews from the years of German occupation. Prosecutor's investigations cover the period from 1945 until 1951. Included are persecution of civilians, descriptions of the deaths of individuals and groups of people murdered by the occupier, deaths of Poles who perished in labor camps, concentration camps, and displacements, and the persecution of Jews. Most of investigations of the Attorney General (General Prosecutor) in Kielce relate to...

  2. Agriculture in the 1930s, private films

    Various activities in agriculture in the 1930s, a movie about agriculture in earlier years

  3. Benjamin Buchsbaum papers

    The collection primarily contains correspondence sent to and from Benjamin Buchsbaum, of Philadelphia, relating to his efforts to rescue relatives, friends, and strangers from Nazi-occupied Europe and bring them to the United States. Correspondence is often from those he sought to help, as well as others who recognized his efforts, and dates from the period of the Holocaust up through the 1960s. The album was presented to Buchsbaum by his family on the occasion of his 70th birthday in 1958, but he added letters to the album that he received from some of the correspondents in subsequent year...

  4. Records of the Geneva Office of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1945-1954

    Records of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC), Geneva Office, relating to global overseas operations in the immediate post-World War II (WWII) period: global rescue and relief efforts, primarily focused on resettling Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors around the world; facilitating the renewal of Jewish life in Europe; rebuilding Jewish communal institutions; and providing sustaining aid to the remnants of Jewish communities worldwide. This collection include: correspondence; committee and board meeting minutes; field reports from worldwide staff; budgets; income a...

  5. Newborn child welcomed into the Frank family

    EXTs hospital in Munich (where Brigitte Frank gave birth to each of her 5 children), snow on ground. Hans Frank steps out of a car with license plate reading: "IIA - 23818." INTs, CUs of newborn child, possibly Brigitte (Gitty) born in January 1935. Family members pose with mother Brigitte and baby - Lily (Hans Frank's sister) on left. Nurses. Flowers in the room. On the sidewalk with a tram behind, the children - Sigrid and Norman - push the baby in a pram, with mother Brigitte and a nanny. Sigrid mimics the cameraman. INT shots of woman holding newborn child.

  6. UNRRA selected records AG-018-027 : Sweden Mission

    Cables, miscellaneous correspondence, statistics, lists of unaccompanied children, search requests, minutes of meetings, and status reports from the UNRRA Swedish Mission Office relating to efforts to assist the Displaced Persons camps in Sweden after the war.

  7. Wolf and Schlesinger families papers

    The collection documents the pre-war lives of Rudolf Wolf and Gretel Schlesinger Wolf and their families in Frankfurt, Germany, as well as their immigration and post-war experiences in the United States. Included are biographical materials such as identification papers, diaries, and genealogical research; pre-war correspondence along with war-time letters written from family and friends in Germany as well as those who fled; immigration papers; restitution papers; and pre-war and post-war photographs of family and friends in Frankfurt and the United States. The biographical materials primari...

  8. Trip to Kaunas with Abraham Resnick

  9. Oral history interview with Oscar Cukierman

  10. Selected records of the town Chęciny Akta miasta Chęciny (Sygn. 121)

    Books of the traffic control of population, regulations, orders, budget, and statements of accounts of the Chęciny City Council related to expansion and revitalization of the city, construction industry, education, commerce and trade, and health (no years 1936-1939). In the interwar period the city Chęciny had more than 5,000 residents, including 56% of Jews. Jewish councils were very active in the City Council administration and influential on all city decisions.

  11. Łódź Ghetto

    Short shot from moving vehicle on bridge over street in ghetto at Lodz. Ghetto. Fences. "Ghetto Wehrm.-Angen. ist das Betreten verboten Fleckfieber. The Feldkommandant” Glimpse into the ghetto: barbed wire, people, open window, bed linen. Sign: "Die Aelteste der Juden in Litzmannstadt Federn u. Daunen Arbeits Ressort” 10:00:21 Jews in the ghetto behind the wall, children with the star, women with the star, men with the star. "Wohngebiet der Juden betreten verboten” [Residential area of ?? the Jews] 10:00:37 Soldier with rifle in front of guardhouse at the ghetto entrance. 10.00:42 Jews cros...

  12. 1000 Year Anniversary Celebration in Eschweiler, Rhineland

    Parade, Catholic parish, festival, marketplace, mass choir, theatre performance

  13. Hungarian Refugee Registration Cards

    Hungarian refugee registration cards, created in the outbreak of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956. More than 18,000 Jews fled to Austria. The AJJDC helped emigrants for resettlement, also supported two kosher kitchens in Vienna and furnished medical and religious supplies. While some emigrants stayed in Europe, other group of refugees emigrated to the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and Latin America.

  14. Goering's train in Ostmark

    Intertitle: “Ostmarkreise.” In Austria, Goering's train. Goering in white jacket in conversation with Nazi Party member. He walks along the rails, Arthur Seyss-Inquart is next to him. Civilians with “Heil” greetings, party members in white shirts and arm bands block off a crowd.View out traveling train at men greeting the train from the platform. Horse-drawn carriage moving through the woods, shot from the carriage. Men walk through the woods. White horses pull carriages. Goering in hunting costume with binoculars, accompanied by hunters, climbs in carriage with two white horses, travels in...

  15. Lviv city life

    Lvov, Poland. People on the sidewalk by Mickiewicz Square. Monument dedicated to Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz. Polish officers walk by on the sidewalk. Two men set up a camera on tripod. People on the streets of Lviv. Foot traffic by Mickiewicz Square. KINO building. Two young boys walk towards the camera. Bronze monument to Count Aleksander Fredro. A monument to Kornel Ujejski with a bust of Ujejski at the top. Pedestrians. “PLUTON” shop. Two men carry a banner for the Hungarian-born American actress and singer, Marta Eggerth: “MARTA EGGERTH. PALAC FLANDE” with a photo of one woman’s face o...

  16. Boxing

    Brief shots on board a ship: a large crowd observes a boxing match. A man’s hands in the foreground fumble with a matchbook. CU of the two boxers, one throws a punch.

  17. Files of the bailiff in Mogielnica Akta komornicze w Mogielnicy (Sygn.1326)

    Files of the bailiffs of Mogielnica, Poland, related to the recovery of Jewish debts. Selected cases relate to Jews from different towns and villages of the Grójec county, mainly from Mogielnica. The files generally contain documents typical for the execution of debt: a motion to the Court of Peace, the statement of a defendant, the claim of execution, i.e. the Verdict and Sentence of the Court of Peace, the warrant for execution, requisition of an estate on account of a debt, announcement of selling by auction, payment of the debt.

  18. UNRRA selected records AG-018-021 : France Office

    Selected records of the UNRRA Offices in France: correspondence between London and Paris, 1944-49, subject files, reports, and medical office files, 1944-48, monthly mission reports, daily bulletins, displaced persons reports, organizational charts, field operations, statistical reports of emigrants including unaccompanied children.

  19. Agricultural works

    Potatoes, horse-drawn wagons, plows, women carrying bundles of straw, rural women drinking from a bottle, motorcyclist, straw shovelling, grain sacks