Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,861 to 6,880 of 58,959
  1. Else Cheimovits Parnes papers

    Contains a handwritten document, prepared by Elsa Cheimovits (born 1925 in Velkysevlus, Czech Republic) on January 28, 1947, while she recuperated in the Renstrams Civic Hospital in Göteborg, Sweden after being liberated from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp with her sister Irene. The document records the deaths of Elsa's parents, Jeno and Zuhanna, and her siblings Eva, Elisabeth, Blanka, Frida, Mozes and Judith [Judit], whom Elsa believed all perished at Auschwitz.

  2. Rosenkrantz family collection

    Contains approximately 40 letters written by Aharon (Arnold) Rosenkrantz and his brother David (Dovid) Rosenkrantz to their parents, Josef and Pesia, in Vienna in 1938-1939, as well as a postcard of the ship Patria, in which one of the brothers, possibly both, boarded. Includes envelopes, with stamps removed. The collection also includes two letters by a brother from a Jewish summer camp in southern Austria in 1936, diary entries from Aaron from 1947, notebooks containing stories and poems written by Aaron, as well as birth certificates and his school and his physics and science studies not...

  3. Weinberg family collection

    Photographs and Yiddish notes surrounding Morton Steinberg's extended family in pre-war Europe

  4. Stolz and White families papers

    The Stolz and White families papers include biographical material, correspondence, school records, writings, restitution material, and photographs relating to the pre-war, wartime, and post-war experiences of Erika Stolz and her parents, Leon and Rosa, originally of Vienna, Austria. At the beginning of the war Erika was sent on a Kinderstransport to Christian boarding school in England. Leon and Rosa were divorced in Austria before the war. During the war, Leon and his future-wife Hermine fled to Italy and then Shanghai, where they remained until the invasion of the Japanese Imperial Army. ...

  5. Rose Zysman Murra and Nathan Murra collection

    Contains three original photographs of Rose and Nathan Murra and their "niece" Bronia in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp. There are also three copy prints of Rose and Nathan during the time period surrounding the Holocaust.

  6. Fuld family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Arthur Jacob Fuld (Artur Jakob Fuld), originally of Gießen, Germany, including his immigration to the United States via Cuba in 1941, his United States Army service as a sergeant with the 970th Counter Intelligence Corps, and his marriage to Ursula Gertrud Erftemeier in 1949. Included are identification papers, army records, birth certificates, historical family documents, post-war archival research and correspondence regarding the Fuld family, Ursula’s naturalization certificate, a postwar personal statement ("Lebenlauf"), and one m...

  7. Selected records from State Archives of the Volyn Region

    Selected records related to the German occupation of the Volhynia region during WWII (1941-1944), includes records of the local Ukrainian administration (regional, city and district administration) as well as records of German offices of the Stadtkommando des Ordnungsdienstes, Organisation Todt, Oberfeldkommandantur (O. F. K.), and a local branch of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)

  8. I.L. Perec Jewish Public School No. 162 in Łódź Żydowska Szkoła Powszechna nr 162 im. I. L. Pereca w Łodzi (Sygn. 2340)

    The collection includes: assessment books, books of school council, class books and grades. Contains lists of school children. After the war, it was the only Jewish school in Łódź, children who survived the war and had the experience of ghettos and camps were learning there. In the school, alongside Polish and Polish history, Hebrew and Yiddish were taught. Among the graduates of this school was Henryk Grynberg, a writer living after 1968 in the USA. In 2009, a film directed by Sławomir Grunberg entitled "The Peretzniks" was made, telling the story of the school and its pupils spreading aro...

  9. Proclamations regarding boycott of German products and the Transfer Agreements

    Contains seven proclamations regarding the boycott of German products and the Transfer Agreements, printed in Palestine; undated, likely 1930s. Includes propaganda and publicity handbills regarding the ban which the Yishuv imposed on German products. The proclamations are (in translation): "Begone German products!", advertisement for Velux razor blades made in Switzerland which "declared that it will protect all Jews"; a blank form addressed to the survey committee "regarding the Transfer and the boycott of German products"; "Until when will the Yishuv support Hitler?" proclamation calling ...

  10. Selected records of the Amtsgericht Mielau Sąd Obwodowy w Mławie (Sygn. 646) : Wybrane materialy

    A criminal case of Poles and Jews accused of illegal trade. They were sentenced to fines and prison.

  11. Postcard commemorating the 20th anniversary of a Jewish family’s emigration from Austria

    Postcard commissioned in 1958 commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Aliyah of a group of German Jews arranged by the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary organization in Palestine, with the assistance of leaders of the Revisionist Organization in Vienna. On March 13, 1938, Germany annexed Austria and created new legislation that restricted Jewish life. The postcard depicts the route a group of Austrian Jews took to escape the country. The journey began in the town of Arnoldstein, located on the border of Austria and Italy. The town was a frequent waypoint for German and Austrian Jews attemptin...

  12. Judenrat in Wilno Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Wilno (Sygn. 269)

    Records of the Judenrat in Wilno. Contains private documents of Szlam Prener: a proof of payment, a registration certificate, and a request to pay the tax applicable to the Jewish population in Vilnius.

  13. Erwin Stern collection

    Documents and photographs illustrating the experiences of Erwin Stern, born in Rechnitz, Germany and later of Vienna until 1939, when he and his sister Theresa were sent to France and hidden in the Château du Masgelier children's home. They came to the United States in June 1941 through a transport organized by the United States Committee for the Care of European Children. Includes documentaiton compiled in preparation for that journey, such as an affidavit in lieu of passport.

  14. Heinz Dieter Menge papers

    The collection documents the World War II-era and post-war experiences of German Luftwaffe fighter pilot Heinz Dieter Menge, who was a prisoner-of-war in Australia from 1941-1947 and later immigrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Included is biographical material, correspondence, clippings, immigration documents, two guest books with personal inscriptions and signatures by Menge's guests from the 1950s to 2000s, and photographs. There is also material pertaining to the German POW camp Dhurringile in Australia and reunions of former POWs, including over 50 group photographs. Many of these phot...

  15. German soldiers on the eastern front

    Some damaged film. Wehrmacht soldiers in Lukow, Bobruisk, Smolensk in 1942. German men in uniform by car with W.H. on fender. Behind them, “Maison Roblot.” Officers. Men in shorts, one scrubs his shoes. Shirtless German soldier washes clothes. Others sit around a table to relax. They run laps. Military vehicles. Horses pull a covered wagon across a wooden bridge. Destroyed bridge. Men work with tools. “PATHEX”

  16. Larisch family papers

    The Larisch family papers include biographical materials, correspondence, and photographs documenting the Larisch family from Vienna, Austria, their time in England and India during the Holocaust, and their immigration to the United States after World War II. Biographical materials document Kurt Larisch, his wife Ramah, his parents Moritz and Dora, and his daughter Linda. They include identification papers, birth and marriage certificates, and immigration records. Correspondence includes a 1920 letter from Kurt to his grandmother; a 1941 letter from Ernst Polaček in Derventa, Bosnia to Mori...

  17. Collection of materials for the history of the Jewish population in Łódź Zbiór materiałów do dziejów ludności żydowskiej w Łodzi (Sygn.205)

    This collection contains records relating to the history of the Jewish population in Łódź between 1939-1945. Includes bulletins, lists of various economic investments, a city administration telephone directory and correspondence, a collection of documents related to the creation of the ghetto, information leaflets (NSDP), court files in civil cases, correspondence of the Police (Gestapo. Geheime Staatspolitzei Litzmannstadt), lists of displaced people to Germany, Himmler directives, military messages from Hitler's headquarters, statistical summaries on the Łódź real estate, name lists of te...

  18. Oral history interview with Ibrahim Goga

  19. Archive of the City of Velké Meziříčí Archiv města Velké Meziříčí

    A registry of Jews born in Velké Meziříčí in the 19th century, a town in the Vysočina region. The expropriation and sale of the Jewish cemetery by the Auswanderungsfonds für Böhmen und Mähren (Emigration Fund for Bohemia and Moravia) to the municipality of Velké Meziříčí, 1943 to 1944.